Searching and finding sources
As information specialists, we try to match the digital and physical collection of the library as closely as possible to current research and teaching at the Faculty of Religion and Theology. You can come to us with questions about access to sources and with purchase suggestions for (e-)books, journals and databases you feel are missing from the collection. We are also happy to help you find the right sources for your research, lecture, essay or thesis. On this page you will find links to the subject area guides for Religion and Theology. These can serve as a starting point for your search for relevant sources.
Library tours and workshops about literature searching for students
In addition to managing the collection, we provide tours and workshops for students. At the beginning of the year, we show students around the University Library. Where can you find the reference books for your subject, how do you borrow books, and where can you find the best study spots? We also provide a number of regular workshops within the BA and MA programmes of Religion and Theology, in which students learn to navigate the information overload of the 21st century. Topics include: how do you decide what sources you need? Where and how do you start searching for sources? How do you find reliable information online? When do you know if you have found enough sources? But also: how do you turn your thesis into an article for a wide audience? Are you a teacher and interested in such a workshop as part of your course? We would be happy to discuss the possibilities.
On this page, you will find a link to a web course on research skills that you can complete independently as an advanced undergraduate or master's student of Religion and Theology.
Other questions?
For researchers, lecturers and students of Religion and Theology, we are the first point of contact for all library-related questions, for example about open access publishing of articles or teaching materials, using the special collections in your teaching or research, applying or developing innovative teaching tools, making knowledge clips or 3D prints, or collecting or visualising data within a digital humanities project. If necessary, we will gladly put you in touch with the relevant specialists within the University Library.