We provide data that can substantiate claims and make them apparent using visualisations and interactive dashboards. The RI team can develop dashboards tailored to your requirements on request. As such, insights on different facts can be provided for a research group, faculty or discipline. The dashboard below serves to illustrate the possibilities.
Team Research Intelligence makes impact visible
Visualising impact
The dashboard above provides an overview of the output and impact of research done by VU Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc. The information in the dashboard is divided into four pages, each showing a different aspect.
Performance indicators
In the Research Profile, you can see which subjects are being researched and how these are distributed across different disciplines. The visualisation on the right shows a more detailed breakdown per discipline. The Scientific Impact tab shows how often publications are cited in other academic works. Information on International Collaborations can be found via the fourth tab. The data shows which countries researchers have collaborated with. These data can be filtered by country, region and topic. The Societal Impact tab shows in which policy documents research is cited. Just as academic citations are used as an indicator of scientific relevance, mentions in policy documents can be used as an indicator of societal relevance.
The information in the dashboard can be used freely by VU staff. We do recommend contacting the RI team for proper interpretation of the data. Would you like to know more about measuring the impact of specific publications? Read more about the metrics and tools you can use.
Team Research Intelligence