We will review some characteristic features of an academic style in Dutch, practice with them and briefly discuss what their function is. Then we look at text material (length about 2 A4) brought in by participants. This allows us to compare the style of these texts with the academic style expected by the teachers.
Based on this comparison, you can practice rewriting your own text material during the workshop. You will get a clear understanding of what remains to be done and how to approach it. The workshop is designed in such a way that you as a participant will practice a lot yourself, (also) using your own text. At the end of the workshop you will receive a small manual on academic style, which you can use to work on your own.
Nel de Jong
The workshop lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes. You do not need to prepare anything, just submit in advance a text of max. 2 A4 that you want to work with during the workshop.
Date and time
New dates will be announced here. Want to be notified about new workshops? Then send an email to alp.fgw@vu.nl.
Number of participants
Maximum of 15
€ 20
Registration and contact information
For information, questions and registration, please send an e-mail to the ALP's course administration: alp.fgw@vu.nl. Please mention the workshop code and title: SCH-W-NL-1 / Hoe schrijf ik in een academische stijl?