The Department of Philosophy provides the bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, as well as various master’s degrees. Each programme begins with a number of core subjects, after which students can choose their own specialization. Teaching is generally small-scale and students are given the freedom to take their pick out of various courses, as well as choosing their own thesis topic. Besides these degree programmes, the department also provides basic philosophical education for virtually all VU Amsterdam bachelor’s degree programmes.
The bachelor’s programme devotes a lot of time to academic skills. The department also provides the option of taking a part-time or shortened bachelor’s degree, as well as minor programmes which allow students to explore new topics or deepen their specialist knowledge.
We are also responsible for basic philosophical education in most bachelor’s degrees across the university, as well as for the philosophical aspects of the interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). Teaching in the master’s programmes is mainly research-driven. The master’s degree in Philosophy also offers unique interdisciplinary tracks that combine philosophy with specific academic disciplines, allowing students to become an expert in the philosophy of a particular field.
Ad Verbrugge and Martin van Hees won teaching awards in 2008 and 2014 respectively; Marije Martijn was nominated for an award.