- Amsterdam Centre for Comprehensive Law (ACCL) (in Dutch)
- Amsterdam Centre for Climate Change and the Law (A4CL)
- Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law (ACMRL) (in Dutch)
- Amsterdam Centre for Family Law (ACFL) (in Dutch)
- Amsterdam Laboratory for Legal Psychology (ALLP)
- Amsterdam Law and Technology Institute
- Amsterdam Law Forum (ALF)
- Center for International Criminal Justice (CICJ)
- Centre for Public Contract Law and Governance (CPC)
- Centre of Digital European Legal History (CODE)
- Expertisecentrum Pensioen - Arbeids - Wonen/Zorg (EPAZ) (in Dutch)
- Expertisecentrum Pensioenrecht (in Dutch)
- Migration and Diversity Centre (MDC)
- VU Nexus Centre for multinational taxations (NEXUS)
- Zuidas Instituut voor Financieel Recht en Ondernemingsrecht (ZIFO) (in Dutch)
Centres of expertise Law
Centres of expertise serve as focal points of our research strengths and increase the visibility of our research. This facilitates cooperation with researchers from other disciplines and partners within and outside academia.