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Campus news

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News and current events

  • Post distributed twice a week from now on [January 2025]

    On Tuesdays and Fridays, incoming and outgoing mail is distributed in the various VU buildings between 13:30 and 14:30. Mail collected on Tuesday will be delivered on Thursday or Friday. Mail collected on Friday will be delivered on Tuesday or Wednesday. Read more.

  • Cleaning services adjusted [January 2025]

    Cleaning services have recently been put out to tender. The new contracts focus not only on good cleaning, but also on sustainability and innovation. Many standard services remain the same, but there are also a number of adjustments. This is tailored to developments on campus and VU Amsterdam's needs and financial frameworks. Read more.

  • Changed opening hours VU Main Building and Initium [October 2024]

    It turns out that some buildings have very low occupancy rates on weekends. A waste of energy right? From 28 October 2024, opening hours will therefore be adjusted for the VU Main Building and Initium on weekends and public holidays.

    What will change?

    • VU Main Building
      The Main Building will be closed from 28 October 2024 Saturday evenings, Sundays and public holidays. The new opening hours are:
      - Monday to Friday 07:00 - 23:00
      - Saturday 07:00 - 18:00
    • Initium
      Initium will be closed on Saturdays from 28 October 2024. The new opening hours are:
      - Monday to Friday 07.00 - 22.00
      - closed on weekends

    In the weekend before exam week, the Main Building and Initium will be open so that there are always enough study places available. Check for current opening hours.

  • Bicycle disposal operation on 2 December 2024 [October 2024]

    Twice a year, any bicycles on the grounds of VU Amsterdam that are broken or that have been left unused for a long period of time will be removed

    This will create space for bicycles that are being used. Around 18 November, red warning stickers will be attached to any bicycles that meet the above criteria for removal. Their owners have until 1 December to remove their bicycle, as all bicycles marked with a warning sticker will be removed on 2 December. If necessary, these bicycles’ locks will be cut away. The cost of repairing any damage to these bicycles will not be reimbursed. Read more.

  • Pilot collection of organic waste in Transitorium [July 2024]

    From 3 July, we will start a pilot for the collection of organic waste in pantries 1B40a, 2B40a and 3B40a in the Transitorium building.

    The pilot will last for two months. The organic waste bins will be emptied every day and the bins will be cleaned regularly.

    We will also start collecting separate waste for plastic packaging and drinking cartons and residual waste at the same time. 

  • Inholland leaving OZW building; space available for VU education [June 2024]

    In July, Inholland will leave the OZW building. We will then make the spaces on the 1st to the 5th floors suitable for VU education. The restaurant on the 1st floor will also be demolished this summer. A new teaching space will be created here later this year. 

    The aim is to carry out work that causes noise pollution before 9 a.m. The move will take place via the ground floor and passenger lifts. The contractors will reach the construction area via the basement and goods lift as much as possible to minimise inconvenience. If you do experience any inconvenience, please report it via FCO Service Desk.

  • 6 June: Polling station at VU Amsterdam [May 2024]

    The elections for the European Parliament are scheduled to take place on 6 June. A polling station will be open in the VU Main Building between 07:30 and 9:00. On the same day, you can cast your vote in a referendum on the capital's green space policy. 

  • Coffee machines with oat milk now in all VU buildings [May 2024]

    From 1 May, you will find a coffee machine with oat milk in every VU building.

    The new locations of coffee machines with oat milk are:

    • New University Building 2C-33
    • Initium 1B-88
    • BelleVUe 0H-00
    • Transitorium ground floor Main entrance
    • O|2 Lab Building ground floor 0W-00 

    The VU Main Building (HG-B0 opposite Mainstreet and HG 1A-18) and MF Building (D-014) already have oat milk coffee machines.

  • Ground floor toilet group Main building being renovated [April 2024]

    The toilet block in the central hall of the Main Building is outdated and is being renovated. It will be an inclusive toilet group accessible to everyone.

    The renovation of the toilet groups will start at the end of April and be completed in the summer. 

  • New office supplies supplier [April 2024]

    The office supplies contract was recently re-tendered. From 1 May, Staples will become VU Amsterdam and ACTA's new supplier of office supplies. Read more.

  • Information session on 3 June about demolition of W&N building [March 2024]

    The demolition of the W&N building is approaching. This autumn, the AB section will be ‘cut loose’ from the W&N building. The renovation of the AB section will start afterwards. On 3 June, we invite everyone to an information afternoon in the W&N building. Put that date in your diary. The invitation follows.

    The demolition of the W&N building is getting closer and closer. In the autumn of 2024, the AB section will be cut loose (physically and the cables and pipes) from the W&N building. Then the renovation of AB can begin. It is expected to be completed by mid-2026. The groups that work in the W&N building and will soon move permanently to the AB section, will now gradually move to their temporary workplace in the middle section of W&N. That part will stay the longest. After all, the demolition of W&N will take place in a very controlled manner and in phases.

    First, the wings (east and west) will be demolished. Once the groups from the middle section of W&N have moved to their final location in AB, demolition of the middle section can also begin. Before next summer, we will inform everyone on campus about what the demolition process looks like and what the impact will be for campus users.

    Temporary relocations 

    At the end of February, the first group in W&N moved to their temporary workplace in the middle section of the W&N building. It is expected that all groups will have moved by summer. To accommodate these groups for several years, the old restaurant is being renovated to prepare it for wet practicals and the old mailroom is being prepared for fieldwork. The basement is being adapted to house the equipment that can be used to break large rocks and, on the 5th floor, rooms are being prepared for the study associations.

    Closure of lecture halls and wings in W&N

    On more and more doors, you will see a poster stating that the space is out of use. The same applies to WN-G076. This space was closed on 1 March for renovations in order to establish a dry laboratory (Physics) here later this year. This was once a bookable meeting room, but has not been bookable for some time now. Please note that as from 1 March, the space can no longer be used by students for self-study or as a 3D extension.

    Demolition of W&N in the news

    See AT5’s news report: Iconic W&N building will be knocked down (12 March 2024) (in Dutch)

    Listen to VU Campus Radio’s interview with Frank Uijting: Demolishing W/N: Where do we go!? (broadcast of 16 February 2024)

  • Container deposit scheme at VU Amsterdam [February 2024]

    Would you like to redeem your can or bottle deposit via Tikkie or donate to a charitable cause? It is possible at VU Amsterdam!

    You will find the vending machine in the Main Building, opposite coffee corner Main Street on the ground floor. Hand in your bottle or can here and scan the QR code with your phone to get your deposit back. All you need is a smartphone with the Tikkie app. 

    You can also choose to donate your deposit to charity. This can be done either via the vending machine or via the donation bin located right next to it. Both are clearly identified by the deposit logo. All proceeds go to the Foundation for Refugee Students UAF. Read more.

  • 'VU Amsterdam will crack down on smokers' [February 2024]

    There is insufficient compliance with the smoking ban, which has been in place on campus since 2020. The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority gave VU Amsterdam an official warning after their visit. 

    In pursuit of a smoke-free generation, from 1 August 2020, all educational institutions are subject to a smoking ban on their premises. In the run-up to this, VU Amsterdam decided to switch to a smoke-free campus two months early in advance, to set an example for the surrounding area, they said. Read more (in Dutch).

  • Bicycle disposal operation 4 March 2024 [February 2024]

    Twice a year, any bicycles in the bicycle parking areas or on the grounds of VU Amsterdam that are broken or that have been left unused for a long period of time will be removed. This will create space for bicycles that are being used. Around 5 February, red warning stickers will be attached to any bicycles that meet the above criteria for removal. Their owners have until 3 March to remove their bicycle, as all bicycles marked with a warning sticker will be removed on 4 March. If necessary, these bicycles’ locks will be cut away. The cost of repairing any damage to these bicycles will not be reimbursed.

    Which bicycles will be removed?
    Any bicycles that have obviously not been used for a long period of time will be removed. These include bicycles that are missing essential components or those that are broken or bent of have flat tires. Many such bicycles are rusted or covered with a thick layer of dust.

    Can’t find your bicycle after 4 March?
    If you are unable to find your bicycle after 4 March, check with the FCO Service Desk (Main building KC-01, 020-59 85 777) to see whether your bicycle is on the list of bicycles that have been removed. Any bicycles on this list that are claimed will be returned to their owners.. End 2024, all of the remaining unclaimed bicycles on the list will be donated to Jahanka. This charitable organization is committed to improving the standard of living in Gambia.

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