Are you a VU researcher looking for a diverse and dynamic pool of participants for your studies?
The VU Behavioural Lab (VBL) invites you to join the VU Student Pool for Behavioural Science Research.
- Access a diverse pool of VU students.
- Conduct both online and offline studies.
- All participant information is collected per VU privacy policy and will remain anonymous.
What we offer:
- Various labs (e.g., cubicle labs, flexible labs, computer rooms) at VU.
- IT support and lab setup assistance.
- Limited lab assistance for faculty members (PhD students must run their own studies).
- Help connecting with other VU experts for specialized experiments.
- Help with the Payment of participants.
What we do not offer:
- VBL does not provide participant recruitment, data analysis, experiment creation, or Installation and usage of highly specialized programs/software on computers (e.g., ePrime; Z-tree) or technology (eye tracking, VR).
- Due to space constraint, the lab can (for now) not be used for Master thesis projects.