Only for a relatively small selection of chemicals, the health impacts associated with exposure over a lifetime are known. For the vast majority of all the chemicals that humans are exposed to there is very little knowledge about the exposure levels and the implications that these levels may have for human health. In addition, a thorough understanding of the health impacts of exposure to mixtures of chemicals is needed.
Human biomonitoring focuses on the assessment of exposure through the measurement of chemicals, their metabolites or specific health markers in human body fluids and tissues. Linking human exposure data to information on sources of chemicals and epidemiological surveys enables us to investigate exposure-response relationships.
OBELIX: Endocrine Disruptors and Obesity
DENAMIC: Developmental neurotoxicity of chemical mixtures in children
HBM4EU: EU human biomonitoring initiative
Phthalates in urine
ATEAM: Tools for exposure assessment and biomonitoring