Newer output for individual authors can be found at
Publications SPINlab
Kinds of publications
Articles & book contributions
This page lists the SPINLab’s articles in scientific journals until 2016. Furthermore, it lists book contributions. These can be complete books, monographs, chapter contributions and/or editorials. Newer output for individual authors can be found at
Slaakweg, A., Daalhuizen, F., Koomen, E., De economische vitaliteit van kleine kernen, Economisch Statistische Berichten (ESB), 100 (4701), pp.20-23, 2015.
Remarks: A Dutch national newspaper summarised part of the results almost correctly in a short articlevan Manen, N., Goad’s maps of fire hazards: mapping industrial risks, normalising industrial dangers, Le Mouvement Social (forthcoming), 2014.
van Manen, N., Les risques industriels d’incendie dans les centres urbains européens, fin xviie – début xxe siècle, in: Leroux, T. (eds.), Les Paris de l’industrie 1750-1920: Guide de l’exposition – Paris (novembre 2013 – janvier 2014) Réfectoire des Cordeliers, Paris 6e, 2013.
van Manen, N., Scholten, H.J., Belinfante, T., Cho, G., How to determine the economic value of geoinformation in Disaster and Risk Management?, in: Trinder, J., Backhaus, R. (eds.), The Value of Geoinformation for Disaster and Risk Management (VALID), UN / Joint Board of Geosp. Inform. Soc. / Int. Countil for Science, 2013.
Koomen, E., Dekkers, J.E.C., Rietveld, P., The impact of land use policy on urban fringe dynamics; evidence from the Netherlands, in: Abstract and presentation for the Cities and Nature Conference, Haifa, Israel, 2011.
Kusse, A.A.M., Scholten, H.J., Geo-informatie, een onmisbare schakel in crisismanagement, Trends in Veiligheid 2011 – 2012, pp.43-47, 2011.
Beerda, E., Locatie, locatie, locatie. Interview met econoom Jasper Dekkers, Experiment NL Deel 3 – Wetenschap in Nederland, 3, pp.36-37, 2010.
Dekkers, J.E.C., Geomarketing. The Buzzword Explained, Geoinformatics, 13 (2), pp.40-43, 2010.
Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., Contributions to modelling and analyses, in: Beck, J.P., Farjon, J.M.J., Folkert, R.J.M., Hoogervorst, N.J.P., van Veen, M.P. (eds.), Balans van de Leefomgeving, Den haag/Bilthoven, 2010.
Semeijn, B., Nederland in 2050: wijnland of woestijnland?, Weermagazine, 11 (4), pp.16-19, 2010.
Dekkers, J.E.C., Koomen, E., Koetse. M., Brander, L., Does proximity to open space increase the values of dwellings?: evidence from three Dutch case studies. Chapter 6, in: van der Valk, A., van Dijk, T. (eds.), Regional Planning for Open Space; The RTPI Library Series vol. 18, Routledge, London and New York, 2009.
van der Hoeven, E.M.M.M., Koomen, E., Nederland Klimaatproof; LANDS-scenario’s als hulpmiddel, Geografie, 17 (2), pp.21-23, 2008.
Remarks: This article is written within the framework of the ‘Aandacht Voor Veiligheid’-project (AVV)den Hertog, F.R.J., van Wilgenburg, R., Fietsen naar de super, Geografie, 16 (2), pp.16-17, 2007.
Steenbruggen, J.G.M., Beinat, E., Altijd weten waar je bent. Onderzoek nut van location awareness, GeoNieuws, 2007 (3), pp.10-11, 2007.
Koomen, E., De toekomstige inrichting van Nederland, Klimaatmagazine, september, pp.27, 2006.
Koomen, E., De Amsterdam a Figueroles, IG+, 5, 2006.
Scotta, A., Rumor, M., Un’introduzione ai geo-DBMS, Almanacco della Geomatica, januari, 2006.
Vermaat, J.E., Goosen, H., Omtzigt, A.Q.A., A multivariate analysis of biodiversity patterns in Dutch wetland marsh areas: urbanisation, eutrophication or fragmentation?, Biodiversity and Conservation, published on-line 27 October, 2006.
Beinat, E., Wagtendonk, A.J., Locatiegebonden informatietechnologie voor Rijkswaterstaat, GeoNieuws, 1, 2005.
Keesstra, S.D., van Huissteden, J., Vandenberghe, J., van Dam, O., de Gier, J., Pleizier, I.D., Evolution of the morphology of the river Dragonja (SW Slovenia) due to land-use changes, Geomorphology, 69 (1-4), pp.191-207, 2005.
Loonen, W., Sanders, M., Beleidsevaluatie van de EHS-kaart, Rooilijn, 7 (September), pp.335-339, 2005.
Schot, P., Loonen, W., Vink, C., U vraagt wij draaien: Ruimtelijk optimaal verdelen van kwaliteitswensen, Landschap, 22 (1), pp.55-62, 2005.
Uran, O., Rietveld, P., Janssen, R., Scholten, H.J., Spatial decision support systems: a user’s perspective, Journal of geographic information and decision analysis, 2005.
van de Velde, R.J., Geo-informatie op het Binnenhof, Geo-Info, 2 (12), 2005.
van de Velde, R.J., GIS in de werkschuur, Geo-Info, 2 (6), 2005.
van de Velde, R.J., Sleutelfunctionarissen in de GIS wereld, Geo-Info, 2 (1), 2005.
Wentzel, P., van Lammeren, R., Molendijk, M.A., de Bruin, S., Wagtendonk, A.J., Using Mobile Technology to Enhance Students’ Educational Experiences, ECAR Case Study 2, EDUCAUSE, 2005.
Bregt, A., Crompvoets, J., Scholten, H.J., van de Crommert, P., Die Niederländische Nationale Geodateninfrastruktur – Ruckblick, Gegewart und Zukunft, in: Bernard, L., Fitzke, J., Wagner, R.M. (eds.), Geodateninfrastruktur: Grundlagen und Anmwndungen, Herbert Wichmann Verlag, Huthig GmbH & Co.KG, Heidelberg, 2004.
Grothe, M.J.M., Steenbruggen, J.G.M., Smits, J.M., Location Based Services, altijd en overal informatie binnen handbereik, in: Bestebreur, A., Coops, R.H., Fenger, H.J.M., Hennephof, P., Vonk-Van Keller, M. (eds.), Management in overheidsorganisatie, 2004.
Kothuri, R., Godfrind, A., Beinat, E., Pro Oracle Spatial, Apress, New York, 2004.
van de Velde, R.J., De andere overheid, Geo-Info, 1 (7-8), 2004.
van de Velde, R.J., Angst voor technologie, Geo-Info, 1 (2), 2004.
van Popering, S., Wagtendonk, A.J., Investering in datakwaliteit kan vaak rationeler. Positieve rol van mobiel GIS bevestigd, VI Matrix, 12 (8), 2004.
Ale, B.J., Scholten, H.J., Risico register en risico kaarten voor iedereen toegankelijk, VI Matrix, 79, 2003.
Chung, C.F., Fabbri, A.G., Systematic procedures of landslide-hazard mapping for risk assessment using spatial prediction models. Sub, in: Glade, T., Anderson, M.G., Crozier, M.J. (eds.), Landslide Hazard and Risk, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., London, UK, 2003.
Dekkers, J.E.C., Scholten, H.J., Câmara, A.S., The AquaMobile Case – Challenges of geovisualisation on mobile devices, European Journal of Navigation, 2 (2), pp.57-69, 2003.
Douven, W.J.A.M., Buurman, J.J.G., Kiswara, W., Spatial Information for Coastal Zone Management: the example of the Banten Bay seagrass ecosystem, Indonesia, Ocean and Coastal Management, 46, pp.615-634, 2003.
Eleveld, M.A., Wagtendonk, A.J., Pasterkamp, R., Omtzigt, A.Q.A., Monitoring North Sea coastal waters: from r, Proceedings CoastGIS 2003, Geneve, 2003.
Fabbri, A.G., Il progetto GETS. la Communità Europea e la V.I.A. di sistemi di trasporto: obbiettivi strutture e risultati, in: Geneletti, D. (eds.), Qualità dell’Ambiente e Gestione del Territorio. ACTA GEOLOGICA: Studi Tridentini di Scienze Naturali, Trento, 2003.
Geneletti, D., Beinat, E., Fabbri, A.G., Scholten, H.J., Prediction of the ecosystem-loss impact using a GIS, in: Geneletti, D. (eds.), Qualità dell’Ambiente e Gestione del Territorio. ACTA GEOLOGICA: Studi Tridentini di Scienze Naturali, Trento, 2003.
Ghinoi, A., Chung, C.F., Bauer, B., Fabbri, A.G., Suscettibilità valanghe a Sölden (Tirolo, Austria). Modello statistico per la localizzazione di possibili zone di distacco di valanghe, in: Geneletti, D. (eds.), Qualità dell’Ambiente e Gestione del Territorio. ACTA GEOLOGICA: Studi Tridentini di Scienze Naturali, Trento, 2003.
Molendijk, M.A., Beinat, E., The UNIGIS experience: the use of Internet for distance learning in GIS, Agroinformatica, 4, 2003.
Omtzigt, A.Q.A., Wagtendonk, A.J., Met GIS het veld in, Agroinformatica, 4, pp.13-15, 2003.
Remondo, J., Gonzalez, A., Diaz de Teran, J.R., Cendrero, A., Fabbri, A.G., Chung, C.F., Validation of landslide susceptibility maps: examples and applications from a case study in Northern Spain, Natural Hazards, 30, pp.437-449, 2003.
Beinat, E., Issues in the rollout of location based services for the consumer market, Geoinformatics, April-May, 2002.
Buurman, J.J.G., Rietveld, P., Spatial differences in rural land prices, a hedonic pricing approach, Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft, 2, 2002.
Cendrero, A., Frances, E., Latrubesse, E.M., Prado, R., Fabbri, A.G., Panizza, M., Cantu, M.P., Hurtado, M., Gimenez, J.E., Martinez, O., Cabral, M., Tecchi, R.A., Hamity, V., Ferman, J.L., Quintana, C., Ceccioni, A., Recatalá, L., Bayer, M., Aquino, S., Projecto Relesa-Elanem: uma Nova Proposta Metodológica de lndices e Indicadores para Avaliação da Qualidade Ambiental, Revista Brasileira de Geomorfologia, 3 (1), pp.33-47, 2002.
Chung, C.F., Kojima, H., Fabbri, A.G., Stability analysis of prediction models for landslide hazard mapping, in: Allison, R.J. (eds.), Applied Geomorphology: Theory and Practice, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., New York, USA, 2002.
Fabbri, A.G., Chung, C.F., Napolitano, P., Remondo, J., Zezere, J.L., Prediction rate functions of landslide susceptibility applied in the Iberian Peninsula, in: Brebbia, C.A. (eds.), Risk Analysis III, WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, 2002.
Rodenburg, C.A., Nijkamp, P., Wagtendonk, A.J., Success factors for sustainable urban brownfield development: A comparative case study approach to polluted sites, Ecological Economics, 40 (2), pp.235-252, 2002.
Scholten, H.J., Meijer, E., Spatial retail information – making it more simple!, in: Clarke, G.P., Stillwell, J.C.H. (eds.), Applied GIS and Spatial Analysis, Wiley, London, 2002.
Veerkamp, P., Koomen, E., Ruimtelijke informatie en het internet, MER-Nieuws (30), pp.4, 2002.
Beinat, E., Nijkamp, P., Land use management, in: Goudie, A.S., Cuff, D.J. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Global Change: Environmental Change and Human Society, Oxford, New York, 2001.
Beinat, E., Privacy and Location-based Services: Stating the Policies Clearly, Geoinformatics, September, 2001.
Beinat, E., Location-based Services: markets and business drivers, Geoinformatics, April, 2001.
Molendijk, M.A., Beinat, E., “Surveying the issues in Geomatics Education (2)” series – Use of internet for distance learning GIS: the UNIGIS experience, GIM International, October, pp.40-43, 2001.
Scholten, H.J., van de Velde, R.J., Borsboom-van Beurden, J.A.M., Ruimtescanner: informatiesysteem voor de lange termijn verkenning van ruimtegebruik, Nederlandse Geografische Studies, Utrecht/Amsterdam, 2001.
Remarks: Comprehensive description of the Land Use Scanner information system, early validation and calibration efforts, the first practical applications and theoretical backgrounds.
Schotten, C.G.J., Goetgeluk, R., Hilferink, M., Rietveld, P., Scholten, H.J., Residential construction, land use and the environment. Simulations for The Netherlands using a GIS-based land use model, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 6, pp.133-143, 2001.
Stillwell. J.C.H., Scholten, H.J., Land Use Simulation for Europe, GeoJournal Library, ( ), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001.
Abreu, J., Scholten, H.J., Van den Eijnden, B., Gehrels, B., Combining Spatial Metadata Search-Engines with Webmapping GIS, Journal for Spatial Information and Decision Making, 13 (Oktober), pp.8-11, 2000.
Beltman, R., Scholten, H.J., ESMI: Europa’s toegangspoort tot geo-informatie, in: Jaarboek Geo-Informatie 1999-2000, RAVI, Amersfoort, 2000.
Romão T., Dias, A.E., Câmara, A.S., Buurman, J.J.G., Scholten, H.J., Decision support tools for Coastal Zone Management: Providing decision makers with useful information through multidimensional visualisation techniques, International Journal of Development Planning Literature, 15 (1), pp.33-40, 2000.
Buurman, J.J.G., Douven, W.J.A.M., Vijverberg, A.M.C., Een economische analyse van bodemsanering, Bodem, 9 (2), pp.72-74, 1999.
Buurman, J.J.G., Rietveld, P., Transport infrastructure and industrial location: The case of Thailand, Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 11 (1), pp.45-62, 1999.
Buurman, J.J.G., Rietveld, P., Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling in Ontwikkelingslanden: Thailand als voorbeeld, Rooilijn, 1 (januari), pp.23-29, 1999.
Chung, C.F., Fabbri, A.G., Prediction models for landslide hazard zonation using a fuzzy set approach, in: Marchetti, M. (eds.), Geomorhpology and Environmental Impact Assessment, Balkema, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1999.
Chung, C.F., Fabbri, A.G., Probabilistic prediction models for landslide hazard mapping, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 65 (12), pp.1389-1399, 1999.
Hilferink, M., Rietveld, P., Land Use Scanner: an integrated GIS-based model for long term projections of land use in urban and rural areas, Journal of Geographical Systems, 1 (2), pp.155-177, 1999.
Remarks: This paper describes the structure of the Land Use Scanner, with emphasis on its mathematical formulation.Nijkamp, P., Scholten, H.J., Nuovi strumenti interattivi di pianificazione per l’uso sostenibile del suolo, Urbanistica, pp.176-182, 1999.
Romão T., Câmara, A.S., Molendijk, M.A., Scholten, H.J., CoastMAP: aerial photograph based mosaics in coastal zone management, in: Câmara, A.S., Raper, J. (eds.), Spatial Multimedia and Virtual Reality, Taylor & Francis, London, 1999.
Scholten, H.J., LoCashio, A.J., Overduin, T., Towards a spatial information infrastructure for flood management in The Netherlands, in: Visser, J., Misdorp, R. (eds.), Special features in coastal conservation, Opulus Press, Uppsala, 1999.
Hernandez, T., Scholten, H.J., Bennison, D., Biasiotto, M., Cornelius, S., Van der Beek, M., Explaning Retail GIS: The adoption, use and development of GIS by retail organisations in the Netherlands, the UK and Canada, Nederlandse Geografische Studies, Utrecht/Amsterdam, 1998.
Meijers, R., van de Velde, R.J., Regionaal maatwerk vanuit nationaal perspectief voor landelijk gebied, ROM Magazine, 5, pp.13-17, 1998.
Thunnissen, H., Veldkamp, J.J., Mucher, C.A., van de Velde, R.J., Grondgebruikskartering met behulp van satellietbeelden, Geografie, 7, 1998.
Douven, W., Nijkamp, P., Scholten, H.J., Geographic informatics infrastructure for regional sustainability analysis, International Journal of Development Planning Literature, 12 (1-2), pp.67-77, 1997.
Koomen, E., Pas op GIS! Valkuilen voor beginnende gebruikers – en adviezen, Kenmerken, 4 (5), pp.18-20, 1997.
Koomen, E., GIS als hulpmiddel bij compensatie-ontwerp, GIS-nieuws, 1997 (1), pp.20-24, 1997.
Scholten, H.J., Bonn, B., Fighting the deluge with Data, GIS Europe, 6 (10), pp.32-34, 1997.
Scholten, H.J., LoCashio, A., Flood. How to react adequately and on time in case of emergency, Journal of Coastal Conservation, 15, pp.22-28, 1997.
van de Velde, R.J., van der Waals, J.F.M., Albers, R.W., Verstedelijkingsscenario’s bekeken op hun effecten voor het milieu, ROM Magazine, 12, pp.36-39, 1997.
Fabbri, A.G., Chung, C.F., Predictive spatial data analysis in the geosciences, in: Fisher, M., Scholten, H.J., Unwin, D. (eds.), Spatial analytical perspectives on GIS in the environmental and socio-economic sciences. GISDATA Series 4, Taylor & Francis, London, 1996.
Fischer, M., Scholten, H.J., Unwin, D., Spatial Analytical Perspectives on GIS, GISData series 4, Taylor & Francis, London, 1996.
Grothe, M., Scholten, H.J., GIS in de publieke sector; Een inventarisatie naar gebruik van geo-informatie en GIS bij de Nederlandse overheid, Nederlandse Geografische Studies, Utrecht/Amsterdam, 1996.
Mosselman, E., Huisink, M., Koomen, E., Seijmonsbergen, A.C., Morphological changes in a braided sand-bed river, in: Hickin, E.J. (eds.), River geomorphology, Wiley & Sons, London, 1995.
Grothe, M., Scholten, H.J., Van der Beek, M., GIS, noodzaak of luxe? : een verkenning naar het gebruik van geografische informatiesystemen bij private ondernemingen in Nederland, Nederlandse Geografische Studies, Utrecht/Amsterdam, 1994.
Chung, C.F., Fabbri, A.G., The representation of geoscience information for data integration, Nonrenewable resources, 2 (2), pp.122-139, 1993.
Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.L., Scholten, H.J., EGIS/MARI ’94 Conference Proceedings, EGIS Foundation, Utrecht/Amsterdam, Paris, France, 1993.
Nijkamp, P., Scholten, H.J., Spatial information systems: design, modelling and use in planning, International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, 1 (7), pp.85-96, 1993.
Thewessen, T.J.M., van de Velde, R.J., Verlouw, H., European Groundwater Threats Analyzed with GIS, GIS Europe, 1 (3), pp.28-33, 1992.
Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.L., Scholten, H.J., EGIS ’91 Conference Proceedings, EGIS Foundation, Utrecht/Amsterdam, Brussels, Belgium, 1991.
Scholten, H.J., de Lepper, M.J., The benefits of the application of geographical information systems in public and environmental health, World Health Statistics Quarterly, 44 (3), pp.160-170, 1991.
Scholten, H.J., HEGIS: GIS for a Healthier Europe, GIS Europe, April, pp.56-59, 1991.
Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.L., Scholten, H.J., EGIS ’90 Conference Proceedings, EGIS Foundation, Utrecht/Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1990.
Kusse, A.A.M., Padding, P., The environmental geographical information system of the Netherlands, RIVM, Bilthoven, the Netherlands, 1990.
Nijkamp, P., Scholten, H.J., New information systems : the use of retail information systems in the Netherlands, The Netherlands Journal, 5 (3), pp.209-225, 1990.
Scholten, H.J., van Beurden, A.U.J.C., Evers, W., ???, in: Kusse, A.A.M., Padding, P. (eds.), The environmental geographical information system of the Netherlands, RIVM, 1990.
Scholten, H.J., Meijer, E., Regional information through Automation, Ekistics: the problems and science of human settlements, 56 (338/339), pp.239-245, 1989.
Scholten, H.J., van der Vlugt, M., Application of Geographic Information Systems in Europe, Ekistics: the problems and science of human settlements, 56 (338/339), pp.304-312, 1989.
Scholten, H.J., van de Velde, R.J., Internal migration in the Netherlands, in: Stillwell, J., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Contemporary Research in Population Geography: a Comparison of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, GeoJournal Library, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1989.
Scholten, H.J., The Role of Geographical Information Systems in Physical Planning, in: Giaoutzi, M., Nijkamp, P. (eds.), Informatics and regional development, Gower, Aldershot, 1988.
Scholten, H.J., van de Velde, R.J., Padding, P., Doorstroming op de Nederlandse woningmarkt : geanalyseerd en gemodelleerd, Nederlandse Geografische Studies, Utrecht/Amsterdam, 1986.
Scholten, H.J., Hooimeijer, P., An input-output model of residential mobility: a simulation of housing opportunities, Espace Populations Sociétés, 1985 (I), pp.223-232, 1985.
Scholten, H.J., Hooimeijer, P., Construction programs and residential mobility: multipliers and loglinear models, in: White, P.E., van der Knaap, G.A. (eds.), Contemporary studies of migration, Norwich, UK, 1985.
Scholten, H.J., van Wissen, L.J.G., A comparison of the loglinear interaction model with other spatial interaction models, in: Nijkamp, P., Leitner, H., Wrigley, N. (eds.), Measuring the Unmeasurable, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, 1985.
Scholten, H.J., Hooimeijer, P., The use of vacancy chains and loglinear models to analyse relationships among housing submarkets, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 75 (3), pp.202-213, 1984.
Scholten, H.J., Planning for housing construction and population distribution: the use of forecasting models, Town Planning Review, 55, pp.405-419, 1984.
Scholten, H.J., Residential mobility and loglinear modelling, in: Bahrenberg, G., Fischer, M.M., Nijkamp, P. (eds.), Recent developments in spatial analysis, Aldershot, 1984.
Hooimeijer, P., Nozeman, E.F., Scholten, H.J., Scheveningen : badplaats voor alle seizoenen en iedereen?, Geografische en planologische notities, 30, 1983.
Scholten, H.J., De loglineaire analyse van kruistabellen met structurele nulcellen, SISWO, 256, 1983.
Scholten, H.J., Willekens, F., Loglineaire modellen, in: Dieleman, F.M., Folmer, H., Timmermans, H. (eds.), Technieken voor ruimtelijke analyse, Weesp, 1983.
van Eijk, Th., Scholten, H.J., Van Triest, J.C., Bevolkings- en woningbehoefteprognoses op laag schaalnivo : het computermodel Domus, Geografische en planologische notities, 28, 1983.
Scholten, H.J., van Wissen, L., Modellen als hulpmiddel voor de analyse van binnenstedelijke migratie, Geografische en planologische notitities, 17, 1982.
Conference & Seminar contributions a.o.
This page lists the SPINlab’s conference & seminar contributions, interview, columns in professional magazines and various other publications until 2016, written with the intent to disseminate knowledge. Newer output for individual authors can be found at
Dekkers, J.E.C., de Groot, H.L.F. and van den Brink, A., The price of Dutch (Urban) Design: Measuring the impact of neighbourhood layout on house values-Presenting the research framework, Abstract and presentation at the 56th annual conference of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), August 23-26, Vienna, Austria, 2016.
Micheli, M., Rouwendal, J., Dekkers, J.E.C., Border Effects in House Prices, in: International Conference of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, Reading, UK, 9-11 July, 2014.
Remarks: Also presented at the 61st Annual North American Meetings (NARSC) of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) in Washington D.C., 12-15 November 2014, and at the 54th ERSA conference in St. Petersburg, Russia, 26-29 August 2014Rouwendal, J., Levkovich, O., Location choices of highly educated foreign workers: the importance of urban amenities, in: Paper for the 54th Conference of the European Regional Science Association, ERSA 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia, 26-29 August, 2014.
Remarks: This is a draft versionPiccoli, C., CityEngine for Archaeology, Presentation for the Mini Conference 3D GIS for Mapping the Via Appia, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2013.
van den Ende, P.J.H.G., Vroegop, O., Scholten, H.J., Meer nodig dan camera’s, Verbinding, maart 2012.
Kuhlman, T., Koomen, E., Kram, T., Exploring the potential for biofuel crops in the Netherlands, in: Kabat, P., Vellinga, P. (eds.), Abstracts Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth, International conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-1 October, 2010.
Remarks: For the audio lecture on this paper, visit the conference websitevan Eupen, M., van Rooij, S., Steingrover, E., Koomen, E., Climate change and nature, integration of spatial policies with a land use model, in: Kabat, P., Vellinga, P. (eds.), Abstracts Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth, International conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-1 October, 2010.
Remarks: For the audio lecture on this paper, visit the conference websiteWagtendonk, A.J., Koomen, E., Evaluating landscape impacts of climate mitigation using land-use simulation, in: Kabat, P., Vellinga, P. (eds.), Abstracts Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth, International conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-1 October, 2010.
Remarks: For the audio lecture on this paper, visit the conference websiteTorensma, M., Bedrijventerreinen; niet nog meer grond uitgeven, Friesch Dagblad, Sneinspetiele, 2010.
Remarks: Related publication: short article & interview with Dr. Eric Koomen on the cover page of the Friesch Dagblad.van Leeuwen, E.S., Dekkers, J.E.C., Off-farm income opportunities. A spatial microsimulation of Dutch farmers, in: Proceedings of the 39th congress of the Regional Science Association International – British & Irish Section, 39th congress of the Regional Science Association International – British & Irish Section, Glasgow, Scotland, 25-27 August, 2010.
Remarks: This paper was awarded the Best Paper Award for early career/doctoral students at this conferenceBrooijmans, P., Riedijk, A., Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., Lassche, M.R., Scholten, H.J., Measurement of the added value of geographic information in disaster management, in: Proceedings of the 11th GDSI conference, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2009.
Scholten, H.J., Wat McDonald’s verbindt met middeleeuwse veldheren, Column voor Geo-Info, 11, 2009.
van Leeuwen, E.S., Dekkers, J.E.C., Rietveld, P., The development of a static farm-level spatial microsimulation model to analyse on- and off-farm activities of Dutch farmers; Presenting the research framework. Draft paper, in: Paper for the International Microsimulation Association Conference, IMA ’09, Ottawa, Canada, 8-10 June, 2009.Remarks: a previous version of this paper has been included in the Proceedings of the 56th congress of the North American Regional Science Association International Conference (NARSC), San Francisco, USA, 18-21 November, 2009. An even more preliminary version has been included in the proceedings of the 49th congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Lodz, Poland, 25-29 August, 2009.
Molendijk, M.A., Kaandorp, J., Scholten, H.J., Geographical Information for all: breaking the barriers for GI distance learning, in: Paper voor FIG conference Sharing Good Practices: E-learning in Surveying, Geo-information Sciences and Land Administration, FIG ’08, Enschede, June, 2008.
Arciniegas, G., Janssen, R., Omtzigt, A.Q.A., Cornelisse, C., Supporting interactive land use planning of fen meadows in the Netherlands: the Gouwe Wiericke case, in: Lambrick, D. (eds.), Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 16th Annual conference GISRUK 2008, GISRUK ’08, UNIGIS/Manchester Metropolitan University, 2nd-4th April, 2008.
Barbieri, P., Rumor, M., Mazzariol, S., Scotta, A., Progetto per la redazione e gestione del Piano Regolatore Comunale di Venezia, ESRI Conference Italy, 21-22 May, 2008.
Dekkers, J.E.C., Rietveld, P., de Ruiter, M.C., Estimation of a linear probability model for rural-urban land use transition in the Netherlands using hedonic price analysis of submarkets, Paper for the 48th congress of the European Regional Science Association, Liverpool, UK, 27-30 August, 2008.
Dekkers, J.E.C., Molendijk, M.A., Scholten, H.J., Classes and Examination regulations and the Examination Board’s Rules and Guidelines, , Faculteit der aardwetenschappen, UNIGIS/SPINlab, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2008.
Dekkers, J.E.C., Regulations Programme Committee, , Faculteit der aardwetenschappen, UNIGIS/SPINlab, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2008.
Fabbri, A.G., Remondo, J., Ballabio, C., Poli, S., Chung, C.F., Scholten, H.J., Occurrence neighbourhoods and risk assessment from landslide hazard in northern Spain, in: Brebbia, C.A., Popov, V., Beriatos, E. (eds.), Risk Analysis VI: Simulation and Hazard Mitigation, Risk Analysis 2008, WIT Press, 2008.
Remarks: This conference paper is also published on-line in: WIT Transactions on Information and Communication, V ol 39, © 2008 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3517 (on-line), Risk Analysis VI 29, doi:10.2495/RISK080041Brander, L.M., Koetse, M.J., The Value of Urban Open Space: Meta-Analyses of Contingent Valuation and Hedonic Pricing Results, in: Abstractbundel RPB Ruimteconferentie 2007, RPB Ruimteconferentie ’07, Rotterdam, 30 October, 2007.
Pontius Jr., R.G., Castella, J.-C., Clarke, K., de Nijs, T., Dietzel, C., Duan, Z., Fotsing, E., Goldstein, N., Kok, K., Koomen, E., Lippitt, C.D., McConnel, W., Pijanowski, B.C., Sood, A.M., Veldkamp, A., Verburg, P.H., Lessons and challenges for land change modelers as revealed by a comparison of thirteen cases, paper to be presented at the transatlantic conference on the science and education of land use, Washington D.C., USA, 2007.
Molendijk, M.A., Dekkers, J.E.C., Scholten, H.J., Accreditatie aanvraag Masteropleiding in Geographical Information Science, , Faculteit der aardwetenschappen, UNIGIS/SPINlab, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2006.
Beinat, E., The Location Awareness 2020 – a foresight study on auto-identification in year 2020, and the implications for mobility, in: Mo.Ve. Technical Report 2006, Mo.Ve. Forum 2006, Venice, Italy, 2006.
Chung, C.J., Bonin, D., Fannin, R.J., Fabbri, A.G., Journeay, M., Uncertainty in predicting landslide hazard in the Coquitlam reservoir area, B.C., Canada, in: Proceedings of IAMG ’06, International Association for Mathematical geology Conference on Quantitative Geology from Multiple Sources, CD, IAMG ’06, Liege, Belgium, 3-8 September, 2006.
Steenbruggen, J.G.M., Grothe, M.J.M., Beinat, E., Wagtendonk, A.J., The value of context-aware information systems for incident management, paper presented at Ubigis 2006, Second International Workshop on Ubiquitous GIS, Munster, Germany, September, 2006.
Pleizier, I.D., Meijer, E., Presenting a Large Urban Area in a Virtual Maquette: An integrated 3D Model with a ‘Tangible User Interface’, in: Bres, S., Laurini, R. (eds.), VISUAL 2005, LCNS 3736, VISUAL 2005, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.
Chung, C.F., Fabbri, A.G., Jang, D.H., Scholten, H.J., Risk assessment using spatial prediction model for natural disaster preparedness, in: van Oosterom, P., Zlatanova, S., Fendel, E.M. (eds.), Geo-information for Disaster Management, Springer, Berlin, 2005.
Loonen, W., Spatial Optimization in Landuse Planning, in: Congress on theoretical and quantitative Geography: reviewed abstracts, European congress on theoretical and quantitative Geography, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-13 September, 2005.
van Wilgenburg, R., Dekkers, J.E.C., Scholten, H.J., Geomarketing – A case study: The use of GIS for the development of a marketing strategy for the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, in: Proceedings GIS Planet 2005, GIS Planet, Estoril, Lisbon, May 30 – June 2, 2005.
Gehrels, B., Scholten, H.J., Beinat, E., Locations from multiple sources in standardized environments, paper presented at Munster GI Days, Munster, Germany, 15-18 June, 2004.
Kusse, A.A.M., Architectuur denken helpt bij Mobiel GIS, 2004.
Loonen, W., Smart planning – Optimising multiple objectives in a confined space, Contribution to the symposium Contestable nature: claims on the countryside, Utrecht, June, 2004.
de Nijs, T., Boersma, W., Koomen, E., Validation of the Dutch Land Use MOdelling System (LUMOS), in: Integrated Assessment of the Land System; The Future of Land Use, Proceedings of an International Workshop, Department of Environmental Sciences Wageningen University/ Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 28-30 October, 2004.
Remarks: Report number: W-05/04 Department of Environmental Sciences Wageningen University/ Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Vrije UniversiteitKoomen, E., Evaluating land use simulations: the application of policy related functional indicators in Dutch studies of future land use, in: Integrated Assessment of the Land System; The Future of Land Use, Proceedings of an International Workshop, Department of Environmental Sciences Wageningen University/ Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 28-30 October, 2004.
Remarks: Report number: W-05/04 Department of Environmental Sciences Wageningen University/ Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Vrije UniversiteitKoomen, E., Groen, J., Evaluating future urbanisation patterns in the Netherlands, in: Proceedings of the 44th congress of the European Regional Science Association, 44th congress of the European Regional Science Association, Porto, 25-29 August, 2004.
Rietveld, P., Koomen, E., De “discrete choice” theorie voor ruimtegebruikmodellering, de economische achtergrond van de Ruimtescanner, in: verslag Lumos symposium, Thema: Landgebruiksmodellering voor beleidsondersteuning, Lumos symposium, Bilthoven, 18 February, 2004.
Rumor, M., Salazzari, D., Scotta, A., A practical approach to three dimensional GIS in urban contexts, in: Fendel, E., Rumor, R. (eds.), Proceedings of 24th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS 2004), Chioggia, Italy, UDMS 2004, Chioggia, Italy, 2004.
Scotta, A., Franken, P., The use of high density airborne laser altimetry for the dutch water barriers, in: Fendel, E., Rumor, R. (eds.), Proceedings of 24th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS 2004), Chioggia, Italy, UDMS 2004, Chioggia, Italy, 2004.
van der Togt, R., Beinat, E., Scholten, H.J., Location-based emergency medicine, medical location services for emergency management: information and coordination of rescue resources, in: Paper for the first congress of the International community on information systems for crisis response and management, ISCRAM, Brussels, Belgium, 2004.
Wagtendonk, A.J., de Reus, N.O., Development and use of digital fieldwork tools for academic purposes, in: Proceedings conference?, Conference Institut für Geoinformatik?, Universität Münster, Münster, 2004.
Chung, C.F., Fabbri, A.G., On some weak points of quantitative landslide hazard zonation, in: Proceedings IAMG 2003, IAMG, Portsmouth, UK, 7-12 September, 2003.
Dekkers, J.E.C., Koomen, E., Vlaanderen, N., Peereboom, I., Simulation of future land use for water management, in: Dijst, M., Schot, P., de Jong, K. (eds.), Reviewed abstracts of the Framing Land Use Dynamics conference, Framing Land Use Dynamics, Utrecht, 16-18 April, 2003.
Kuhlman, T., Koomen, E., Groen, J., Bouwman, A., Simulating agricultural land use change in the Netherlands, paper presented at the international workshop “Transition in agriculture and future land use patterns”, 1-3 December, 2003.
Koomen, E., Groen, J., Borsboom-van Beurden, J., Kuhlman, T., Rural land use dynamics, in: Dijst, M., Schot, P., de Jong, K. (eds.), Reviewed abstracts of the Framing Land Use Dynamics conference, Framing Land Use Dynamics, Utrecht, 16-18 April, 2003.
Loonen, W., Heuberger, P., Bakema, A., Spatial Optimization of nitrogen emission patterns in Holland, in: Framing Land Use Dynamics: reviewed abstracts, Framing Land Use Dynamics, Utrecht, 16-18 April, 2003.
Kusse, A.A.M., De eendenkooi als verandermodel, 2003.
Remondo, J., Gonzalez, A., Diaz de Teran, J.R., Cendrero, A., Fabbri, A.G., Chung, C.F., Validation of lansdlide susceptibility maps: examples and applications from a case study in Northern, , 302003.
Wagtendonk, A.J., Diffusione e divulgazione del progetto di ricerca GETS attraverso l’uso di strumenti e servizi multimediali, in: Geneletti, D. (eds.), Qualità dell’Ambiente e Gestione del Territorio. ACTA GEOLOGICA: Studi Tridentini di Scienze Naturali, Trento Conference, Trento, 16-17 January, 2003.
Koomen, E., Buurman, J.J.G., Economic theory and land prices in land use modelling, in: Proceedings of 5th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, 5th AGILE Conference on GIS, Palma Balearic Islands, Spain, 2002.
Remarks: Comparison of the land prices in the Land Use Scanner model with real world land prices.Chung, C.F., Fabbri, A.G., Modeling the conditional probability of the occurences of future landslides in a study area characterized by spatial data, in: Proceedings of ISPRS 2002 (also on CD), ISPRS 2002, Ottawa, Canada, 8-12 July, 2002.
Dias, E.S., WebPark – Wireless Information Systems for Tourists in Protected/recreational Areas, II ENEEA, National Meeting of Environmental Engineers Students, Lisbon, Portugal, 2002.
Koomen, E., Molendijk, M.A., European aspects of Geographical Information Systems, lecture notes, Unigis, Amsterdam, 2002.
Koomen, E., GIS and Environmental Impact Assessment, second revised edition of the lecture notes, Unigis, Amsterdam, 2002.
Kusse, A.A.M., GIS en Veiligheid, Overheid innovatief2002.
Loonen, W., Toepassing ruimtelijke optimalisatie methoden: Genetische Algoritmen, internal RIVM report, December, RIVM2002.
Palacio Pemberty, J.F., Recatala Boix, L., Fabbri, A.G., Preliminary evaluation of heavy metals concentration as an indicator of soil pollution in the semi-arid environment of Tabernas, Southeast Spain, in: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sustainable Use and Management of Soils in Arid and Semiarid Regions, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena y Universidad de Murcia, 2002.
Recatalá, L., Mocrillo, F., Orduna, Y., Fabbri, A.G., Sánchez, J., Assessing environmental quality in Mediterranean areas as a basis for combating desertification., in: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sustainable Use and Management of Soils in Arid and Semiarid Regions, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena y Universidad de Murcia, 2002.
Recatalá, L., Morcillo, F., Fabbri, A.G., Sánchez, J., Desertification indicators for improving the dicision-making process., in: Procs. 8th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, TERRA NOSTRA, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 04/2002, IAMG 2002, 15-20 September, 2002.
Recatalá, L., Fabbri, A.G., Zinck, J.A., Francés, E., Sánchez, J., Environmental indicators for assessing and monitoring desertification and its influence on environmental quality in Mediterranean arid environments, in: Rubio, J.L., Morgan, R.P.C., Asins, S., Andreu, V. (eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation Man and Soil at the Third Milennium, Geoforma Ediciones, Logroño, Spain, 2002.
van Lammeren, R., Beinat, E., Vugts, N., A next step: W-learning, in: paper for the Eugises conference, Eugises ’02, 30 June, 2002.
Beinat, E., Alla ricerca della strada giusta: servizi di localizzazione (Searching for the right way: location based services), Il Sole 24 Ore, October 16 2001.
Chung, C.F., Fabbri, A.G., Validation of spatial prediction models for landslide hazard mapping, Natural Hazards, 30 2001.
Fabbri, A.G., Chung, C.F., Cendrero A., Remondo, J., Is prediction of future landslides possible with a GIS?, Natural Hazards, 30 2001.
Buurman, J.J.G., Rural land prices in the urban fringe, a geo-information technology supported analysis, in: International Conference on Urban GeoInformatics, International Conference on Urban GeoInformatics, Wuhan, China, 2001.
Buurman, J.J.G., A spatial exploratory model of rural land prices, in: Conference proceedings 41st Congress of the European Regional Science Association, 41st Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Zagreb, 2001.
Kusse, A.A.M., Integratie van GIS binnen bedrijfsprocessen, 2000.
Buurman, J.J.G., Wagtendonk, A., EuroScanner: Land use simulation in Europe, in: Proceedings of UDMS 2000, 22nd Urban and Regional Data Management Symposium, UDMS 2000, Delft, 2000.
Kusse, A.A.M., Oracle Spatial: Unfold the potential of Spatial Data!, 1999.
Scholten, H.J., Fabbri, K., Uran, O., Understanding the role of Geo Information Communication Technology in building a Desirable Future for CZM, in: Bridge, L. (eds.), Info-Coast ’99 Symposium Report, CoastLink, Coastal & Marine Observatory at Dover, UK and EUCC-UK, Brampton, UK, 10-13 February, 1999.
Scholten, H.J., Fabbri, K., Uran, O., Romao, T., Understanding the role of Geo Information Communication Technology in building a Desirable Future for CZM, in: Proceedings of the 1st European Symposium on Knowledge and Information for the Coastal Zone, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, 10-13 February, 1999.
Kusse, A.A.M., De breedte van gemeentelijk IT-beleid, 1998.
Kusse, A.A.M., van der Sluys Veer, L., Operationele aspecten van een DSS, 1998.
Romão, T.I., Dias, A.E., Câmara, A.S., Buurman, J.J.G., Scholten, H.J., New tools for coastal managers, Providing decision makers with useful information through multidimensional visualisation techniques, in: Proceedings GIS Planet 98, GIS Planet, Lisbon, 1998.
Scholten, H.J., Locashio, A., van de Velde, R.J., Rietveld, P., Large Scale Models Revided. 25 Years After Douglasss Lee’s “Requiem for Large-Scale Models”, in: GIS PLANET 1998 Annual Conference Proceedings, GIS PLANET ’98, Lisbon, Portugal, September, 1998.
Kusse, A.A.M., Please do not disturb: Noise and odour disturbance as an environmental indicator, 1997.
Romão T., Dias, A.E., Sousa, L., Molendijk, M.A., Scholten, H.J., Multidimensional Visualisation Tools in Coastal Zone Management, in: JEC-GI ’97 Proceedings, IOS Pres/Ohmsha, 1997.
Scholten, H.J., LoCashio, A., GIS Application Research: History, Trends and Developments, in: ESF, Geographic Information Research at the Millenium, GISDATA final conference, Le Bischenberg, France, 13-17 September, 1997.
Scholten, H.J., Bonn, B., LoCashio, A., ESMI: European Spatial (Meta)data Infrastructure, in: Peckham, R.J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd EC-GIS Workshop, DGIII Conference on Strategic Developments, Leuven, Belgium, 25-27 June, 1997.
Kusse, A.A.M., Land Use Planning and Dimensions in GIS, 1996.
Douven, W.J.A.M., Scholten, H.J., A Geo Information Infrastructure for the Admission of Pesticides in Europe, in: Rumor, M., McMillan, R., Ottens, H.F.L. (eds.), Proceedings Second Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information, Second Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Spain, 1996.
Romão T., Câmara, A.S., Molendijk, M.A., Scholten, H.J., Coastmap: A Collaborative Spatial Multimedia System for Coastal Management, in: Rumor, M., McMillan, R., Ottens, H.F.L. (eds.), Proceedings Second Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Spain, 1996.
Romao, T., Camara, A., Molendijk, M.A., Scholten, H.J., Coastmap: A Collaborative Spatial Multimedia System for Coastal Management, in: Rumor, M., McMillan, R., Ottens, H.F.L. (eds.), Proceedings Second Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Spain, 1996.
Scholten, H.J., Role of Geo Information Technology for Simulation and Communication, paper presented at the Rijn- and Maassteden Conference, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, November, 1996.
Douven, W.J.A.M., Beinat, E., van Beurden, A.U.C.J., van der Linden, A.M.A., Scholten, H.J., The development of a Spatial Decision Support System for the admission of pesticides, paper presented at the Workshop on Pesticides: policy measures to control environmental impacts from agriculture, Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, 24-27 August, 1995.
Kusse, A.A.M., Where Policy and Quality meet: a reliability assessment in GIS of Ammonia Emissions, 1995.
Scholten, H.J., De week van Henk Scholten, Economisch Bulletin, 26 (6), , Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1995.
Thewessen, T.J.M., van de Velde, R.J., De rol van Geo Informatie Infrastructuur bij het beschrijven van de bodem- en grondwaterkwaliteit, in: Proceedings Stream 7 JECC Conference, Ver. Voor Geogr. In formatie en vastgoedinformatie, Delft., The Hague,the Netherlands, March, 1995.
Thewessen, T.J.M., van de Velde, R.J., Heida, R., The Concept of a Geo Data Warehouse; Methods and Experiences, in: Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Informatio Proceedings, Basel: JEC-GI, 1995.
van Veldhuizen, J.P.J., van de Velde, R.J., van Woerden, J.W., Population Mapping to Support Environmental Monitoring: Some Experiences at a European Scale, in: Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Informatio Proceedings, Basel: JEC-GI, 1995.
Scholten, H.J., Planningsmethoden en Geografische Informatiesystemen, Rooilijn, 9, pp.434-435, 1994.
Douven, W.J., Scholten, H.J., Towards a spatial decision framework to support multi-level pesticide regulation, in: Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference and Exhibition on Geographic Information Systems, EGIS/MARI ’94, Utrecht: EGIS Foundation, Paris, France, 1994.
Kuijpers-Linde, M.A.J., Evers, W., Kusse, A.A.M., van Beurden, A.U.J.C., van der Veen, A., Five years of EGIS, five years of RIVM-GIS: an evaluation, in: Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference and Exhibition on Geographic Information Systems, EGIS/MARI ’94, Utrecht: EGIS Foundation, Paris, France, 1994.
Kusse, A.A.M., The InterGIS postgraduate network: a SWOT analysis, 1994.
Kusse, A.A.M., Integration of space and time in GIS applications: one step further to model reality?, 1993.
Kusse, A.A.M., The Challenge of updating European Emissions, 1993.
Dorf, J., Scholten, H.J., Van de Velde, R.J., Meta-Catalog: a Necessary Requirement for European Environmental Research, in: Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.J., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information Systems, EGIS ’93, EGIS ’93, EGIS Foundation, Utrecht/Amsterdam, Genoa, Italy, March 29 – April 1, 1993.
Douven, W.J.A.M., Scholten, H.J., The development of a DSS for the admission of pesticides, in: Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.J., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information Systems, EGIS ’93, EGIS ’93, EGIS Foundation, Utrecht/Amsterdam, Genoa, Italy, 1993.
Janssen, L.L.F., van de Velde, R.J., Potential applications of remote sensing date in environmental research, in: Proceedings of International Symposium on Operationalization of remote sensing, Enschede, the Netherlands, 1993.
Kok, B., Scholten, H.J., The Fundamental Conditions for the Application of GIS: The Coordination and Exchange of the Geographic Core Data Set, in: Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.J., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), EGIS ’93 Conference Proceedings, EGIS ’93, EGIS Foundation, Utrecht/Amsterdam, 1993.
Padding, P., van de Velde, R.J., Scholten, H.J., Meta-Catalog: A Necessary Requirement for European Environmental Research, in: Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.J., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information Systems, EGIS ’93, EGIS ’93, EGIS Foundation, Utrecht/Amsterdam, Genoa, Italy, 1993.
Kusse, A.A.M., SENSE: an active approach to environmental decision support, 1992.
Kusse, A.A.M., GIS and a national view on environmental quality, 1991.
Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.L., Scholten, H.J., EGIS ’90 and the Development and Application of Geographical Information Systems in Europe, in: Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.J., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), EGIS ’90 Conference Proceedings, EGIS ’90, EGIS Foundation, Utrecht/Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1990.
Emmi, P.C., Scholten, H.J., A multiregional vacancy chain model of residential mobility, Paper presented at the international conference on housing, policy, and urban innovation, Amsterdam, 1988.
Scholten, H.J., van de Velde, R.J., Advanced applications of geographic information systems in regional planning, in: Proceedings of ESRI User Conference Palm Springs, 1987.
Openshaw, S., Scholten, H.J., Some Pragmatic Models of the Relationship between Housing Demand and Housing Opportunities in the Netherlands, Paper presented at the Fourth European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Veldhoven, 1985.
Scholten, H.J., van de Velde, R.J., Planning at the national level for regional housing construction; programs to improve the distribution of households, Paper presented at the international conference on Housing research and policy issues in an era of fiscal austirity, Amsterdam, 1985.
Evers, C.W.A., van der Most, P.F.J., Scholten, H.J., A geo information infrastructure for emissions, ???
Scholten, H.J., Bogaerts, H., Verspuy, M., Towards a spatial meta information system of Europe, ???
Dekkers, J.E.C., Koomen, E., Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., Koekoek, A., Rijken, B., Grenzen aan stedelijke verdichting; een kwantitatieve verkenning van verdichtingsopties in Haaglanden, in: Abstract voor de PBL-Ruimteconferentie 2011, PBL Ruimteconferentie, Rotterdam, 19 April, 2011. Bessembinder, J., Schaap, B., Reidsma, P., Witte, F., Elsman, J., Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., Verboom, J., van Bodegom, P., Improving access to data on climate change and its impacts, in: Kabat, P., Vellinga, P. (eds.), Poster abstract Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth, International conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-1 October, 2010. Bubeck, P., te Linde, A., Dekkers, J.E.C., Ward, P., Flood risk developments and adaptation strategies in the Rhine-Meuse delta, in: Kabat, P., Vellinga, P. (eds.), Abstracts Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth, International conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-1 October, 2010. De Groot, S.M., Koomen, E., Climate aspects and Strategic Environmental Assessment in spatial planning, in: Kabat, P., Vellinga, P. (eds.), Abstracts Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth, International conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-1 October, 2010. Diogo, V., Koomen, E., Explaining land-use changes in Portugal 1990-2000, in: Painho, M., Santos, M.Y., Pundt, H. (eds.), Geospatial Thinking; Proceedings of AGILE 2010, The 13th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Guimarães, Portugal, 2010. Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., Koomen, E., A GIS-assisted method for defining an integrated vision of a climate proof Groningen, in: Painho, M., Santos, M.Y., Pundt, H. (eds.), Geospatial Thinking; Proceedings of AGILE 2010, The 13th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Guimarães, Portugal, 2010. Kuhlman, T., Koomen, E., Kram, T., Exploring the potential for biofuel crops in the Netherlands, in: Kabat, P., Vellinga, P. (eds.), Abstracts Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth, International conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-1 October, 2010.
Remarks: For the audio lecture on this paper, visit the conference websitevan Eupen, M., van Rooij, S., Steingrover, E., Koomen, E., Climate change and nature, integration of spatial policies with a land use model, in: Kabat, P., Vellinga, P. (eds.), Abstracts Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth, International conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-1 October, 2010.
Remarks: For the audio lecture on this paper, visit the conference websiteWagtendonk, A.J., Koomen, E., Evaluating landscape impacts of climate mitigation using land-use simulation, in: Kabat, P., Vellinga, P. (eds.), Abstracts Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth, International conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-1 October, 2010.
Remarks: For the audio lecture on this paper, visit the conference websiteBrooijmans, P., Riedijk, A., Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., Lassche, M.R., Scholten, H.J., Measurement of the added value of geographic information in disaster management, in: Proceedings of the 11th GDSI conference, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2009. Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., Koomen, E., Roggema, R., Integratie van sectorale adaptatiemaatregelen voor een klimaatbestendige provincie Groningen, in: Abstractbundel PBL Ruimteconferentie 2009, PBL Ruimteconferentie ’09, Rotterdam, 3 November, 2009. Phan-Drost, N., Kuhlman, T., Feasibility of bioenergy production under a climate change scenario, in: Abstract for the Environment and Production Technology Division Brown Bag Seminar, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington DC, USA, 21 May, 2009. Fruijtier, S., den Dulk, P., Dias, E.S., Collaborative Interaction and Integrated Spatial Information and Services in Disaster Management, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human Computer Systems, TABLETOP 2008, Amsterdam, 2008. Koomen, E., Kuijpers-Linde, M., Loonen, W., De ruimtelijke opgave in provinciale structuurvisies; ontwikkelingen, effecten en beleidsruimte in de provincie Overijssel, in: Abstractbundel RPB Ruimteconferentie 2008, RPB Ruimteconferentie ’08, Rotterdam, 28 October, 2008. Molendijk, M.A., Kaandorp, J., Scholten, H.J., Geographical Information for all: breaking the barriers for GI distance learning, in: Paper voor FIG conference Sharing Good Practices: E-learning in Surveying, Geo-information Sciences and Land Administration, FIG ’08, Enschede, June, 2008. Brander, L.M., Koetse, M.J., The Value of Urban Open Space: Meta-Analyses of Contingent Valuation and Hedonic Pricing Results, in: Abstractbundel RPB Ruimteconferentie 2007, RPB Ruimteconferentie ’07, Rotterdam, 30 October, 2007. Dekkers, J.E.C., Koomen, E., De economische waardering van metropolitane open ruimte; 3 regionale hedonische prijsanalyses in de Randstad, in: Abstractbundel RPB Ruimteconferentie 2007, RPB Ruimteconferentie ’07, Rotterdam, 30 October, 2007. Koomen, E., Loonen, W., Kuijpers-Linde, M., Localising the land-use impact of global climate change; integration of sector-specific adaptation measures with the Land Use Scanner, in: Addink, E., Barendregt, A., Ettema, D., Karssenberg, D., de Nijs, T. (eds.), Framing Land Use Dynamics II – abstractbook. International conference, FLUD-II, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 18-20 April, 2007. Snoeren, G.F.I., Zlatanova, S., Crompvoets, J., Scholten, H.J., Spatial Data Infrastructure for emergency management: the view of the users, in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Geo-information for Distater Management (Gi4DM) – CD-ROM, ISPRS ’06, Toronto, Canada, 2007. Beinat, E., The Location Awareness 2020 – a foresight study on auto-identification in year 2020, and the implications for mobility, in: Mo.Ve. Technical Report 2006, Mo.Ve. Forum 2006, Venice, Italy, 2006. Chung, C.J., Bonin, D., Fannin, R.J., Fabbri, A.G., Journeay, M., Uncertainty in predicting landslide hazard in the Coquitlam reservoir area, B.C., Canada, in: Proceedings of IAMG ’06, International Association for Mathematical geology Conference on Quantitative Geology from Multiple Sources, CD, IAMG ’06, Liege, Belgium, 3-8 September, 2006. Koomen, E., Dekkers, J.E.C., Restrictief ruimtelijk beleid effectief in beschermen open ruimte; GIS-analyses van veranderend ruimtegebruik in Nederland, in: Abstractbundel RPB Ruimteconferentie 2006, RPB Ruimteconferentie ’06, Rotterdam, 31 October, 2006. Koomen, E., van Wilgenburg, R., Platteland en kleine kernen verrassend vitaal; kwantitatieve analyse van de sociaal-economische veranderingen van ruraal Nederland, in: Schrijnen, P.M. (eds.), Nieuwe economie nieuwe ruimte, nieuwe ruimte nieuwe economie; bijdragen aan de PlanDag 2006, 2006. Scotta, A., Pleizier, I.D., Scholten, H.J., Tangible user interfaces in order to improve Collaborative Interactions and Decision Making, in: Fendel, E., Rumor, R. (eds.), Proceedings of 25th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS 2006), Aalborg, Denmark, UDMS 2006, Delft, the Netherlands, 15-17 May, 2006. Zlatanova, S., Scholten, H.J., van Borkulo, E., Neuvel, J.M.M., Investigation of User Requirements in the Emergency Response Sector: The Dutch Case, in: Proceedings of ISPRS Conference, ISPRS ’06, 2006. Chung, C.F., Fabbri, A.G., Jang, D.H., Scholten, H.J., Risk assessment using spatial prediction model for natural disaster preparedness, in: van Oosterom, P., Zlatanova, S., Fendel, E.M. (eds.), Geo-information for Disaster Management, Springer, Berlin, 2005. Dekkers, J.E.C., Koomen, E., Simulations of Future Land Use for Water Management: Assessing the suitability for scenario-based modelling, in: Proceedings of the 45th congress of the European Regional Science Association, 45th congress of the European Regional Science Association, Amsterdam, 23-27 August, 2005. Dias, E.S., Edwardes, A.J., Information Flows in Nature Areas – Information Needs and Data supply for Location-based Services in Nature Areas, in: GISplanet proceedings, Estoril, Portugal, May-June, 2005. Koomen, E., Dekkers, J.E.C., Koetse, M.J., Rietveld, P., Scholten, H.J., Valuation of metropolitan open space; presenting the research framework, in: Proceedings of the 45th congress of the European Regional Science Association, 45th congress of the European Regional Science Association, Amsterdam, 23-27 August, 2005. Koomen, E., Bacao, F., Searching for the polycentric study: a spatio-temporal analysis of Dutch urban morphology, in: Toppen, F., Painho, M. (eds.), AGILE 2005 conference proceedings, AGILE 2005, ISEGI-Universidad Nova de Lisboa, 2005. Kuhlman, T., Tabeau, A., Gaaff, A., van Tongeren, F., Dekkers, J.E.C., Linking models in land use simulation: Application of the Land Use Scanner to changes in agricultural area, in: Proceedings of the 45th congress of the European Regional Science Association, 45th congress of the European Regional Science Association, Amsterdam, 23-27 August, 2005. Loonen, W., Spatial Optimization in Landuse Planning, in: Congress on theoretical and quantitative Geography: reviewed abstracts, European congress on theoretical and quantitative Geography, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-13 September, 2005. van Borkulo, E., Scholten, H.J., Zlatanova, S., van den Brink, A., Decision Making in Response and Relief Phases, in: van Oosterom, P., Zlatanova, S., Fendel, E.M. (eds.), Geo-information for Disaster Management, Springer, Berlin, 2005. van Wilgenburg, R., Dekkers, J.E.C., Scholten, H.J., Geomarketing – A case study: The use of GIS for the development of a marketing strategy for the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, in: Proceedings GIS Planet 2005, GIS Planet, Estoril, Lisbon, May 30 – June 2, 2005. de Nijs, T., Boersma, W., Koomen, E., Validation of the Dutch Land Use MOdelling System (LUMOS), in: Integrated Assessment of the Land System; The Future of Land Use, Proceedings of an International Workshop, Department of Environmental Sciences Wageningen University/ Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 28-30 October, 2004.
Remarks: Report number: W-05/04 Department of Environmental Sciences Wageningen University/ Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Vrije Universiteit
Dekkers, J.E.C., Rietveld, P., van den Brink, A., Scholten, H.J., Exploring the land market in the province of Noord-Holland using a spatial regression model, in: Proceedings of the 44th congress of the European Regional Science Association, 44th congress of the European Regional Science Association, Porto, 25-29 August, 2004. Dias, E.S., Beinat, E., Scholten, H.J., Effects of Mobile Information Sharing in Natural Parks, in: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, ENVIROINFO, Editions du Tricorne, Geneva: CERN, 21-23 October, 2004. Koomen, E., Evaluating land use simulations: the application of policy related functional indicators in Dutch studies of future land use, in: Integrated Assessment of the Land System; The Future of Land Use, Proceedings of an International Workshop, Department of Environmental Sciences Wageningen University/ Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 28-30 October, 2004.
Remarks: Report number: W-05/04 Department of Environmental Sciences Wageningen University/ Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Vrije Universiteit
Koomen, E., Groen, J., Evaluating future urbanisation patterns in the Netherlands, in: Proceedings of the 44th congress of the European Regional Science Association, 44th congress of the European Regional Science Association, Porto, 25-29 August, 2004. Koomen, E., Kaufholz, R., Rietveld P., Scholten, H.J., 3D-GIS and Urban Volume: applying the third dimension in a morphological study of the Amsterdam Urban Landscape, in: Toppen, F., Prestacos, P. (eds.), AGILE 2004 conference proceedings, AGILE 2004, Crete University Press, Heraklion, Greece, 2004. Rietveld, P., Koomen, E., De “discrete choice” theorie voor ruimtegebruikmodellering, de economische achtergrond van de Ruimtescanner, in: verslag Lumos symposium, Thema: Landgebruiksmodellering voor beleidsondersteuning, Lumos symposium, Bilthoven, 18 February, 2004. Rumor, M., Salazzari, D., Scotta, A., A practical approach to three dimensional GIS in urban contexts, in: Fendel, E., Rumor, R. (eds.), Proceedings of 24th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS 2004), Chioggia, Italy, UDMS 2004, Chioggia, Italy, 2004. Scotta, A., Franken, P., The use of high density airborne laser altimetry for the dutch water barriers, in: Fendel, E., Rumor, R. (eds.), Proceedings of 24th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS 2004), Chioggia, Italy, UDMS 2004, Chioggia, Italy, 2004. van der Togt, R., Beinat, E., Scholten, H.J., Location-based emergency medicine, medical location services for emergency management: information and coordination of rescue resources, in: Paper for the first congress of the International community on information systems for crisis response and management, ISCRAM, Brussels, Belgium, 2004. Wagtendonk, A.J., de Reus, N.O., Development and use of digital fieldwork tools for academic purposes, in: Proceedings conference?, Conference Institut für Geoinformatik?, Universität Münster, Münster, 2004. Koomen, E., Groen, J., Borsboom-van Beurden, J., Kuhlman, T., Rural land use dynamics, in: Dijst, M., Schot, P., de Jong, K. (eds.), Reviewed abstracts of the Framing Land Use Dynamics conference, Framing Land Use Dynamics, Utrecht, 16-18 April, 2003. Loonen, W., Heuberger, P., Bakema, A., Spatial Optimization of nitrogen emission patterns in Holland, in: Framing Land Use Dynamics: reviewed abstracts, Framing Land Use Dynamics, Utrecht, 16-18 April, 2003. Scholten, H.J., Dekkers, J.E.C., Câmara, A.S., van de Velde, R., Geospatial Virtual Environments, Towards a New Paradigm in Geovisualisation, in: Abstractbook Digital Earth Conference on Information Resources for Global Sustainability, Digital Earth Conference on Information Resources for Global Sustainability, Brno, 21-25 September, 2003. Koomen, E., Buurman, J.J.G., Economic theory and land prices in land use modelling, in: Proceedings of 5th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, 5th AGILE Conference on GIS, Palma Balearic Islands, Spain, 2002.
Remarks: Comparison of the land prices in the Land Use Scanner model with real world land prices.
Koomen, E., Groen, J., Borsboom, J., Scholten, H.J., Modelling the fragmentation of open space, a framework for assessing the impact of land use change on open space, in: Proceedings of the 42nd congress of the European Regional Science Association, 42nd congress of the European Regional Science Association, Dortmund, Germany, 2002. Scholten, H.J., Dekkers, J.E.C., Maasdam, R., Op expeditie naar nieuwe territoria voor watermonitoring; geo-ict als bagage, e-water als gids, in: Abstractboek Monitoring Tailor-Made Nederland, Dalfsen, Dalfsen, 4-6 June, 2002. Buurman, J.J.G., Rural land prices in the urban fringe, a geo-information technology supported analysis, in: International Conference on Urban GeoInformatics, International Conference on Urban GeoInformatics, Wuhan, China, 2001. Buurman, J.J.G., A spatial exploratory model of rural land prices, in: Conference proceedings 41st Congress of the European Regional Science Association, 41st Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Zagreb, 2001. Buurman, J.J.G., Wagtendonk, A., EuroScanner: Land use simulation in Europe, in: Proceedings of UDMS 2000, 22nd Urban and Regional Data Management Symposium, UDMS 2000, Delft, 2000. Koomen, E., Meijer, P.G., Een nieuw woningbestand voor Schiphol, in: Congresbundel Geo-Informatiedag Nederland 2000, GIN 2000, 2000. Romão, T.I., Dias, A.E., Câmara, A.S., Buurman, J.J.G., Scholten, H.J., New tools for coastal managers, Providing decision makers with useful information through multidimensional visualisation techniques, in: Proceedings GIS Planet 98, GIS Planet, Lisbon, 1998. Scholten, H.J., Locashio, A., van de Velde, R.J., Rietveld, P., Large Scale Models Revided. 25 Years After Douglasss Lee’s “Requiem for Large-Scale Models”, in: GIS PLANET 1998 Annual Conference Proceedings, GIS PLANET ’98, Lisbon, Portugal, September, 1998. Koomen, E., Veenbaas, G., Poot, G., Quantitative analysis of bird disturbance in environmental impact assessment, in: Hodgson, S., Rumor, M., Harts, J.J. (eds.), Proceedings of the third joint European conference on geographical information, 3rd joint European conference on geographical information, IOS press, Vienna, Austria, 1997. Romão T., Dias, A.E., Sousa, L., Molendijk, M.A., Scholten, H.J., Multidimensional Visualisation Tools in Coastal Zone Management, in: JEC-GI ’97 Proceedings, IOS Pres/Ohmsha, 1997. Scholten, H.J., LoCashio, A., GIS Application Research: History, Trends and Developments, in: ESF, Geographic Information Research at the Millenium, GISDATA final conference, Le Bischenberg, France, 13-17 September, 1997. Scholten, H.J., Bonn, B., LoCashio, A., ESMI: European Spatial (Meta)data Infrastructure, in: Peckham, R.J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd EC-GIS Workshop, DGIII Conference on Strategic Developments, Leuven, Belgium, 25-27 June, 1997. Douven, W.J.A.M., Scholten, H.J., A Geo Information Infrastructure for the Admission of Pesticides in Europe, in: Rumor, M., McMillan, R., Ottens, H.F.L. (eds.), Proceedings Second Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information, Second Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Spain, 1996. Romão T., Câmara, A.S., Molendijk, M.A., Scholten, H.J., Coastmap: A Collaborative Spatial Multimedia System for Coastal Management, in: Rumor, M., McMillan, R., Ottens, H.F.L. (eds.), Proceedings Second Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Spain, 1996. Romao, T., Camara, A., Molendijk, M.A., Scholten, H.J., Coastmap: A Collaborative Spatial Multimedia System for Coastal Management, in: Rumor, M., McMillan, R., Ottens, H.F.L. (eds.), Proceedings Second Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Spain, 1996. Thewessen, T.J.M., van de Velde, R.J., Heida, R., The Concept of a Geo Data Warehouse; Methods and Experiences, in: Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Informatio Proceedings, Basel: JEC-GI, 1995. van Veldhuizen, J.P.J., van de Velde, R.J., van Woerden, J.W., Population Mapping to Support Environmental Monitoring: Some Experiences at a European Scale, in: Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Informatio Proceedings, Basel: JEC-GI, 1995. Scholten, H.J., Planningsmethoden en Geografische Informatiesystemen, Rooilijn, 9, pp.434-435, 1994. Dorf, J., Scholten, H.J., Van de Velde, R.J., Meta-Catalog: a Necessary Requirement for European Environmental Research, in: Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.J., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information Systems, EGIS ’93, EGIS ’93, EGIS Foundation, Utrecht/Amsterdam, Genoa, Italy, March 29 – April 1, 1993. Douven, W.J.A.M., Scholten, H.J., The development of a DSS for the admission of pesticides, in: Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.J., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information Systems, EGIS ’93, EGIS ’93, EGIS Foundation, Utrecht/Amsterdam, Genoa, Italy, 1993. Janssen, L.L.F., van de Velde, R.J., Potential applications of remote sensing date in environmental research, in: Proceedings of International Symposium on Operationalization of remote sensing, Enschede, the Netherlands, 1993. Kok, B., Scholten, H.J., The Fundamental Conditions for the Application of GIS: The Coordination and Exchange of the Geographic Core Data Set, in: Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.J., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), EGIS ’93 Conference Proceedings, EGIS ’93, EGIS Foundation, Utrecht/Amsterdam, 1993. Padding, P., van de Velde, R.J., Scholten, H.J., Meta-Catalog: A Necessary Requirement for European Environmental Research, in: Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.J., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information Systems, EGIS ’93, EGIS ’93, EGIS Foundation, Utrecht/Amsterdam, Genoa, Italy, 1993. Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.L., Scholten, H.J., EGIS ’90 and the Development and Application of Geographical Information Systems in Europe, in: Harts, J.J., Ottens, H.F.J., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), EGIS ’90 Conference Proceedings, EGIS ’90, EGIS Foundation, Utrecht/Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1990. Scholten, H.J., van de Velde, R.J., Advanced applications of geographic information systems in regional planning, in: Proceedings of ESRI User Conference Palm Springs, 1987. -
PhD dissertations
Here is a list of PhD publications that have been completed at the SPINlab. The older dissertations, form before the start of the SPINlab in 2001, have been completed under the responsibility of the chair of Spatial Informatics at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. And to complete the list, the first dissertation included is the one from our scientific director, Prof. dr. Henk J. Scholten. This site contains dissertations until 2016. Newer output for individual authors can be found at
Koomen, E., Spatial analysis in support of physical planning, Ph.D. thesis, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2008.
Remarks: This dissertation was nominated for the VU Societal Impact Award 2008. See the Ad Valvas of 16 October 2008, p.9.Boehner, C., Urban Environmental Management, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2002.
Fabbri, K., A Framework for Structuring Strategic Decision Situations in Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2002.
Geneletti, D., Ecological Evaluation for Environmental Impact Assessment, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2002.
Juliao, R.P., Geographical Information Technologies and Regional Science – Methodological Contributions for the Definition of Decision Support Models in Regional Development, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 2002.
Uran, O., Spatial Decision Support Systems for Coastal Zone and Water Management, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2002.
Ceccato, V., Understanding Urban Patterns: Qualitative and Quantitative approaches, Royal Institute of Technology – KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001.
Ramao, T.I.L., Environmental Engineering, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 2001.
Grothe, M., Keuze voor Ruimte, Ruimte voor Keuze, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1999.
Misseyer, M., Time, Area, Substance and Human Activity Referenced Emission Inventory, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1999.
van Herwijnen, M., Spatial Decision Support for Environmental Management, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1999.
Douven, W., Improving the Accessibility of Spatial Information for Environmental Management. An application to Pesticide Risk Management, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1997.
Beinat, E., Multiattribute value functions for environmental management, Tinbergen Institute Research Series no. 103, Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1995.
Scholten, H.J., Verhuisprocessen op de Nederlandse woningmarkt, een beleidsondersteunend model voor de woningbouw, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Geografisch Instituut, 1988.
Reports are published on a wide variety of topics. They are often related to research projects in which SPINLab employees participate, but can also be short technical publications on, for instance, new tools that SPINLab has released. This page contains a list of all SPINlab reports until 2016. Newer output for individual authors can be found at
Sposito, V., Diogo, V., Faggian, R., Romijn, H., Planning for blue-green infrastructure development at the regional level: A case study in the Gippsland Region, Victoria, Australia, Internal report. University of Melbourne, VU Amsterdam, Gippsland Local Government Network, Melbourne, Australia, 2014.
Vos, P., Dekkers, J.E.C., Trehy, I., Functionele & Technische documentatie voor Webmap-service Geoplaza-MIVU. Het tonen van interesse voor voorlichtingsactiviteiten en potentiële studenten per vier-positie postcodegebied, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2014.
Diogo, V., Koomen, E., Witte, F., Schaap, B., Understanding the spatial distribution of agricultural land use in view of climate-driven hydrological changes. Expert Pool Report Knowledge for Climate (KfC) research programme. Theme 6: High-quality Climate Projections, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2013.
Duden, A., Diogo, V., Bio-ethanol production in Mozambique, Internal report, 33 Asset Management, The Hague, 2013.
van der Hilst, F., van Eijck, J., Verstegen, J., Diogo, V., Batidzirai, B., Faaij, A., Impacts of Biofuel Production. Case Studies: Mozambique, Argentina and Ukraine, Global Assessments and Guidelines for Sustainable Liquid Biofuel Production in Developing Countries, UNEP, GEF, UNIDO, and FAO. Vienna, Austria, 2013.
Dekkers, J.E.C., Molendijk, M.A., Scholten, H.J., Harms, N., Critical Reflection Report UNIGIS Master Geographical Information Science, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2012.
Donovan, S., Dekkers, J.E.C., Koster, H.R.A., NVM Property Sales Analysis, Research report for the Dutch Association of Real Estate Brokers (NVM), Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2011.
Koomen, E., Improvement of the land allocation in the EUClueScanner100 model, Final Report to the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2011.
Brolsma, R., Hendriks, D., Hoogvliet, M., Kuijper, M., Visser, A., Appelman, W., van Hammelen, T., van Eupen, M., Goossen, H., de Groot, M., Smidt, R., Koekoek, A., Koomen, E., Versteeg, R., Roelevink, A., Brede, gebiedspecifieke verkenning van effecten van klimaatverandering, in samenhang met toekomstscenario’s en trendmatige ontwikkelingen, KvK rapportnummer KvK/030A/2010, Nationaal Onderzoekprogramma Kennis voor Klimaat (KvK), 2010.
Koomen, E., Diogo, V., Hilferink, M., van der Beek, M., EU-ClueScanner100m; model description and validation results. Commissioned by EC-JRC, project reference: IES/H/2008/01/11/NC, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2010.
Rietveld, P., Bruinsma, F.R., Dias, E.S., Kobus, M.B.W., Inventarisatie ruimtegebruik in de Vrije Universiteit. ICT voorzieningen in het hoofdgebouw, FEWEB rapport, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2009.
Molendijk, M.A., Grondregistratie en Land Informatie Systeem. External Review GLIS, Apeldoorn, 2008.
Arezza, A., Paskaleva, K., de Reus, N.O., Mitsche. N., Koomen, E., Report on ISAAC e-services and architecture specification, ISAAC project report, Deliverable 2.2, 2007.
Brouwer, R., Hess, S., Wagtendonk, A.J., Dekkers, J.E.C., De Baten van Wonen aan Water: Een Hedonische Prijsstudie naar de Relatie tussen Huizenprijzen, Watertypen en Waterkwaliteit, IVM rapport E07-16, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2007.
de Reus, N.O., Koomen, E., Construction of the Geographical Information Infrastructure, ISAAC project report, Deliverable 3.2., 2007.
Wagtendonk, A.J., Steenbruggen, J.G.M., Koster, P., Informatiesystemen en samenwerking ketenpartners bij Incident Management op de weg, Plan van aanpak ter voorbereiding van POC, IVM rapport E07-06, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2007.
Wagtendonk, A.J., Beinat, E., Steenbruggen, J.G.M., Location Awareness 2020; Scenario’s voor specifieke primaire werkprocessen en publieksgerichte taken Rijkswaterstaat, IVM rapport E07-09, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2007.
Brouwer, R., van der Woerd, H., Eleveld, M.A., Wagtendonk, A.J., Economic valuation of public benefits of marine protection and sustainable management of the North Sea, Part II, IVM rapport R06-05, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2006.
Eleveld, M.A., Wagtendonk, A.J., Pasterkamp, R., de Reus, N.O., WATeRS; A portal for water quality information products from operational remote sensing, NIVR, Rapportnummer R-06/06, 2006.
Lijesen, M., van der Straaten, W., Dekkers, J.E.C., van Elk, R., Geluidsnormen voor Schiphol, een welvaartseconomische benadering, CPB rapport, no. 116, Den Haag, 2006.
Neuvel, J.M.M., van Borkulo, E., Scholten, H.J., Zlatanova, S., Beugelink, G.P., van den Brink, A., De geografische dimensies van risicomanagement; Definitiestudie, Wageningen, 2006.
Omtzigt, A.Q.A., de Reus, N.O., GPS Blackboxen voor tracking en tracing: marktverkenning, vergelijking en praktijktest voor RWS, IVM rapport R06/03, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2006.
Reker, J., Vermaat, J.E., van Winden, A., Eleveld, M.A., Jansen, R., Braakhekke, W., de Reus, N.O., Omtzigt, A.Q.A., Deltas on the move. Making deltas cope with the effects of climate change, Report nr. 001/2006, 2006.
Wentzel, P., Gommer, L., Molendijk, M.A., de Bruin, S., van der Grint, L., van Lammeren, R., Wagtendonk, A.J., van Marwijk, R., Manolo Case Studies Mobiel Leren: implementatie van mobiel leren in het onderwijs aan de VU en WUR, IVM rapport W06-30, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2006.
Wentzel, P., Gommer, L., Molendijk, M.A., de Bruin, S., van der Grint, L., van Lammeren, R., Wagtendonk, A.J., van Marwijk, R., Mobiel en draadloos Onderwijs bij de VU en de WUR: inhoudelijk eindverslag Manolo project, IVM rapport W06/29, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2006.
Wentzel, P., Gommer, L., Molendijk, M.A., de Bruin, S., van der Grint, L., van Lammeren, R., Wagtendonk, A.J., van Marwijk, R., Manolo Lessen naar aanleiding van de implementatie van mobiel onderwijs bij deVU en WUR, IVM rapport W06-31, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2006.
de Bruin, S., van Lammeren, R., Molendijk, M.A., Vonder, O., Wagtendonk, A.J., Geerling, G., Integratiecursus Omgevingswetenschappen, GIPSY 3e projectenronde (ICT 2002/3) SURFtender 2001 ICT en Onderwijs, Amsterdam, 2004.
Wagtendonk, A.J., Computer Assisted Fieldwork and Mobile Learning: a Logical Combination, Proceedings of MLEARN conference 2004, Bracciano, Italy, 2004.
Wagtendonk, A.J., van Lammeren, R., de Reus, N.O., Bergsma, A., Ligtenberg, A., Molendijk, M.A., Locatie gebaseerd leren en computer ondersteund veldwerk; Erva, GIPSY 3e projectenronde (ICT 2002/3) SURFtender 2001 ICT en Onderwijs, Amsterdam, 2004.
Wagtendonk, A.J., de Reus, N.O., van Lammeren, R., Molendijk, M.A., A mobile GIS application for crop mapping; development and evaluation. GIPSY rapp, GIPSY 3e projectenronde (ICT 2002/3) SURFtender 2001 ICT en Onderwijs, Amsterdam, 2004.
Wagtendonk, A.J., An analysis of computer assisted fieldwork through case studies: Development and use of digital fieldwork toola in an academic environment, IVM rapport R04/01, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2004.
Wagtendonk, A.J., Prakash, A., Knowledge sharing through the web; the use of multimedia in a European research project, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2004.
Dekkers, J.E.C., Rietveld, P., Enquête-onderzoek voor Mobiele Ticket Service NoordNed – Analyse van de Intake-, Evaluatie- en Referentie-enquêtes, Connekt, Delft, 2003.
Kooistra, L., Rip, F., Omtzigt, A.Q.A., Wunderink, R., van Lammeren, R., Molendijk, M.A., van de Heuvel, P., Gipsy helpdesk. Een digitale kennisbron ter ondersteuning bij GIS-onderwijs, project rapport WUR-KUN-VU, Wageningen-Nijmegen-Amsterdam, 2003.
Vullings, W., Nieuwenhuis, G., van de Velde, R.J., Toekomstverkenning geo-informatie voor de Groene Ruimte, Den Haag: Ministerie van LNV, 2002.
Koomen, E., Neijsen, G.W., Nederland driedimensionaal. Inventarisatie van behoefte en beschikbaarheid van geografische gegevens van onder en boven het maaiveld, Rijkswaterstaat Meetkundige Dienst, 2000.
Ransijn, M., van de Velde, R.J., van Duijvenbooden, W., Milieudruk en milieukwaliteit in de Rom gebieden; quickscan tenbehoeve van een evaluatie van het ROM-beleid, RIVM rapport, 715651 004, Bilthoven, 1998.
van de Velde, R.J., Dauvellier, P.L., Reijs, T.A.M., van der Waals, J., Milieu en ruimte; verkenning van concepten, illustraties en aanknopingspunten voor onderzoek, RIVM rapport, 715651 003, Bilthoven, 1998.
Hoogland, T., van de Velde, R.J., Kamphuis, H.W., Duurzaam ruimtegebruik in het landelijk gebied: methodische verkenning, RIVM/RPD/RIZA. RIVM rapport, 712001 001, Bilthoven, 1997.
Koomen, E., Appelman, K., Gosse, J., van Ingen, W., GIS voor planstudies, handreiking voor het (laten) toepassen van Geografische Informatiesystemen in trajectstudie en milieueffectrapportage, Rijkswaterstaat Meetkundige Dienst, 1997.
Beinat, E., van den Berg, R., EUPHIDS, a decision support system for the admission of pesticides, RIVM report, 712405002, Bilthoven, 1996.
Erisman, J.W., Bleeker, A., van de Velde, R.J., Indikatieve studie naar de ammoniakproblematiek in het ROM gebied Zuid-Oost Friesland, RIVM rapport, 722108011, Bilthoven, 1996.
Mücher, C.A., Veldkamp, J.G., van Katwijk, V.F., Nieuwenhuis, G.J.A., van de Velde, R.J., Applicability of NOAA-AVHRR 1-km data for small scale land cover mapping, Wageningen/Delft/Bilthoven, 1996.
Veldkamp, J.G., van de Velde, R.J., Towards operational environmental applications using terrestrial remote sensing, RIVM report nr. 724001003 / BCRS report nr. 96-24, RIVM, Bilthoven, the Netherlands / BCRS, Delft, the Netherlands, 1996.
Beugelink, G.P., Hendriks, L., Hoogerwerf, M.R., van de Velde, R.J., Gebiedenatlas, een eerste inventarisatie, RIVM rapport, 711901014, Bilthoven, 1995.
Mücher, C.A., van de Velde, R.J., Nieuwenhuis, G.J., Mapping land cover for environmental monitoring on a European scale. Pilot project for the applicability of NOAA-AVHRR HRPT data, BCRS report, 94-24, Delft, the Netherlands, 1994.
Janssen, L.L.F., van de Velde, R.J., Bekhuis, F.H., Remote sensing als gegevensbron voor het milieuonderzoek bij RIVM. Kansrijke toepassingen en organisatorische aspecten, BCRS rapport, Delft, 1993.
de Boer, J.L.M., Gast, L.F.L., Kusse, A.A.M., Snelting, H., Inrichting en exploitatie van het landelijk meetnet grondwaterkwaliteit, RIVM Rapport 728517061, Bilthoven, the Netherlands, 1990.
Mulschlegel, J.H.C., Prins, H.F., Kusse, A.A.M., Ruimtelijke variatie chemische samenstelling grondwater in de grensstreek Nederland-Belgie (oostelijk grensgebied), RIVM Rapport 728609001, Bilthoven, the Netherlands, 1989.
Peeters, A.A., Kusse, A.A.M., Landelijk Meetnet Grondwaterkwaliteit : analyseresultaten bemonstering 1985 : Provincie Noord-Holland, RIVM Rapport 728517007, Bilthoven, the Netherlands, 1987.
Scholten, H.J., De ene migrant is de andere niet, Ruimtelijke Verkenningen 1987, Jaarboek Rijksplanologische Dienst, Den Haag, 1987.
ten Velde, H.E., Scholten, H.J., De betekenis van decision support systems en expert systems in de ruimtelijke planning, Den Haag, 1987.
van de Velde, R.J., Nieuwe mogelijkheden voor de analyse van geografische informatie, Ruimtelijke Verkenningen 1987, Ministerie van VROM. Den Haag, 1987.
Research memoranda
The SPINlab regularly publishes it’s own SPINLab research memoranda. Next to that, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEWEB), the Vrije Universiteit and the Tinbergen INstitute also have research memoranda series in which SPINLab researchers publish. Here is a list of all memoranda published by SPINlab (co-)authors until 2014.
Hoymann, J., Working Paper on Management in Environmental Planning 29/2010, 2010.
van Ommeren, J., Wentink, D., Dekkers, J.E.C., The Real Price Of Parking Policy, Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, Amsterdam, 2009.
Beinat, E., Steenbruggen, J.G.M., Wagtendok, A.J., Location Awareness 2020, A foresight study on location and sensor services, IVM rapport E07-12, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2007.
Loonen, W., Koomen, E., Verburg, P., Kuijpers-Linde, M., Land Use MOdeling System (LUMOS): A Toolbox for Land Use Modeling. Definitiestudie, Spinlab Research Memorandum SL-03, Amsterdam, 2006.
Beinat, E., Wagtendonk, A.J., Geo-spatial infrastructure for the Alarm project, Workpaper IVM, version 1.0 draft, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2002.
Wagtendonk, A.J., Metadata and the Alarm project, Workpaper IVM, version 1.0 draft, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2002.
Nijkamp, P., Scholten, H.J., New interoperable planning tools for sustainable land use, Research memorandum, Amsterdam, 1999.
Hilferink, M., Rietveld, P., Land Use Scanner: an integrated GIS-based model for long term projections of land use in urban and rural areas, Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, Amsterdam/Rotterdam, 1998.
Remarks: This paper describes the structure of the Land Use Scanner, with emphasis on its mathematical formulation.Misseyer, M.P., Spoor, E.R.K., Scholten, H.J., The TASTE-model and the EPM-system: conceptual designs for exploitation and exploration of aggretated emission investory information in environmental monitoring, Research memorandum, Amsterdam, 1997.
Douven, W., Nijkamp, P., Scholten, H.J., Towards a spatial informatics framework for sustainability analysis, Research memorandum, Amsterdam, 1995.
Grothe, M., Nijkamp, P., Scholten, H.J., Monitoring residential quality for the elderly using a geographical information system, Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, Amsterdam, 1995.
Grothe, M., Nijkamp, P., Scholten, H.J., Monitoring residential quality for the elderly using a geographical information system, Research memorandum, Amsterdam, 1994.
Grothe, M., Scholten, H.J., The development of retail store location analysis and decision support systems, Research memorandum, Amsterdam, 1994.
Nijkamp, P., Scholten, H.J., Spatial information systems : design, modelling and use in planning, Research memorandum, Amsterdam, 1991.
Nijkamp, P., Scholten, H.J., New information systems : the use of retail information systems in the Netherlands, Research memorandum, Amsterdam, 1990.
Brouwer, F.M., Nijkamp, P., Scholten, H.J., Hybrid log-linear models for spatial interaction and stability analysis, Research memorandum, Amsterdam, 1983.
Land Use Scanner publications
This site contains all SPINlab’s Land Use Scanner publications until 2016. Newer output for individual authors can be found at
Land Use Scanner – Thematic overview of Publications
Land Use Scanner documentation
Rodríguez, J., Omtzigt, A.Q.A., Koomen, E., de Blois, F.S., 3D Visualisations in simulations of future land use: exploring the possibilities of new, standard visualisation tools, International Journal of Digital Earth, 1 (1), pp.148-154, 2008.
Remarks: Click here for the abstract.Loonen, W., Koomen, E., Verburg, P., Kuijpers-Linde, M., Land Use MOdeling System (LUMOS): A Toolbox for Land Use Modeling. Definitiestudie, Spinlab Research Memorandum SL-03, Amsterdam, 2006.
Rietveld, P., Koomen, E., De “discrete choice” theorie voor ruimtegebruikmodellering, de economische achtergrond van de Ruimtescanner, in: verslag Lumos symposium, Thema: Landgebruiksmodellering voor beleidsondersteuning, Lumos symposium, Bilthoven, 18 February, 2004.
Koomen, E., De Ruimtescanner verkend; kwaliteitsaspecten van het informatiesysteem Ruimtescanner, Spinlab Research Memorandum SL-01/Ruimtelijk Planbureau, Amsterdam/Den Haag, 2002.
Remarks: An indepth discussion of data quality and model issues of the Land Use ScannerScholten, H.J., van de Velde, R.J., Borsboom-van Beurden, J.A.M., Ruimtescanner: informatiesysteem voor de lange termijn verkenning van ruimtegebruik, Nederlandse Geografische Studies, Utrecht/Amsterdam, 2001.
Remarks: Comprehensive description of the Land Use Scanner information system, early validation and calibration efforts, the first practical applications and theoretical backgroundsHilferink, M., Rietveld, P., Land Use Scanner: an integrated GIS-based model for long term projections of land use in urban and rural areas, Journal of Geographical Systems, 1 (2), pp.155-177, 1999.
Remarks: This paper describes the structure of the Land Use Scanner, with emphasis on its mathematical formulation.Hilferink, M., Rietveld, P., Land Use Scanner: an integrated GIS-based model for long term projections of land use in urban and rural areas, Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, Amsterdam/Rotterdam, 1998.
Remarks: This paper describes the structure of the Land Use Scanner, with emphasis on its mathematical formulation.Dutch Applications
van Dijk, B.C., Erop of erover; Introductie op het nieuwe waterveiligheidsbeleid, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2014.
Remarks: This thesis applies SPINlab output in an assessment of the efficiency of new flood management strategiesGIS magazineKoomen, E., van der Hoeven, E.M.M.M., De toekomst in kaart; simulaties van veranderend ruimtegebruik, GIS magazine, 6 (1), pp.6-8, 2008.
AGILE 2008Koomen, E., Loonen, W., Hilferink, M., Climate-change adaptations in land-use planning; a scenario-based approach, in: Bernard, L., Friis-Christensen, A., Pundt, H. (eds.), The European Information Society; Taking Geoinformation Science One Step Further. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Springer, Berlin, 2008.
Remarks: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography SeriesKuhlman, T., Tabeau, A., Gaaff, A., van Tongeren, F., Dekkers, J.E.C., Future land-use change in the Netherlands: an analysis based on a chain of models, Agrarwirtschaft, 55 (5/6), pp.238-247, 2006.
Koomen, E., De toekomstige inrichting van Nederland, Klimaatmagazine, september, pp.27, 2006.
Borsboom-van Beurden, J.A.M., Boersma, W.T., Bouwman, A.A., Crommentuijn, L.E.M., Dekkers, J.E.C., Koomen, E., Ruimtelijke Beelden – Visualisatie van een veranderd Nederland in 2030, RIVM rapport, 550016003, Bilthoven, 2005.
Remarks: There are two links: one to the report (RIVM) and one to a newspaper article related to the reportKoomen, E., Evaluating land use simulations: the application of policy related functional indicators in Dutch studies of future land use, in: Integrated Assessment of the Land System; The Future of Land Use, Proceedings of an International Workshop, Department of Environmental Sciences Wageningen University/ Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 28-30 October, 2004.
Remarks: Report number: W-05/04 Department of Environmental Sciences Wageningen University/ Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Vrije UniversiteitKoomen, E., Groen, J., Evaluating future urbanisation patterns in the Netherlands, in: Proceedings of the 44th congress of the European Regional Science Association, 44th congress of the European Regional Science Association, Porto, 25-29 August, 2004.
de Nijs, T., Boersma, W., Koomen, E., Validation of the Dutch Land Use MOdelling System (LUMOS), in: Integrated Assessment of the Land System; The Future of Land Use, Proceedings of an International Workshop, Department of Environmental Sciences Wageningen University/ Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 28-30 October, 2004.
Remarks: Report number: W-05/04 Department of Environmental Sciences Wageningen University/ Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Vrije UniversiteitKuhlman, T., Koomen, E., Groen, J., Bouwman, A., Simulating agricultural land use change in the Netherlands, paper presented at the international workshop “Transition in agriculture and future land use patterns”, 1-3 December, 2003.
Koomen, E., Dekkers, J.E.C., Landgebruikssimulatie voor Droogtestudie RIZA – Aanvullende scenario-uitwerking, RIZA werkdocument, 2003.141x, Lelystad, 2003.
Koomen, E., Groen, J., Borsboom-van Beurden, J., Kuhlman, T., Rural land use dynamics, in: Dijst, M., Schot, P., de Jong, K. (eds.), Reviewed abstracts of the Framing Land Use Dynamics conference, Framing Land Use Dynamics, Utrecht, 16-18 April, 2003.
Dekkers, J.E.C., Koomen, E., Vlaanderen, N., Peereboom, I., Simulation of future land use for water management, in: Dijst, M., Schot, P., de Jong, K. (eds.), Reviewed abstracts of the Framing Land Use Dynamics conference, Framing Land Use Dynamics, Utrecht, 16-18 April, 2003.
Koomen, E., Dekkers, J.E.C., Landgebruikssimulatie voor Droogtestudie RIZA – Basisscenario-uitwerking, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2002.
Koomen, E., Buurman, J.J.G., Economic theory and land prices in land use modelling, in: Proceedings of 5th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, 5th AGILE Conference on GIS, Palma Balearic Islands, Spain, 2002.
Remarks: Comparison of the land prices in the Land Use Scanner model with real world land prices.Schotten, C.G.J., Goetgeluk, R., Hilferink, M., Rietveld, P., Scholten, H.J., Residential construction, land use and the environment. Simulations for The Netherlands using a GIS-based land use model, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 6, pp.133-143, 2001.
Schotten, C.G.J., Goetgeluk, R., Hilferink, M., Rietveld, P., Scholten, H.J., Residential construction, land use and the environment. Simulations for The Netherlands using a GIS-based land use model, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 6, pp.133-143, 2001.
Remarks: Describes the simulation of future land use and its possible environmental impact in a reference study for policy development.European Applications
Koomen, E., Improvement of the land allocation in the EUClueScanner100 model, Final Report to the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2011.
Perez-Soba, M., Verburg, P.H., Koomen, E., Hilferink, M., Benito, P., Lesschen, J.P., Banse, M., Woltjer, G., Eickhout, B., Prins, A.-G., Staritsky, I., Land use modelling – implementation; Preserving and enhancing the environmental benefits of land-use services, Final report to the European Commission, DG Environment, Alterra Wageningen UR/ Geodan Next/ Object Vision/ BIOS/ LEI and PBL, Wageningen, 2010.
Remarks: The executive summary can be found here.Koomen, E., Diogo, V., Hilferink, M., van der Beek, M., EU-ClueScanner100m; model description and validation results. Commissioned by EC-JRC, project reference: IES/H/2008/01/11/NC, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2010.
Wagtendonk, A.J., Julião, R.P., Schotten, C.G.J., A regional Planning Application of EuroScanner in Portugal, in: Stillwell, J.C.H., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Land use simulation for Europe, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001.
Remarks: Book can be ordered through the publisher. This book also contains a lot of other interesting chapters on the simulations of Europe’s land use.Stillwell. J.C.H., Scholten, H.J., Land Use Simulation for Europe, GeoJournal Library, ( ), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001.
Schotten, C.G.J., Heunks, C., A national planning application of Euroscanner in the Netherlands, in: Stillwell, J.C.H., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Land use simulation for Europe, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001.
Remarks: Book can be ordered through the publisher. This book also contains a lot of other interesting chapters on the simulations of Europe’s land use.Rietveld, P., Scholten, H.J., Stillwell, J.C.H., EuroScanner: A Simulation Model for Land Use Change in Europe, in: Stillwell, J.C.H., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Land use simulation for Europe, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001.
Remarks: Book can be ordered through the publisher. This book also contains a lot of other interesting chapters on the simulations of Europe’s land use.Buurman, J.J.G., Wagtendonk, A., EuroScanner: Land use simulation in Europe, in: Proceedings of UDMS 2000, 22nd Urban and Regional Data Management Symposium, UDMS 2000, Delft, 2000.
Other Applications