Knowing yourself is another important element to experience success during your studies. When you know what drives you, you’ll probably also be able to get through the classes and subjects you’re less interested in, because you know why you’re studying in the first place!
The theme of Better Prepared is ‘setting your own course’, which is also the core of your academic essay. You will start with a mood board about the journey which led you to the VU and the journey ahead. You probably have dreams or goals what you would like to achieve with your studies! Of course you can also dive into events or happenings that are not related to your studies but shaped who you are now. You will be part of a smaller group in which you’ll discuss the mood boards: an excellent way to already get to know each other! Throughout the programme, there will be different speakers to tell you about their journey and what they learnt from them.
Another important element of the programme is the Socratic method, which you will apply and really dive into the theme. Another element is the ‘note to self’, which is a letter you will write to your future self. A couple of months into your studies, this note will be sent to you be post and you will read back on your thoughts during Better Prepared. For instance, participants have told us that they feel more secure after Better Prepared: they are also competent to study at university, despite that they were nervous before starting. This way you will be looking back at the personal growth you accomplished and hopefully continue to do so during your studies and beyond!