The research track focuses on personal development as a researcher by conducting research yourself, rounded off with a report in the form of a scientific article. It is therefore the ideal prelude to an MD / PhD trajectory and / or a career as a medical researcher.
The first part of the HP research track consists of conducting research. To participate in the HP research track it is a condition that the student chooses the research minor in the third year. The HP student will make extra HP hours for the research minor, by writing the research proposal before the start of the minor, by doing more research before and during the minor, by receiving extra hours of supervision from the HP, with the aim of an English-language , publishable, scientific article at the end of the minor (3 EC). To achieve this goal, the student will also be supported by an intensive course in writing and pitching your research in English, in which the student learns writing and speaking techniques and receives feedback from teachers (3 EC).
The second part of the research track includes active participation in science (3EC). Students in the research track actively participate in scientific meetings including:
- Masterclasses, which take place 8 times a year and are organized by the students themselves and are mandatory to attend. The audience consists of the HP students and other invited guests. The students are also present at all HP masterclasses.
- Active participation in symposia or conferences of your choice. The student performs manual services such as registration, handing out badges, supervising speakers, and also attends the conference. Attending conferences is based on availability and registration. The student attends at least 3 half-days of a conference. Afterwards, the student makes a reflection report.
- Final symposium (language English): all students of the HP research track present their own research results. Presence and active participation is mandatory.
The third part of the research track includes personal development (3 EC). Students can complete this part at their own discretion on the basis of approved courses: for example in-depth scientific discipline, presentation skills, personal effectiveness, time management.