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List of diplomas per country

The international diplomas included in this list are considered to meet the diploma requirements of our Bachelor's programmes.

If your diploma or country is not on this list, it might still be possible to gain admission. The admissions teams assess each application individually and will inform you of the admission decision.

Please note that our diploma list may be updated for future intakes. No rights can be derived from this list and the final decision on admission to the programme will be determined by the International Office and Student Administration.

VU Amsterdam reviews all non-Dutch diploma applications individually due to their distinctive nature. Therefore, the only way to determine whether you are eligible for admission is by submitting an official application via Studielink and providing all required documentation in the application section of the VU dashboard. After you have done so you will be informed whether you are eligible for admission.

Next to the general admission requirements, each Bachelor’s programme has its own specific admission requirements and these requirements will be taken into consideration while assessing your application. Please check the specific admission requirements on the page of your Bachelor's degree programme.


Contact your International Student Advisor (ISA) if you are an international diploma applicant applying for one of our English-taught programmes.

All other applicants can contact the Student Desk.

For International Students

  • Africa


    General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (at least 5 exam subjects with a final result of A, B of C) + General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level in an Arts or Science Stream in at least 3 subjects with a final result A


    Al Azhar Secondary Education Certificate/General Secondary Education Certificate and at least 1 year of credits in academic education at an internationally recognised university


    Senior Secondary School Certificate (at least 6 subjects graded A-C)/West African Senior School Certificate(at least 6 subjects graded A1-C6) and at least 1 year of credits in academic education at an internationally recognised university


    • Attestation du Baccalauréat, Série: Lettres (Modernes / Originelle) with a General Average of at least 15 and also scores of at least 15 for each of the 5 National Examinations
    • Attestation du Baccalauréat, Série: Sciences (Expérimentales / Mathématique / Originelle) a General Average of at least 15 and also scores of at least 15 for each of the 5 National Examinations


    West African Senior School Certificate (WAEC)/ Senior School Certificate (NECO) and at least 1 year of credits in academic education at an internationally recognised university

    South Africa

    National Senior Certificate (NSC) from UMALUSI or IEB with:

    - 7 examination courses in accepted subjects*

    - an overall average result of 70% (excluding Life Orientation) and no result lower than 65%. Your certificate needs to mention that the minimum requirements are met for admissions to a Bachelor’s degree in South Africa

    - 1 Independent Examinations Board (IEB) Advanced Programme Certificate or IEB Further Studies Certificate in Mathematics, Physics or English with a result of at least 55%

    *accepted subjects: Home/First Official Language, Second Official Language, Economics, Geography, History, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Physical Sciences, Religion Studies.


    Certificate of Secondary Education (at least 5 exam subjects with a final result of A, B, C) + the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education including at least 3 Principal level subjects with grade A or B AND a pass (S) for General Studies at Subsidiary level.


    Diplôm du Baccalauréat with a moyenne final of at least 14. We accept the following streams: Experimental sciences; Languages (Literature); Humanities and social sciences; and Mathematics


    Uganda Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level ( at least 6 exam subjects with a final result of 1 to 6) + Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with at least 3 principal level subjects with a final result of A or B 


    Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level (at least 5 exam subjects with a final result of A, B, C) + the Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level with at least 3 principal level subjects with a final result of A or B

  • Asia


    Higher Secondary Certificate (humanities/sciences)/ Alim Certificate and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university


    Senior middle school graduation certificate (Gaozhong), a high Gaokao score and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university

    Hong Kong

    From 2024 onwards: Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) in 4 core subjects and a minimum of two approved subjects)*;

    - A minimum of level 4 in core subjects (Chinese language, English language, and Mathematics

    - A minimum of level 4 in at least two Category A approved subjects*

    - ‘Attained’ in Citizenship and Social Development

    *approved subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Chinese history, Chinese literature, Economics, Ethics and Religious studies, Geography, History, Literature in English, Music, Physics

    Before 2024: Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) in 6 subjects with Level 3 – 5


    • All India Senior School Certificate (CBSE) with A1, A2 or B1 grades in 5 academic subjects
    • Indian School Certificate (CISCE) with at least 5 academic subjects and a minimum grade of 75% for each subject
    • Migration Cum Transfer Certificate of the Senior Secondary School Examination (NIOS) with at least 5 academic subjects and a score of A, B of C or a minimum grade of 75% in each subject


    Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) and at least 1 year of credits in academic education at an internationally recognized university


    Te’udat Bagrut including at least 3 academic subjects with unit level 4 or 5, one of these being English


    Certificate of Completion of Secondary School Studies – Theoretical (Nazari – from 2019) + national university entrance exam (Konkur) and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university


    • Higher Secondary School Certificate/Intermediate School Certificate (with a final grade of at least C) and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university.
    • Bachelor (Pass)


    Singapore – Cambridge GCE A level in three H2 + H1 content-based subjects + General Paper/Knowledge and Inquiry (five different subjects in total) + each subject obtained with grades A-C

    South Korea

    High School Certificate and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university


    Certificate of Secondary Education/ Matayom 6 (M6) and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university


    • Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university
    • Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc obtained at a high school for the gifted with an average final exam grade 7 (of the four national examinations) and no final exam grades under 6,5
  • Europe


    Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore / Diploma e Maturës Shteteröre Profesionale


    Reifezeugnis or Reifeprüfungszeugnis awarded by an Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule


    • Algemeen Secundair Onderwijs (ASO)
    • Certificat d’enseignement Sécondaire Supérieur

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    • Diploma o položenom maturskom ispitu (RS) from a gimnazijum
    • Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (FiBH) (Secondary School Leaving Diploma) from a gimnazijum
    • Diploma o završenoj gimnaziji


    Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie, Academic stream from a gimnasia or a sredna obchschoobrazovatelna uchilishte


    Svjedodžba o (državnoj) maturi from a Gimnazija


    Apolityrio Lykeiou from a public school with an overall average of at least 16/20 and one of the following specialisations:

    • classical studies and humanities
    • foreign languages and European studies
    • economic sciences
    • natural sciences/life sciences/information science/ technology

    Applicants attending a private, international school and following a curriculum from the United States, United Kingdom or Turkey are referred to the corresponding countries for the diploma requirements.

    Czech Republic

    Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce obtained at a Gymnázium


    • Studentereksamenbevis (STX)
    • Bevis for Højere Forberedelseseksamen (HF)


    Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus


    • Ylioppilastutkintotodistus
    • Studentexamenbevis
    • Matriculation Examination Certificate


    Baccalauréat Général


    • Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife
    • Zeugnis der fachgebundenen Hochschulreife


    Apolityrio Genikou Lykeiou with an overall average of at least 16/20 


    Gimnaziumi Erettsegi Bizonyitvany


    Stúdentspróf (Matriculation Examination), awarded by a Menntaskóli


    • Leaving Certificate with at least 6 exam subjects from the Established programme, including two courses with H5 or higher and 4 courses with at least O6 or H7 + a minimum of 350 CAO points
    • Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme with at least 6 courses and the link modules, including two courses with H5 or higher and 4 courses with at least O6 or H7 + a minimum of 350 CAO points


    Diploma di Superamento dell’Esame di Stato Conclusivo, awarded by a Liceo Classico/Scientifico/Linguistico/Scienze Umane


    Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību




    Brandos Atestatas from a Gimnazija or Licejus including 3 State Matura Exams in extended A (isplestinis) level subjects with a minimum of 36% in each subject


    Diplôme de Fin d’Études Secondaires Classiques / Générales


    Matriculation Certificate issued by MATSEC Examination Board + each subject obtained with grades A-C

    North Macedonia

    Diploma za položena državna matura


    Vitnemål for Videregående Opplaering with Study Specialisation programme in General Studies. Other profiles will be evaluated on an individual basis


     Świadectwo Ukończenia Liceum Ogólnokształcącego + Świadectwo Dojrzałości (maturity certificate)


    Diploma or Certificado Nivel Secundário Educação - Cursos Científico-Humanísticos (CCH) with a final GPA of at least 15/20


    Diplomă de Bacalaureat (theoretical or academic stream) obtained after 2005

    Russian Federation

    Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university


    Diploma o stečenom srednjem obrazovanju or Diploma/Uverenje o položenom maturskom ispitu when studied for four years


    Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej skúške awarded by a Gymnázium


    Spričevalo o Splosni Maturi from a Gimnazia


    Bachillerato (Titulo de Bachiller) and the Prueba de Acceso a Estudios Universitarios (PAU) or the Evaluación de Bachillerato para el Acceso a la Universidad (EBAU) / Evaluación para el Acceso a la Universidad (EVAU) with a score of at least 6.0 (apto)


    Högskoleförberedande Examen från Gymnasieskolan with one of the following programmes:

    • Ekonomiprogrammet/ Business Management and Economics Programme
    • Estetiska programmet/ Arts Programme
    • Humanistiska programmet/ Humanities Programme
    • Naturvetenskapsprogrammet/ Natural Science Programme
    • Samhällsvetenskapsprogrammet/ Social Science Programme
    • Teknikprogrammet/ Technology Programme


    • Maturity Certificate
    • Maturitätszeugnis
    • Maturitätsausweis
    • Certificat de Maturité


    • A high school diploma with a cumulative GPA of 80% in the final two years and awarded by a school with the Label France Education mentioned on this website.
    • Lise Diplomasi with a cumulative GPA of 80% in the final two years + at least 4 College Board Advanced Placement (AP) exam certificates* with grade 3, 4 or 5.
      *AP Seminar, AP Research, AP Capstone and vocational subjects are not accepted
    • Lise Diplomasi in combination with an international diploma such as International Baccalaureate, European Baccaleaurate, GCE A-levels or US High School that meets the minimum diploma requirements -  check under "International" or "North America - United States" for the minimum requirements.
    • If you have obtained a regular Lise Diplomasi, you must have obtained at least 1 year of credits in academic education at an internationally recognised university.


    • Svidotstvo pro zdobuttia povnoi zagalnoi serednoi osvity (since 2019) + passing the Independent External Examination (EIT) or National Multisubject Test (NMT) and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university.
    • Atestat pro zagal’nu serednyu osvitu (up to 2018)+ passing the Independent External Examination (EIT) or National Multisubject Test (NMT) and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university.

    United Kingdom

    Applicants from the United Kingdom can find further information about admission on the information page for UK applicants.

    • GCE A-levels: at least 3 GCE A-levels (A2) in general, academic subjects with an A*, A, B or C grade + 3 GCSE’s with grade A*, A, B or C/grade 4-9 in six different subjects (incl. English and mathematics).
      Note that AS-levels and BTECS are not considered to be equivalent to the Dutch pre-university diploma. When you apply, upload your GCSE results + predicted A-level grades (official school statement).
      Examples of accepted A-level subjects: All Languages*, Ancient History, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Classical Studies, Economics, Environmental Science / Technology, Further Mathematics, Geography, Government and Politics, History, History of Art, Islamic Studies, Latin, Law, Literature, Marine Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Statistics.

      *For non-Humanities programmes a maximum of 1 GCE A-level in languages is accepted
    • Scottish Qualifications Certificate with 2 Advanced Highers (plus 4 Highers)
  • Central and South America


    Título de Bachiller + at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university


    Certificado de Conclusão do 2° Grau or Certificado de Conclusão de Ensino Médio and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university.


    Licencia de Enseñanza Media and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university.


    Bachiller Académico + at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university


    Título de Bachiller + at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university


    Bachiller and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university.


    Certificado Official de Estudios + at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university


    VWO Diploma


    Título de Bachiller + at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university

  • North America


    • British Columbia - Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood diploma) with five Grade 12 courses and no grade lower than 75% in academic subjects*

    *accepted subjects: All Languages*, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, History, Geography, Geology, Economics, Philosophy, Political Studies
    ** Please note that offshore schools are considered case-by-case

    • Quebec: Diplôme d’Études Collégiales (DEC) including the Préuniversitaire (2 years)
    • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with at least 6 Grade 12 University Preparatory Courses (4U or DU) and no grade lower than 75%*

    *We generally do not accept the OSSD if it has been completed entirely online through a virtual school, unless there is a formal partnership in place between the awarding school and an overseas school.

    Awarding schools must be listed on the Canadian Government website as a school authorised to award OSSD credits: 

    United States of America

    • High School diploma + at least 4 College Board Advanced Placement (AP) exam certificates* with grade 3, 4 or 5.
      *AP Seminar, AP Research, AP Capstone and vocational subjects are not accepted
    • High School diploma and at least 1 year of credits in academic education obtained at an internationally recognised university
    • Associate in Arts/Sciences degree (transfer program) with a clear academic curriculum and good GPA (3.0 or higher). These diplomas are evaluated on a case-by-case basis
  • Oceania


    An ATAR score higher than 86 in combination with one of the following:

    • Higher School Certificate
    • South Australian Certificate of Education
    • Qualifications Certificate or Tasmanian Certificate of Education
    • Victorian Certificate of Education
    • Western Australian Certificate of Education
    • ACT Year 12 Certificate
    • Northern Territory Certificate of Education 

    An OP score lower than 8 in combination with:

    •  Queensland Certificate of Education

    New Zealand

    National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3 in at least 3 general/academic subjects at level 3 endorsed at Merit (M), and a Zealand University Entrance

  • International

    International A-levels (Cambridge or Pearson)

    3 international GCE A-levels in general, academic subjects with an A*, A, B or C grade plus:

    • 3 IGCSE’s with grade A*, A, B or C/grade 4-9 showing - in combination with the A-levels - six different subjects in total (incl. English and mathematics)
    •  If you did not complete the IGCSE’s: please upload your secondary school transcript as completed prior to starting your A-levels

    Note that AS-levels and BTECS are not considered to be equivalent to the Dutch pre-university diploma. When you apply, please also upload your predicted A-level grades (official school statement).
    Further information about admission with A-levels can be found on the information page for UK applicants.

    Examples of accepted A-level subjects: All Languages*, Ancient History, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Classical Studies, Economics, Environmental Science / Technology, Further Mathematics, Geography, Government and Politics, History, History of Art, Islamic Studies, Latin, Law, Literature,  Marine Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Statistics.

    *For non-Humanities programmes a maximum of 1 GCE A-level in languages is accepted.

    Carribean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) 

    Three double units in General/Academic subjects with an overall grade of I-V

    European Baccalaureate

    European Baccalaureate (Schola Europaea)

    International Baccalaureate Diploma

    International Baccalaureate Diploma. Only the full diploma is accepted.

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