The annual consultation gives you and your manager a moment to have a more extensive discussion, away from the daily hustle and bustle. It’s a moment to look back, but also to look ahead and make agreements about what you do and how you do it. This enables you to discuss broader topics, such as collaboration and career planning. Throughout the year, you then coordinate expectations and, if necessary, adjust agreements on tasks or priorities, for example.
As an employee, you have an annual consultation with your manager once a year. At VU Amsterdam, the approach to and content of the annual consultation are flexible, so you can shape it together based on joint responsibility. As a good consultation starts with good preparation, below you will find further explanatory notes on the annual consultation.
You register the annual consultation together in the annual consultation form. As an employee, you take the first step. Use the blue ‘Take action now’ button on this page to get to the form in ‘Jaargesprek’ (self-service option for annual consultations). This is part of the SuccessFactors module. The manual explains how this works.