Group insurance schemes
Group insurance schemes
Group disability insurance scheme
VU Amsterdam has a group contract with Loyalis Schade NV for supplementary work incapacity insurance policies. If you participate in this contract, you can enjoy a tax break while insuring yourself against the risk of a drastic drop in income in the event that you should become incapacitated for work. You can choose from a number of options. You can take out a policy directly with Loyalis within six months of commencement of employment. The university will deduct the monthly premium for the group disability insurance from your monthly salary for the duration of the policy.
Group insurance scheme for non-life insurance
VU Amsterdam offers you as an employee, in collaboration with Aon, a group insurance scheme for non-life insurances, including for cars, (electric) bicycles, travel, household effects, liability and legal assistance. The complete range can be found at
Participation is also open to your partner and children living at home or studying children who live away from home.
As a former employee (with ABP Keuzepensioen, WAO, WIA, IP, WW, BWNU benefit claimants and employees who have reached the state pension age) you can continue to make use of the group insurance schemes under certain conditions.
If you leave VU Amsterdam because of accepting a job elsewhere, you must inform Aon, so that your insurance package can be examined.
For more information or to take out insurance, please contact AON Verzekeringen directly:
- Customer service Aon Verzekeringen, tel. 088 - 810 81 33
accessible on working days between 08:30 and 17:00 hours - You can also get in touch via chat, WhatsApp or the contact form. Go to the Service and contact page.
Please note:
In recent years, Aon was the insurance partner for the group insurance scheme for non-life insurance. As of 1 August 2024, this collectivity has been managed by OpGroen Insurances. The premium, policy conditions and coverage remain exactly the same.
From now on, contact will be be channelled through OpGroen Verzekeringen. The change to the new name will take place in several steps. Policyholders may encounter the old brand names Aon (and One Underwriting as authorised agent) for some time to come.
Group health insurance scheme
Health insurance is mandatory for anyone living and working the Netherlands. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers a supplementary group health insurance scheme in cooperation with health insurer Nationale Nederlanden, OHRA and Zilveren Kruis.
If you are still insured elsewhere to a group health insurance scheme at the time of employment, and you are interested in participating in one of these group health insurance schemes, you need to cancel your current insurance policy at the earliest possible date.
If you are already insured with Nationale Nederlanden, OHRA or Zilveren Kruis and you want to switch to the group health insurance scheme of the same health insurer, you can switch as of the first day of the following month. You then benefit from the collective added value. Please contact the relevant health insurer for this. In all other cases you can make the switch as of 1 January.
More information > Arrange your health insurance
Group Anw survivor’s annuity insurance scheme
VU Amsterdam has concluded a group insurance scheme with the insurance company ElipsLife. As a result of the abolition of the Anw compensation scheme by ABP, this group insurance scheme gives employees the opportunity to insure a net Anw survivor's annuity. This insurance does not replace ABP's Anw compensation scheme, but entitles the insured person to payment of a net Anw survivor's annuity in the event of the death of the insured person. This is an individual insurance policy for which you pay the premiums to ElipsLife yourself. It depends on your personal circumstances whether it is wise to take out this additional insurance. Read more about Anw insurance on the Anw page.
If you take out the insurance within one month after starting employment, medical guarantees are not necessary. Employees who enter into a partner relationship can also register without medical guarantees within one month of entering into the partner relationship (marriage, cohabitation contract or living at the same address for at least six months and have a permanent and joint household with someone who is not related by blood or marriage). You take out the insurance directly with ElipsLife.
Anw-hiaatverzekering afsluiten (in Dutch only)
If you are looking for information about the insurance policies listed below, check out the Business Insurance page
- In-house emergency services insurance
- Damage to personal and VU property
- Damage to VU buildings
- Roadside assistance for VU business vehicles
- Event insurance