It is important that the manager:
- asks about the employee's workstation and work situation, both at work and at home, so that this can be included in their agreements about work;
- discusses how the employee feels about working from home and asks what the manager can do to help improve the home work situation where necessary.
Healthy remote working also means:
- a properly designed and equipped workstation and a proper approach to organizing work;
- a good balance in terms of the psychosocial burden;
- realistic and transparent work agreements.
This means that you need to make clear and realistic agreements:
- What is expected from the employee (with regard to work, accessibility, planning, results, etc.); adjust expectations accordingly;
- Provide (additional) facilities if necessary, such as a laptop, an additional monitor, separate keyboard and/or mouse, an ergonomically suitable office chair, and so on;
- Mutual trust, giving and taking responsibility and a flexible attitude all contribute to motivated and responsible working from home.
This flow chart provides points for discussion for the meeting between employee and manager. This step-by-step shows the most important aspects relating to VU Amsterdam’s responsibility as an employer (the Working Conditions Act) with regard to healthy working from home for employees (it will not necessarily be exhaustive).
If one or more questions can be answered ‘no’, working from home is not possible or only with additional agreements, measures or (IT) facilities. If it is not possible to work properly at home, a workstation on campus will need to be used instead.