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Grants and funds for VU employees

Last updated on 19 November 2024
Staff members of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam are eligible for Erasmus+ funding.

This helps cover the costs of a short stay within Europe (EU-countries plus Iceland, Lichtenstein, Macedonia, Norway and Turkey) to teach or to receive professional training. The funding will be paid to the faculty/department and rarely covers all costs incurred.

More information

  • PhD students

    PhD students employed by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam are eligible for Erasmus+ staff funding. More information can be found under the headings below (Staff mobility for training and Staff mobility for teaching).

    All PhD students qualify for the Erasmus+ scholarships for traineeships. Traineeships are understood in this case as research visits of 60 days or more.

    For funding of shorter research visits please look under the heading Staff mobility for training, or contact

    Road map

    Roadmap Erasmus+ scholarships for PhD internships

    Scholarship forms 2024-2025

    Scholarship forms 2025-2026
    Will be published in August 2025.

  • Staff mobility for training

    Staff members can qualify for funding when the aim of the training is to acquire new professional skills or knowledge, for example via job shadowing, taking a language course, participating in an international staff training week, or a summer- or winter school. Attending an international conference is not viewed as training.

    • Duration
      The training period abroad is at least 2 days and maximum 14 days; however, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam will provide funding for a maximum of 10 days, excluding travel days. A bilateral Erasmus+ agreement between Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the institution providing the training is not obligatory.
    • Requirements
      Staff members must submit a short Training Programme signed by both Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the receiving institution or organisation. The aims and the added value of the mobility, planned activities, and the expected results must be specified in this document. In addition to this, a Grant agreement must be submitted in which the agreements with regards to the training are set down in writing.
    • After your stay 
      The receiving institution will, after the mobility period has ended, issue the Certificate of Participation in which the start- and end date of the training is confirmed. After the period abroad, the employee must fill in the ‘Online report form’. The request to fill in this form will be sent automatically per email.
  • Staff mobility for teaching

    Lecturers who want to teach at a foreign educational institution are eligible for Erasmus+ funding. However, a scholarship will only be granted when the institution has a bilateral Erasmus + agreement with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

    • Duration
      The teaching period has to last a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 60 days and per week at least 8 hours of actual teaching is obligatory. However, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam will provide funding for a maximum of 10 days, excluding travel days.
    • Apply for scholarship
      The teacher needs to submit a brief Teaching Programme beforehand, signed by both Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the receiving institution. The aims and the added value of the mobility, the content of the curriculum, and the expected results must be specified in this document. In addition to this, a Grant agreement must be submitted in which the agreements and reciprocal obligations with regards to the teaching assignment are set down in writing.
    • After your stay
      The receiving institution will, after the mobility period has ended, issue the Certificate of Participation in which the start- and end date of the teaching assignment is confirmed. After the period abroad, the teacher must fill in the ‘Online report form’. The request to fill in this form will be sent automatically per email.
  • Bilateral Erasmus + agreements

    The International Office of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam manages the Erasmus+ agreements, and can close possible new agreements if necessary. Please contact the International Office via for queries with regards to bilateral agreements for staff-and teacher mobility.

  • Grant support

    Participants receive individual support in the form of a daily allowance. The amount depends on the country of the receiving institution.

    • Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom €100,-
    • Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Malta,  Portugal, Spain €90
    • Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech  Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR Macedonia Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey €80
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses

    Next to the daily compensation, the grant consists also of a travel allowance depending on the distance in kilometers between the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the receiving institution or organization. Please consult the online distance calculator provided by the European Commission.

    Travel allowance is not possible when the travel distance is less than a 100 kilometres. The travel distance is the amount of kilometres between Amsterdam and the location of the receiving institution/organization (single journey). The allowance is for the entire mobility period.    

    • Travel distance ranging between 100 and 499 km : €180 per participant.
    • Travel distance ranging between 500 and 1,999 km: €275 per participant.
    • Travel distance ranging between 2,000 and 2,999 km: €360 per participant.
    • Travel distance ranging between 3,000 and 3,999 km: €530 per participant.
    • Travel distance ranging between 4,000 and 7,999 km: €820 per participant.
    • Travel distance of 8,000 km or more: €1,500 per participant.
  • Payment

    The payment of the grant will be transferred to the faculty or department, rather than being transferred directly to the staff member or teacher. The respective faculty or department has to settle the payment with the application themselves. Erasmus+ funding cannot be used to cover costs previously financed by other European funds (e.g. Strategic Partnerships).

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