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Whistleblowers' regulations

Last updated on 11 September 2024
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam finds it important to ensure that any misconduct or wrongdoings within the organization can be reported safely. The Whistleblowers’ Regulations have been drawn up for that purpose.

In this context, whistleblowing can be described as an employee of or student at VU Amsterdam reporting suspicions of serious illegal or immoral practices that are taking place under the responsibility of VU Amsterdam and in the context of which a significant general social interest or an interest of the institution itself is at stake.

Do you suspect wrongdoing or lack of integrity within VU Amsterdam? Then the Whistleblowers' Regulations provide a safe way to report it.

Whistleblowers’ Regulations confidential counsellor

In accordance with the Whistleblowers’ Regulations, VU Amsterdam has appointed a Whistleblowers’ Regulations confidential counsellor:

She is available to provide employees and students who suspect a case of misconduct or wrongdoing with information, advice and support. A suspicion of misconduct or wrongdoing can also be reported through her.

House for Whistleblowers

The House for Whistleblowers will direct the employee to the competent authorities, or alternatively it may conduct its own investigation. Separate from its investigative division, the House for Whistleblowers has an advisory division, that provides employees with advise on how to address cases of misconduct or wrongdoing. There is a strict separation of both divisions.

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