Since 2014, international rules apply to the exchange and use of material from plants, animals and micro-organisms. Genetic resources have a value for which the concept of "Access and Distribution of Benefits" has been introduced internationally. This means that the supplier of the genetic resources receives a share of the possible proceeds from the use of the genetic resources. This is known internationally as “Access and Benefit-Sharing” (ABS). The idea behind this is that sharing the yields will lead to protection and sustainable use of biodiversity. However, it also means that access to and exchange of material from plants, animals and microorganisms is now subject to international rules. These are laid down in the Nagoya protocol.
We would like to inform you about developments at the VU with regard to compliance with the national Nagoya Protocol Implementation Act (511/2014). The purpose of this law is to oblige users of genetic resources to make the necessary effort (due care) to ensure that genetic resources are legally obtained and that benefits from their use are shared.