Background to the pre-employment screening policy
The need for a university-wide central policy regarding pre-employment screening of new employees was identified within VU Amsterdam. The aim of this policy is to control the manner in which VU Amsterdam wishes to deal with the screening of new candidates from beyond VU Amsterdam and which methods of pre-employment screening (degree certificate verification, reference check and/or CoC) need to be implemented for each UFO job profile. A UFO job profiles risk matrix (in Dutch) is available for this purpose.
Other supplementary screening methods might apply to positions that are not included in the UFO job profiles risk matrix. These might include medical or paramedical professions that appear in the Healthcare Professions Register (in Dutch BIG-register), for example that of dentist. In some cases these professional associations set certain standard requirements, such as the submission of a valid CoC.
Pre-employment screening can involve the use of various instruments to verify whether an employee (or prospective employee) “is who he/she claims to be” and that “his/her abilities are what he/she says they are”. This reduces the risk of the university employing people who lack integrity or people who have a relevant criminal record.
In most cases, these screening instruments will be used when people are employed, but it might also be necessary to use them for existing employees in respect of whom a CoC is required by a third party. This might be the case in the context of academic research, to qualify for a quality certification, or when an employee applies internally for a vacancy that requires a CoC.