The Annual Conference of 2025 will focus on transdisciplinary research in learning and education, where speakers from diverse fields and sectors will explore impactful projects that bridge science, practice, and policy. We will engage in discussions on overcoming challenges in collaboration, work on innovative solutions, and participate in inspiring workshops designed to fuel cross-disciplinary insights and connections.
Tentative Schedule:
Time | Program element |
8.45-9.15 | Registration and coffee |
9.15-9.30 | Opening by LEARN! director |
9.30-10.45 | Plenary session: Inter/transdisciplinary examples within LEARN! |
10.45-11.00 | Coffee break |
11.00-12.30 | Parallel workshops and Round tables Workshop 1: The Art of Dialogue (VU: Netwerk Wetenschap in Dialoog, Sem Barendse) Workshop 2: Tapping on Identity and Competencies: Researchers' Assets for Navigating the Transdisciplinary Journey (Athena Institute) Workshop 3: Youth participation in research (YoungXperts). Roundtables: topics can be proposed by members during registrations. |
12.30-14.00 | Lunch and poster market |
14.00-15.00 | Keynote prof Hedwig te Molder – "Dialogue against the Tide. How to reach and understand others in transdisciplinary collaboration" |
15.00-15.30 | Coffee break |
15.30-16.45 | Presentation of LEARN! strategic themes 2025-2029 and Microtalks |
16.45-17.00 | Closing and poster awards |
17.00- 18.00 | Drinks |
Workshop descriptions:
Workshop 1: The Art of Dialogue - VU Netwerk Wetenschap in Dialoog, workshop given by Sem Barendse (
Workshop description:
This training focuses on dialogue skills for scientists. We use various hands-on exercises, such as improvisation and theater techniques, to help scientists improve their communication skills. Our method focuses on learning to better listen to others, becoming aware of your position as a person and scientist, and recognizing your own assumptions and perspectives. These are essential communication skills that scientists need to enter into an effective dialogue with society.
Workshop 2: Tapping on Identity and Competencies: Researchers' Assets for Navigating the Transdisciplinary Journey - Athena Institute: workshop given by Hussein Zeidan (, Amber Mers ( and Laura de Groot (
Workshop description:
Transdisciplinary approaches have emerged as important avenues for addressing complex societal problems. These approaches transcend disciplinary boundaries, fostering connections among different disciplines and engaging non-academic stakeholders in problem-solving. A considerable scholarly effort has been dedicated to identifying and recommending the essential skills and competencies that are needed for transdisciplinary endeavours. This workshop aims to broaden the discourse by emphasizing the significance of the individual identity of researchers in the development of these skills. We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners to reflect on their individual (research) identities and share how these shape their engagement in transdisciplinary endeavours. The workshop will focus on uncovering the elements of their (research) identity that participants consider vital in supporting their roles as inter- and transdisciplinary researchers and/or practitioners.
Workshop 3: Youth participation in research - YoungXperts: workshop give by: Sophie Sweijen ( & Yara Toenders (
Workshop description:
Are you interested in youth participation in research, but unsure where to start? In this workshop, we will share our experience with youth participation from our YoungXperts platform. YoungXperts is a youth participatory platform that aims to combine scientific research with the voice of young people. In the workshop we will discuss why, how and when you can use youth participatory approaches. We will share the lessons learned from our YoungXperts platform and invite you to think about how you could use this in your research.
Plenary session: Inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations within LEARN!
- Lydia Krabbendam: Growing Up Together in Society (GUTS): an interdisciplinary approach to unravel how neurobiological and social-cognitive development interact with social and societal opportunities during adolescence. The goal of GUTS is to understand how young people grow up in increasingly complex societies. To reach this goal, we study individual neurobiological development in relation to educational processes, social networks, and societal norms, including antisocial behavior, develop an integrative framework on self-regulation development in relation to social and societal factors.
- Nathalie Patty, Karen van Meeteren & Agnes Willemen: Burnout among parents of children with complex care needs: A transdisciplinary collaboration with parents and professionals. The research project Ouders in Evenwicht – doorgaan als de kinderen voorgaan is initiated and coordinated by parents themselves. Researchers and caregivers work together on an equal footing, discovering a way to conduct research that is both scientific and feasible. With this project, we aim to contribute to research that answers questions important to parents themselves and helps parents take a step forward when facing the challenges of caring for children with complex care needs.
- Moderated dialogue on challenges, tips & tricks for successful and sustainable inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations. Moderator: prof Catrin Finkenauer, Utrecht University (Dynamics of Youth program)