The CMA (Certified Management Accountant) certification has been the global benchmark for management accountants and financial professionals for over 50 years. IMA recognizes the important role CMA course providers play in helping CMA candidates prepare for their exams. By working with an experienced, knowledgeable course provider, candidates can significantly increase their chances of exam success.
There are three levels of approved course providers, and all providers must meet (and continue to meet) strict criteria to be recognized as such.
The VU being named a Platinum course provider - the highest qualification possible - is unique, since IMA has recognized only a handful platinum course providers worldwide and only one in Europe.
For a full list of IMA's Approved CMA Course Provider, or for more information about this program, see the IMA website.
About VU Certified Management Accountant
The part-time CMA program at the VU in Amsterdam started 30 years ago, in September 1991. Founder of this program at the VU was Elbert de With, who has remained the program director up until today. The VU CMA Program has been a key player in enhancing the CMA accreditation in the Netherlands and in Europe. The CMA Program has grown steadily over the years, expanding with an English-lectured track since 2019.
Find more information about the CMA Program for professionals at the VU here.