The pension system is undergoing many changes and the government commissioner will see to it that the transition goes smoothly. As government commissioner, economist Fieke van der Lecq will provide independent advice to the Minister for Poverty Policy, Participation and Pensions during the pension transition. She will identify any bottlenecks and recommend ways to remove them.
About Fieke van der Lecq
Fieke van der Lecq is a part time professor of Pension Markets since 2008 (formerly Erasmus University Rotterdam; currently Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), focusing on the workings of several markets within the pensions sector. Next to her work as a professor, she is a member of supervisory boards of firms within and outside of the financial sector and has several board and advisory positions, mostly in the financial sector. She worked in academia, business, and ministries and was the editor-in-chief and publishing director of the Dutch leading economists policy journal ESB.
© Photo: Joke Schut