Monkey Moves operates through a unique franchise model, with 25 franchisees currently supporting the initiative in different regions. In 2023, Monkey Moves entertained approximately 14,000 children. Proudly identifying as a multisport club, the company promotes its philosophy with the slogan "The Power of an Active Start." Monkey Moves was founded in 2015 by four dedicated sports enthusiasts: Leendert van Gaalen, Bart Poot, Joris Blankers, and Kirsten Van Daelen – Van der Schoot.
During the launch, the students and other interested visitors watched a video interview with Leendert van Gaalen and Bart Poot, co-founders of Monkey Moves. After the video, students could ask questions about the business, its challenges, and other related topics.
The VU Center for Entrepreneurship produces these cases about successful entrepreneurs, and this one marks the 13th in their series. These cases are freely available for use in higher education. More information and access to these cases can be found here.