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Public registry ancillary activities professors

31 January 2024
Ancillary activities were previously only mentioned on professors’ personal profile pages. Each university has now compiled a collected list in which the ancillary activities of all professors and endowed professors can be found at once.

This list includes details that must be declared on the basis of the sectoral scheme covering Ancillary activities. The collected list of VU Amsterdam professors was posted online on 31 January 2024. However, the collected list is refreshed quarterly and is therefore a snapshot. To stay compliant, it is therefore very important that new or changed ancillary activities is registered immediately via the self-service option Ancillary activities.

With this new list, Dutch universities are aiming to improve the disclosure of data on professors' ancillary activities, and contribute to transparency about these activities. Universities share the opinion of the Minister of Education, Culture and Science that it must be clear what activities for third parties professors carry out and how this relates to their work at the university. This will eliminate any impression of conflicts of interest.

A new page Overview of registration of ancillary activities of professors at Dutch universities is available on the UNL website for this purpose (for the time being in Dutch only). This page links to the websites of the 14 universities where the information can be viewed.

NOS Nieuwsuur was one of the first news sources to publish a report on this 'Universiteiten zetten bijbanen hoogleraren online'.

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