The Green Gown Awards recognize sustainability initiatives from universities and colleges around the world. The jury agreed that VU is making a global impact with this project, especially if others follow this example.
About the VU Initiative ‘Fossil-Free Research’
On 20 April, 2023, the Executive Board of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam announced that it will not enter into new research collaborations with companies from the fossil energy sector unless these companies can demonstrably commit to the Paris Climate Agreement. VU is the first university in the Netherlands—and the second in the world—to make this decision. As of 9 April, 2024, a framework for fossil-free research has been implemented to clearly outline the criteria that companies in the fossil energy sector must meet to demonstrate their commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement.
Margrethe Jonkman: “This International Green Gown Award is a powerful acknowledgement that our community-centred approach based on the latest research is ground-breaking and necessary to accelerate our transition to a sustainable society. It encourages us to continue this path and take responsibility as a sustainability leader in research and education.”
UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
VU is the coordinator of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Netherlands (UNSDSN). Their mission is to accelerate sustainable development through interdisciplinary collaborations. Kim Köllner, Executive Director: “We are an intergenerational, interdisciplinary, and multilateral community dedicated to safeguarding future generations. This is an important recognition of our efforts.”
The Green Gown Award
The international Green Gown Awards were established in 2004 in the United Kingdom. The awards recognize exceptional sustainability initiatives from universities and colleges. As sustainability rises on the agenda, the awards have become the most prestigious recognition of sustainable initiatives within the further and higher education sector.
For more information: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands | Green Gown Awards.