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Why do we get sick from a snakebite?

18 October 2024
Every year, more than 100,000 people die because of a venomous snakebite. Chemical biologist Mátyás Bittenbinder researched how snake venom damages the human body, with the goal of developing antivenoms in the future. Additionally, there are also some 'positive aspects' to the venom. This research leads to a better understanding of snake venom.

Between 1.8 and 5.4 million people are bitten by a venomous snake each year. Over 100,000 of them die. More than 450,000 survivors suffer lifelong damage due to tissue necrosis, amputations, kidney damage, or blindness. It is also considered a 'disease of the poor': rural populations in tropical and subtropical areas are at the greatest risk of snakebites, yet they have less access to quality medical care and antivenom. To reduce the number of victims, it is essential to better understand how snake venom works.

Biomedical Cluster Bombardment

Snake venom can be viewed as a cocktail of dozens to over a hundred bioactive molecules, known as toxins. These toxic cocktails have evolved into the extremely precise and powerful venoms we see today. The toxins in the venom have one goal: to completely disrupt the body. This is a remarkable feat of evolution, which you might best describe as a kind of biochemical cluster bombardment.

Bittenbinder and his colleagues discovered that some types of snake venom puncture cells, while others break down the 'glue' that holds cells together. This damages the cells and can cause harm within the body. With this knowledge, we gain a better understanding of how snake venom causes injuries and how we can better treat these in the future.

No Animal Testing Needed

The research was conducted in a laboratory. The scientists used cell cultures and advanced microscopes. They administered snake venom to live cells to observe in real-time how the venom affected the cells. Additionally, they separated the venom into different components to identify which substances were responsible for specific forms of damage.

The researchers also utilized a 3D model in which they could grow imitation blood vessels. This allowed them to observe how snake venom damages blood vessels and causes bleeding. This new research model eliminates the need for animal testing.

Better Medicines

The results of this research are particularly important for people in areas where snakebites are a significant problem, such as countries in Africa and Southeast Asia. Researchers now have a better understanding of how snake venom damages cells and tissues. With this knowledge, better medicines or antivenoms aimed at repairing tissue damage can be developed.

Bittenbinder states, “In the long term, this research can contribute to better survival chances and an improved quality of life for people who have been bitten by a venomous snake, without suffering lifelong damage.”

Bittenbinder will defend his doctoral research on October 30 at VU University Amsterdam, under the supervision of Freek Vonk and Jeroen Kool.

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