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SUPFES: Alternatives for perfluorinated compounds

The aim of SUPFES (Substitution in Practice of Prioritized Fluorinated Chemicals to Eliminate Diffuse Sources) is to characterise and decrease the diffuse emissions of per- and polyfluorinated chemicals (PFASs), such as PFOS and PFOA, from consumer products (such as textiles). Due to the persistency and toxicity PFOS and PFOA are restricted under the Stockholm Convention, PFOS on the priority list of the Water Framework Directive, and both PFOA and PFOS are proposed to be regulated in REACH.

In SUPFES substitution options are assessed for selected textile products and tested for functionality, leaching, weathering in case studies. SUPFES  test the hypotheses that emissions of these chemicals are mostly generated as diffuse emissions, i.e. as small and large emissions throughout the whole life of the product, and that textiles are an important source of these emissions. E&H is developing a chemical screening and identification methods (LC-MS and GC-MS) for PFASs and alternatives used in textiles of outdoor clothing. Influence of weathering and leaching of PFASs and its alternatives is investigated. Toxicology properties of the alternatives are assessed as well.


Prof.dr. Pim Leonards
Ike van der Veen

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