What does a confidential adviser do at VU?
"The topic of social safety has been high on the agenda in recent years. Years ago, we received about eight reports a year. Now it’s around 130. As confidential advisers, we think this is a good development, as it shows that employees who have experienced inappropriate behaviour are more likely to reach out to us. Social safety sometimes seems a bit of a container term. The Dutch Occupational Health and Safety law (ARBO wet) refers to inappropriate behaviour, which includes bullying, discrimination, aggression, and (sexual) harassment. This may seem clear-cut, but there are many grey areas. What one person considers unwanted may not be the same for someone else.
We hope that employees who experience inappropriate behaviour do not keep it to themselves or remain silent for too long. Even if someone is unsure whether their experience constitutes inappropriate behaviour, they are welcome to approach us. We are here for the reporter and remain impartial in that role; we do not mediate or conduct investigations, as doing so would place us between the parties involved. We provide the reporter with a safe space and assist them in finding an appropriate solution."
Is there a common thread in the reports you receive?
"The reports vary, both in terms of severity and nature, but quite a few relate to disturbed relationships with managers. For example, people feel extreme pressure, experience a lack of support, feel consistently misunderstood, or how they are addressed about their performance. Reports also include incidents such as a colleague making sexually suggestive remarks during a social gathering, suddenly not being invited to meetings, or a colleague shouting at them. All these situations can lead to feelings of exclusion and lack of safety.
Sometimes there are multiple reporters regarding the same situation. Some may feel hesitant to provide names, especially if they are in a dependent relationship with the person involved. Together with the individual reporters, we explore the possible next steps. Occasionally, the matter is raised at a higher level. In our monitoring role, we sometimes make general recommendations to the organisation regarding the prevention and handling of inappropriate behaviour."