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Faculty Student Council

Last updated on 14 February 2025
The Faculty Student Council (FSR) is the highest representative advisory body for VU students within their faculty.

The FSR represents the interests of students within the faculty. This means that the FSR advises and sometimes co-decides on faculty policy on behalf of students. The FSR is thus the link between the student and the faculty board. To make your voice heard as effectively as possible, it is important that the FSR knows what is going on. Do you think things could be improved within your faculty? Or do you have an important question or suggestion? Then contact your FSR via the overview at the bottom of the page - or become an FSR member!

Is an FSR board year right for me?

As an FSR member, you represent all students within your faculty. With your voice, you therefore have an important say in faculty policy. Apart from the fact that an FSR board year increases your practical skills and is an excellent addition to your CV, you will also develop a huge network and help your fellow students!

That sounds great! How do I become a member?

To become a member of your FSR, you need to stand for election during the Student Council elections. Wanna know more about how to stand for election? Then click here or contact your FSR!

Faculty Student Councils

The Faculty Student Council differs per faculty.

  • ACTA

    Students of the Faculty of Dentistry (ACTA) can find more information on [in Dutch].

  • AUC

    Students of Amsterdam University College (AUC) can find more information on

  • BETA

    Student Council of the Faculty of Science

    What is the Faculty Student Council (FSR)?

    The Faculty Student Council is the main representation of students within the Faculty of Beta Sciences. The purpose of the Faculty Student Council is to represent student interests at faculty level. The FSR regularly consults with the faculty board and makes both solicited and unsolicited recommendations regarding the board's plans and policies. To best represent the students of the faculty, it is extremely important for us to know what is going on within the faculty and which problems students are facing. Do not hesitate to contact us with any of your questions, problems or ideas. See the contact details below. See you soon!

    FSR members 2024-2025:

    • Brothin Choudhury - Chair
    • Alexandru Mititelu - Vice Chair
    • Jasmine Chen - Secretary
    • Annelie Mars - Treasurer 
    • Erika Kulić - Head of Education
    • Casandra Budai - Head of Facilities
    • Sree Balaji - Co-Head of Communications
    • Debdutta Guha Roy - Co-Head of Communications
    • Jusry Eshun - General Member


    Every week we have a standard time when everyone is welcome to walk by, offline and online! Every Friday from 10:00 to 11:00, we can be found in the FSR room (WN-M112). The zoom link for this can be requested via email. During these walk-in hours, it is possible to come to us with questions, complaints and comments, but of course you are always welcome for a friendly chat or a cup of coffee! It is also always possible to schedule a appointment with us at another time.

    It is possible to reach us via e-mail, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook, see details below.


    Instagram: fsr.beta

    LinkedIn: fsrbeta

    Facebook: fsrbeta

  • FBMS

    What is the Faculty Student Council (FSR)?

    We are 7 students representing the students of the Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences. We receive comments from students and take them to the meetings with the Faculty Board. This allows us to make decisions that best meet the wishes of the students. We are open to all your ideas, suggestions and complaints about facilities, quality of education and other matters that affect the faculty. Your opinion is always welcome.

    FSR members 2024 - 2025

    • Chair: Ryan Mize
    • Vice-Chair: Maudy Walvis
    • Treasurer: Amber Bergsma
    • Secretary: Amber Willekes
    • Public Relations: Valentina Abondano Perdomo
    • Education Commissioner: Sophie Villalpando Kosfeld
    • General Council Member: Marijn de Goede


    Facebook: @studentenraadFGB
    Instagrams @fsr_fgb
    Whatsapp: +31 6 47172721

    Room: MF-D658

    Introduction video FSR members

  • FRT

    Faculty Student Council Religion and Theology

    The Faculty Student Council (FSR) is the point of contact for students and represents the students at the Faculty Board. Officially, it is the task of the FSR to advise the board on 'the smooth running of affairs', student facilities and educational facilities.

    Every year, around February, it is possible to apply for a position within the FSR (all students of the faculty can apply for this). Would you like to take on an important role within the faculty and immediately boost your CV? Then contact us.

    The Faculty Student Council represents the interests of the students of the Faculty of Religion and Theology. In order to realize this in the right way, we need the ideas and opinions of students. Do you have ideas, problems or anything else that you would like to see happen or change? Send us an e-mail, talk to us in the corridors or let us know via Facebook or Twitter.


    Facebook: FSR Religie en Theologie VU
    Twitter: @FSRgodgeleerdVU

  • FSS

    What is the student council of the Faculty of Social Sciences? 

    We are the faculty student council of the faculty of Social Sciences, that means we represent all social science students' interests in facultary decision and policy making. This ranges from 'greening' the faculty to keeping the programs updated, but most of all we are here to make sure your voices are heard!

    An outline of our portfolios and a summary of our activities can be found below, if you have any questions feel free to reach out! 

    We would love to hear from you, we are always up for a chat. Come by for a coffee! You can find us on the first floor of the main building: HG01A62. If you just have a suggestion, feel free to come up to us, leave it in our letterbox or reach out through our socials!

    We look forward to meeting you!

    Who is in the Faculty Student Council? 

    • Tijn van Brakel - Chair
    • Hajar Tahiri - HR and vice chair
    • Isa Luiten - Education officer and treasurer
    • Esmei Fehling - Secretary and communication
    • Guido Groenescheij - Education officer
    • Mirel Florin Popescu - Internationalization and sustainability
    • Camee Comperen - Labor market orientation, projects and communication

    Portfolios and activity areas 

    Education | It is the education officers' responsibility to represent the students' interests regarding the quality of our faculty's education. We join the discussions about faculty policy, the relevance and effectiveness of the programs, student wellbeing and more!

    Internationalization | We will be actively engaged in representing the international students of the VU. Whether it's pushing for English communication from the University to advocating for international students' wellbeing, we will fight for you!

    Sustainability | The VU is the greenest and most sustainable university in the Netherlands, and we want to keep it that way. For that, we will continue to promote sustainability and recycling initiatives, while also working towards improving the environment within and around the campus!

    Job market orientation | The goal of this portfolio is to enhance job opportunities for students of our faculty through career and networking events. In partnership with PWC, we will host several events that will prepare our students for their future careers!

    Research | In the upcoming year, we plan to conduct research on several topics, one of these topics is student wellbeing. This is very important to us and we hope to talk to you to gain a better understanding of how to improve the wellbeing of students in our faculty! 

    Communication | We are here to listen and help! Our main goal is to increase our outreach and ensure clear communication at our faculty. We hope to reach as many students as possible and function as a body they can come to for questions, comments and ideas. 

    Policy Plan

    Do you want to know more about our activities? Read our policyplan to find out!

    How and where to reach us? 

    We would love to hear from you, we are always up for a chat. Feel free to come talk to us, leave a message in our letterbox or reach out through our socials!

    Postaddress: De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam
    Room: HG 1A-62, Main Building
    Email | 
    Instagram | @socialstudentcouncil 
    Linkedin | @Faculty Student Council - Faculty of Social Science

  • HUM

    Faculty Student Council

    The Faculty Student Council (FSR) is the highest student participation body within the Faculty of Humanities. The FSR forms the link between students and the Faculty Board and represents the interests of students. Via the FSR, students have a say and participation in the decisions that the board takes within the faculty. The FSR consists of six members who jointly represent the interests of students studying at the Faculty of Humanities for an entire academic year. This is achieved by attending meetings of the Faculty Board, but also by participating in various committees.


    Social room: HG-12A43

  • LAW

    Faculty Student Council of Law

    The Faculty Student Council of Law (FSR) is a participation body for and by students of Law, Notarial Law and Criminology. The FSR consists of seven annually elected members who stand up for the academic interests of students in the broadest possible sense.

    What does the FSR do?

    The FSR regularly consults with the Faculty Board. The FSR provides solicited and unsolicited advice on the plans and policies of the Faculty Board. The FSR also has the right of consent for certain matters. For example, the FSR must agree to changes to the Education and Examination Regulations (OER) for Law, Notarial Law and Criminology.

    Students know the FSR mainly through the handling of complaints at faculty level. The FSR mediates in the complaints between the student and the teacher or the education board and hopes to find a solution that is acceptable and workable for all parties. All complaints are handled completely anonymously.

    Furthermore, the FSR organizes the education prize election every year. During this election, a teacher is named best teacher of the year.


    The council members of the FSR 2023-2024 are:

    • Nicky Hebing - Chairman
    • Pim Willemsen - Vice Chairman
    • Angel-Jane Las van Bennekom - Secretary
    • Amber Luijkx - Treasurer
    • Yasmine Ahdour - Coordinator PR / Marketing
    • Justin Haver - Communication Coordinator
    • Laiba Mohammad - Complaints Officer


    Location: Initium IN2B-91
    The FSR can be reached via

  • MED

    Student Council VUmc

    The Student Council (SR) of VUmc is the participation body for students who study medicine at the VU.


    The SR is the official advocate of all medical students and is distinguished from the other student organizations by the rights it has. The Student Council consists of seven students. They are elected annually in May through faculty-wide elections together with university-wide elections. Any enrolled medical student can apply for a place in the SR. Below you will find things that the Student Council is involved with:

    • Education and Examination Regulations (OER)
    • Renovations Medical Faculty
    • Alliance VUmc-AMC
    • Student forum


    • Kaoutar Hdoudou – President
    • Ibrah Qayoumi – Vice-president
    • Massin Toutouh – Secretary
    • Manera Hirsi – bachelor coordinator
    • Myrthe de Jong – master coordinator
    • Hadi Aziz – commissioner for alliance & finance
    • Sapna Safi – commissioner external

    Student Council elections

    Elections are held annually for members of the faculty student councils and the USR. As a student of the VU you can then vote for the candidates of your choice. This is done by means of an electronic vote. You can vote twice: for a candidate for the FSR of your faculty and for a candidate for the USR. The electoral quota for the election is determined by dividing the total number of votes cast on the lists of candidates by the number of seats to be filled and rounding these up to whole numbers. The members of the USR are directly elected annually. Each member of the USR also receives financial compensation.

    Are you thinking about a council year at the Student Council or would you like more information? Send an email to:


    You can reach us through the following channels:
    Facebook: @studentenraadvumc1

  • SBE

    Tasks of the FSR

    The Faculty Student Council (FSR) is the official participation body for students of the School of Business and Economics. The FSR represents students at faculty level and has a say in the policy of the faculty. The FSR is committed to the interests of students and has the task of monitoring the quality of education.

    Joint meeting

    In addition to the weekly general meetings, the FSR also meets with the Faculty Board and the Subcommittee (ODC), the representation of SBE employees. During the Joint Meeting, which is held every six weeks, the most important decisions and proposals of the Faculty Board are discussed. The FSR and ODC can comment on this. The FSR has the right of consent for certain documents. This means that the Faculty Board cannot take this decision if the FSR does not agree. For many subjects, the FSR has advisory rights and may provide solicited and unsolicited advice. In addition, the FSC itself can also put subjects on the agenda of the Joint Meeting.

    Questions, suggestions and complaints

    The FSR handles student complaints about education and other matters. Many of our initiatives stem from questions, suggestions or complaints from students. It is important for the FSR to know what problems students encounter. For questions, suggestions and complaints, we can be reached via the complaints form on this website or on our own website, and via an email to If you have a question you can also take a look at the FAQs.

Students of the Faculty of Dentistry (ACTA) can find more information on [in Dutch].

Students of Amsterdam University College (AUC) can find more information on

Student Council of the Faculty of Science

What is the Faculty Student Council (FSR)?

The Faculty Student Council is the main representation of students within the Faculty of Beta Sciences. The purpose of the Faculty Student Council is to represent student interests at faculty level. The FSR regularly consults with the faculty board and makes both solicited and unsolicited recommendations regarding the board's plans and policies. To best represent the students of the faculty, it is extremely important for us to know what is going on within the faculty and which problems students are facing. Do not hesitate to contact us with any of your questions, problems or ideas. See the contact details below. See you soon!

FSR members 2024-2025:

  • Brothin Choudhury - Chair
  • Alexandru Mititelu - Vice Chair
  • Jasmine Chen - Secretary
  • Annelie Mars - Treasurer 
  • Erika Kulić - Head of Education
  • Casandra Budai - Head of Facilities
  • Sree Balaji - Co-Head of Communications
  • Debdutta Guha Roy - Co-Head of Communications
  • Jusry Eshun - General Member


Every week we have a standard time when everyone is welcome to walk by, offline and online! Every Friday from 10:00 to 11:00, we can be found in the FSR room (WN-M112). The zoom link for this can be requested via email. During these walk-in hours, it is possible to come to us with questions, complaints and comments, but of course you are always welcome for a friendly chat or a cup of coffee! It is also always possible to schedule a appointment with us at another time.

It is possible to reach us via e-mail, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook, see details below.


Instagram: fsr.beta

LinkedIn: fsrbeta

Facebook: fsrbeta

What is the Faculty Student Council (FSR)?

We are 7 students representing the students of the Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences. We receive comments from students and take them to the meetings with the Faculty Board. This allows us to make decisions that best meet the wishes of the students. We are open to all your ideas, suggestions and complaints about facilities, quality of education and other matters that affect the faculty. Your opinion is always welcome.

FSR members 2024 - 2025

  • Chair: Ryan Mize
  • Vice-Chair: Maudy Walvis
  • Treasurer: Amber Bergsma
  • Secretary: Amber Willekes
  • Public Relations: Valentina Abondano Perdomo
  • Education Commissioner: Sophie Villalpando Kosfeld
  • General Council Member: Marijn de Goede


Facebook: @studentenraadFGB
Instagrams @fsr_fgb
Whatsapp: +31 6 47172721

Room: MF-D658

Introduction video FSR members

Faculty Student Council Religion and Theology

The Faculty Student Council (FSR) is the point of contact for students and represents the students at the Faculty Board. Officially, it is the task of the FSR to advise the board on 'the smooth running of affairs', student facilities and educational facilities.

Every year, around February, it is possible to apply for a position within the FSR (all students of the faculty can apply for this). Would you like to take on an important role within the faculty and immediately boost your CV? Then contact us.

The Faculty Student Council represents the interests of the students of the Faculty of Religion and Theology. In order to realize this in the right way, we need the ideas and opinions of students. Do you have ideas, problems or anything else that you would like to see happen or change? Send us an e-mail, talk to us in the corridors or let us know via Facebook or Twitter.


Facebook: FSR Religie en Theologie VU
Twitter: @FSRgodgeleerdVU

What is the student council of the Faculty of Social Sciences? 

We are the faculty student council of the faculty of Social Sciences, that means we represent all social science students' interests in facultary decision and policy making. This ranges from 'greening' the faculty to keeping the programs updated, but most of all we are here to make sure your voices are heard!

An outline of our portfolios and a summary of our activities can be found below, if you have any questions feel free to reach out! 

We would love to hear from you, we are always up for a chat. Come by for a coffee! You can find us on the first floor of the main building: HG01A62. If you just have a suggestion, feel free to come up to us, leave it in our letterbox or reach out through our socials!

We look forward to meeting you!

Who is in the Faculty Student Council? 

  • Tijn van Brakel - Chair
  • Hajar Tahiri - HR and vice chair
  • Isa Luiten - Education officer and treasurer
  • Esmei Fehling - Secretary and communication
  • Guido Groenescheij - Education officer
  • Mirel Florin Popescu - Internationalization and sustainability
  • Camee Comperen - Labor market orientation, projects and communication

Portfolios and activity areas 

Education | It is the education officers' responsibility to represent the students' interests regarding the quality of our faculty's education. We join the discussions about faculty policy, the relevance and effectiveness of the programs, student wellbeing and more!

Internationalization | We will be actively engaged in representing the international students of the VU. Whether it's pushing for English communication from the University to advocating for international students' wellbeing, we will fight for you!

Sustainability | The VU is the greenest and most sustainable university in the Netherlands, and we want to keep it that way. For that, we will continue to promote sustainability and recycling initiatives, while also working towards improving the environment within and around the campus!

Job market orientation | The goal of this portfolio is to enhance job opportunities for students of our faculty through career and networking events. In partnership with PWC, we will host several events that will prepare our students for their future careers!

Research | In the upcoming year, we plan to conduct research on several topics, one of these topics is student wellbeing. This is very important to us and we hope to talk to you to gain a better understanding of how to improve the wellbeing of students in our faculty! 

Communication | We are here to listen and help! Our main goal is to increase our outreach and ensure clear communication at our faculty. We hope to reach as many students as possible and function as a body they can come to for questions, comments and ideas. 

Policy Plan

Do you want to know more about our activities? Read our policyplan to find out!

How and where to reach us? 

We would love to hear from you, we are always up for a chat. Feel free to come talk to us, leave a message in our letterbox or reach out through our socials!

Postaddress: De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam
Room: HG 1A-62, Main Building
Email | 
Instagram | @socialstudentcouncil 
Linkedin | @Faculty Student Council - Faculty of Social Science

Faculty Student Council

The Faculty Student Council (FSR) is the highest student participation body within the Faculty of Humanities. The FSR forms the link between students and the Faculty Board and represents the interests of students. Via the FSR, students have a say and participation in the decisions that the board takes within the faculty. The FSR consists of six members who jointly represent the interests of students studying at the Faculty of Humanities for an entire academic year. This is achieved by attending meetings of the Faculty Board, but also by participating in various committees.


Social room: HG-12A43

Faculty Student Council of Law

The Faculty Student Council of Law (FSR) is a participation body for and by students of Law, Notarial Law and Criminology. The FSR consists of seven annually elected members who stand up for the academic interests of students in the broadest possible sense.

What does the FSR do?

The FSR regularly consults with the Faculty Board. The FSR provides solicited and unsolicited advice on the plans and policies of the Faculty Board. The FSR also has the right of consent for certain matters. For example, the FSR must agree to changes to the Education and Examination Regulations (OER) for Law, Notarial Law and Criminology.

Students know the FSR mainly through the handling of complaints at faculty level. The FSR mediates in the complaints between the student and the teacher or the education board and hopes to find a solution that is acceptable and workable for all parties. All complaints are handled completely anonymously.

Furthermore, the FSR organizes the education prize election every year. During this election, a teacher is named best teacher of the year.


The council members of the FSR 2023-2024 are:

  • Nicky Hebing - Chairman
  • Pim Willemsen - Vice Chairman
  • Angel-Jane Las van Bennekom - Secretary
  • Amber Luijkx - Treasurer
  • Yasmine Ahdour - Coordinator PR / Marketing
  • Justin Haver - Communication Coordinator
  • Laiba Mohammad - Complaints Officer


Location: Initium IN2B-91
The FSR can be reached via

Student Council VUmc

The Student Council (SR) of VUmc is the participation body for students who study medicine at the VU.


The SR is the official advocate of all medical students and is distinguished from the other student organizations by the rights it has. The Student Council consists of seven students. They are elected annually in May through faculty-wide elections together with university-wide elections. Any enrolled medical student can apply for a place in the SR. Below you will find things that the Student Council is involved with:

  • Education and Examination Regulations (OER)
  • Renovations Medical Faculty
  • Alliance VUmc-AMC
  • Student forum


  • Kaoutar Hdoudou – President
  • Ibrah Qayoumi – Vice-president
  • Massin Toutouh – Secretary
  • Manera Hirsi – bachelor coordinator
  • Myrthe de Jong – master coordinator
  • Hadi Aziz – commissioner for alliance & finance
  • Sapna Safi – commissioner external

Student Council elections

Elections are held annually for members of the faculty student councils and the USR. As a student of the VU you can then vote for the candidates of your choice. This is done by means of an electronic vote. You can vote twice: for a candidate for the FSR of your faculty and for a candidate for the USR. The electoral quota for the election is determined by dividing the total number of votes cast on the lists of candidates by the number of seats to be filled and rounding these up to whole numbers. The members of the USR are directly elected annually. Each member of the USR also receives financial compensation.

Are you thinking about a council year at the Student Council or would you like more information? Send an email to:


You can reach us through the following channels:
Facebook: @studentenraadvumc1

Tasks of the FSR

The Faculty Student Council (FSR) is the official participation body for students of the School of Business and Economics. The FSR represents students at faculty level and has a say in the policy of the faculty. The FSR is committed to the interests of students and has the task of monitoring the quality of education.

Joint meeting

In addition to the weekly general meetings, the FSR also meets with the Faculty Board and the Subcommittee (ODC), the representation of SBE employees. During the Joint Meeting, which is held every six weeks, the most important decisions and proposals of the Faculty Board are discussed. The FSR and ODC can comment on this. The FSR has the right of consent for certain documents. This means that the Faculty Board cannot take this decision if the FSR does not agree. For many subjects, the FSR has advisory rights and may provide solicited and unsolicited advice. In addition, the FSC itself can also put subjects on the agenda of the Joint Meeting.

Questions, suggestions and complaints

The FSR handles student complaints about education and other matters. Many of our initiatives stem from questions, suggestions or complaints from students. It is important for the FSR to know what problems students encounter. For questions, suggestions and complaints, we can be reached via the complaints form on this website or on our own website, and via an email to If you have a question you can also take a look at the FAQs.

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