Ronde I (18:00 - 18:45)
- Accountancy (RA) & Parttime MSc Accounting & Control - Dutch
- Beleidscontrol - Nederlands
- Compliance & Integriteit Management (CIM) - Engels
- De Strategische Griffier - Nederlands
- Digital Sustainability Dojo – Engels
- Executive Coaching & Executive Teamcoaching - Nederlands
- MBA in International Business & Executive MBA Leading with Purpose - Engels
- Parttime MSc Business Administration (MSc BA) - Nederlands
- Sturen en Leidinggeven vanuit vertrouwen - Nederlands
- Verandermanagement - Nederlands
- Executive course impact investing - Engels
Ronde II (19:00 - 19:45)
- Postgraduate opleiding RA (Themagestuurd) - Nederlands
- Bestuur & Toezicht - Nederlands
- Business Analytics for Industry (Data science in Python, Mathematical Optimisation with Python & Generative AI) - Engels
- FEC-Risk Expert - Nederlands
- Executive Master in Finance & Control (Controller/RC) - Nederlands \ Aansluitend kun je optioneel de RC Experience bijwonen
- Executive Master in Finance & Control (Controller/RC) - Engels \ Afterwards, you can optionally attend the RC Experience
- IT Audit, Compliance & Advisory (ITACA) - Nederlands
Ronde III (20:00 - 20:45)
- Certified Public Controller (CPC) - Nederlands
- Next Generation CFO: Chief Value Officer (CFO Programma) - Nederlands
- Business Analytics & Data Governance voor financials - Nederlands