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NWO KIC grant on living labs for Leonore van den Ende and Alfons van Marrewijk

25 september 2024
Leonore van den Ende and Alfons van Marrewijk from the department of Organization Sciences together with their consortium have been granted €3 million by NWO

Leonore van den Ende and Alfons van Marrewijk from the department of Organization Sciences together with their transdisciplinary consortium have been granted €3 million by NWO for the KIC (Knowledge and Innovation Covenant) call ‘Leren van Fysieke Experimenteeromgevingen’:  https://www.nwo.nl/nieuws/financiering-voor-onderzoeksproject-over-fysieke-experimentele-omgevingen

 The consortium 'EXTRA’ - From EXperiment to sustainable change: TRAnsformative methodologies for innovation and learning – led by Tamara Metze (TU Delft), is a collaboration between TU Delft, VU, WUR, HR, HvA, and multiple public and private partners, to research and advance physical and experimental environments for learning and innovation, also known as living labs. Living labs are applied by various change-makers, including researchers, governmental actors, industry partners, NGO’s and citizens to co-create and test innovations. Yet, a major challenge is a persistent "pilot paradox", in which much has been learned and innovated in living labs, but achieving long-term systemic change remains difficult.

The main objective of EXTRA is to amplify the transformative power of living labs with novel insights, tools, and human capacities, thus enabling change-makers to collaboratively make sustainable change and impact. In the consortium, Leonore van den Ende will lead a work package, together with Alfons van Marrewijk (TU Delft, VU) and Hans Berends (VU SBE), focused on developing (inter)organizational approaches and interventions to facilitate the embedding, translating, and scaling of innovations by collaborating partners. Additionally, this research is linked to the Organization Science Starter Team 'Organizing social transformation: From living lab to systemic change.'

Hiring of a PhD candidate will start in the spring 2025. If you are or know a promising candidate interested in the 'EXTRA' research project, please contact Leonore from the Organization Science department: a.l.vanden.ende@vu.nl

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