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2incING Project

Welcome to the 2incING Project: Promoting Inclusive Policy through Collaboration! Creating effective and inclusive policies for the reception, integration, and participation of migrants and refugees is an ongoing challenge. At the heart of this challenge lies the need to incorporate the knowledge and perspectives of refugee and migrant communities, by fostering exchange and cooperation between policymakers and refugee and migrant-led organizations or advocates. Often policies are crafted based on the knowledge or insights of policymakers who live different realities and have different networks. As a result, these policies are often insufficiently connected with the daily realities, possibilities, and needs of these communities. Our goal is to go beyond traditional policy development’s limitations by actively involving and empowering refugee and migrant communities.

Dit onderzoek is onderdeel van het Co-Creation for Inclusive Knowledges Lab

The project focuses on exchange and cooperation between policymakers and refugee and migrant-led organizations, as well as individual advocates. By establishing meaningful collaborations, we aim to develop policies that are firmly grounded in the daily realities, possibilities, and requirements of these communities. The goal is to move beyond superficial involvement and symbolism, towards structural and substantial cooperative relations. The project includes a masterclass for policymakers developed by Refugee Academy, based on insights and experiences from professionals with refugee backgrounds, as well as community organizations led by refugees and migrants and theoretical notions. By engaging policymakers in dialogue and cooperation, we aim to stimulate reflection on how to connect their work with the expertise and lived experiences within refugee and migrant communities.

Discover what we have done in this project so far:

The 2incING Project is Supported by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)

Project partners:

  1. Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) – Croatia
  2. Aditus Foundation (AF) – Malta
  3. European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) – Belgium
  4. Greek Forum of Refugees (GFR) – Greece
  5. Syrian Volunteers in the Netherlands (SYVNL) – The Netherlands
  6. Refugee Academy, (Institute for social resilience – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) – The Netherlands

The project delivers:

Desk research on active refugee and migrant advocates in 4 countries
An interactive map showcasing refugee and migrant advocates in 4 countries
National educational workshops for refugees and migrants (12 workshops with 120 participants)
An international online lecture on innovative tools (G100 conference) fostering dialogue among refugees/migrants and decision-makers.
National G100 conferences in 4 countries.
National Advocacy Academy masterclasses for decision/policy makers in 4 countries.
One three-day Advocacy Academy train-the-trainers workshop.
Steering Committees of refugee and migrant advocates in 4 countries.
National Shadow Reports on the impact of the integration policy in 4 countries.
National policy meetings between refugees/migrants and decision/policy makers in 8 conventions.
An international conference.
20 national videos/teasers, 4 final videos and 8 infographics on the policy-making process.

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