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Eve Ernst - Crowding out Sustainability Motives: Effects of the form of legal norms on intrinsic motivation of sustainability compliance
Crowding out is a behavioral mechanism that leads well-intentioned firms to lose their intrinsic motivation to display desirable behavior, in this case the pursuit of sustainability goals. The crowding out mechanism can cause legal norms, deterrence, and regulatory supervision to have the opposite effect of that which is desired: interventions and incentives can lead to less instead of more compliance. The project aims, using the tools of experimental economics, is to identify different groups of firms susceptible to the crowding out effect to different degrees and which forms of legal norms are more and less effective in attaining firms’ compliance.
Marin Coerts - Performance obligations within authorization schemes: an empirical legal study of governmental interferences within markets.
Authorization schemes, concessions and public contracts are seen as autonomous legal instruments
under Dutch law. The latter two imply that parties are not dependent on authorizations to get access
to markets while the first entails dependency on authorizations. Performance obligations within
authorization schemes have not been researched yet, although they have great impact on dependent
parties and their market position. This empirical-legal research investigates the validity of these
performance obligations in the light of legal and economic principles and aims to innovate and
advance the debate on the use of performance obligations (and on the consequences of that use). -
Rick Maas - Making the case for victim rights: methodological reflections on empirical-legal research into the victim impact statement and medical malpractice.
This project deals with empirical-legal research into victim rights, specifically 1) the victim impact statement and 2) open disclosure in response to medical malpractice. The central aim of the project is to acquire a better understanding of the relation between factual observations and normative claims in empirical-legal research into victim rights. In other words, how is the step from ‘is’ to ‘ought’ taken in this field? The project results in concrete guidelines how empirical findings can be translated into normative recommendations for improving the law.
Coen Hoekstra - Soft law norms on climate risk disclosure affecting civil law obligations of credit rating agencies, proxy advisory firms and accountants and their impact on the allocation of capital towards sustainable industries.
Het onderzoek gaat over de rol die soft law kan spelen in de strijd tegen klimaatverandering. In die strijd is een drietal marktactoren dat in potentie grote invloed kan uitoefenen op de toewijzing van kapitaal van koolstofrijke industrieën naar koolstofarme industrieën. Die drie actoren zijn: kredietbeoordelingsbureaus, accountants en stemadviesbureaus. De drie actoren moeten ter voldoening van hun professionele verplichtingen een adequate afweging maken van de risico’s die klimaatverandering met zich meebrengt bij de verrichting van hun werkzaamheden. Hoe dergelijke risico’s goed afgewogen kunnen worden is een lastig vraagstuk waartoe in verschillende soft law nadere richting aan wordt gegeven. Soft law is echter niet direct afdwingbaar bij de rechter maar het kan wel de invulling van reeds bestaande (privaatrechtelijke) open normen beïnvloeden. Doel van het onderzoek is de vraag te beantwoorden in hoeverre soft law met betrekking tot de afweging van klimaatrisico’s privaatrechtelijke verplichtingen voor het drietal schept om de met klimaatverandering gepaard gaande risico’s adequaat af te wegen bij de uitoefening van hun werkzaamheden.
Jip van Gurp - Perpetrators of child abuse: Characteristics, life patterns and effective measures
Onderzoek naar kindermishandeling heeft zich voornamelijk gericht op de prevalentie en de gevolgen ervan. Om effectieve maatregelen te kunnen nemen, is kennis over de levenspatronen, kenmerken en problemen van de daders en de juridische reacties (waaronder kinderbescherming) op mishandeling essentieel. Dit project wil deze informatie verschaffen door zowel een klassiek leerstellig juridisch perspectief als een empirisch juridisch perspectief te hanteren. De integratie van juridische en criminologische/psychologische inzichten, methoden en bronnen, maakt een volledige beschrijving mogelijk van het fenomeen, de correlaten en de effecten op individuen en de efficiëntie van de aanpak van dit urgente maatschappelijke probleem.
Isabella Leroy - Refugee camps in Europe: spaces of legal exception? An empirical-legal analysis of the state of exception.
In Europe, large-scale accommodation for (rejected) asylum seekers has become the dominant response to rising numbers. Such refugee camps are usually studied from the perspective of Agamben’s ‘state of exception’. This study develops a new legal conceptualization of the state of exception by empirically investigating the theoretical claim that refugee camps in Europe are exceptional in a legal way. This will not only provide a vital contribution to scholarship on refugee camps, but will also be relevant for the inhabitants of refugee camps (learning about their rights) and for courts, legislators and policy makers (since exceptions need justification).
Bethany Houghton- Climate Justice and the Legitimacy of Law: An Empirical-Legal Study.
Whether the law is seen as legitimate is critical for its functionality, especially in a highly politicized
and socially polarizing field as climate change. This project is an empirical-legal study in the
perceived legitimacy of climate law. Currently, we witness a trend to see humanity as having moral
obligations to future generations, non-humans and the planet. The idea of climate justice thus
involves duties that go beyond the usual spatial, interpersonal and temporal categories of law and
legal ordering. The project aims at identifying whether and to what extent different actors in the
legal system consider that a just climate law should and can embody legally enforceable rights of
future generations, non-humans and the planet. -
Loran Kostense - Goed voorspeld of anders dan verondersteld? Toetsingskaders en de korte- en langetermijngevolgen voor ouders en kinderen in verhuiszaken
Om te kunnen beslissen of een ouder wel of geen toestemming krijgt om met een kind binnen Nederland te verhuizen, passen rechters in de juridische praktijk ontwikkelde toetsingskaders toe. Die toetsingskaders gaan uit van een aantal veronderstellingen. Het is echter de vraag in hoeverre deze veronderstellingen aansluiten op de realiteit als men kijkt naar de (korte- en langetermijn) gevolgen voor kinderen en ouders van het al dan niet verkrijgen van toestemming. Doel van dit multidisciplinaire, multi-methode, juridisch dogmatisch en empirisch onderzoeksproject is helderheid te verkrijgen over de validiteit van de huidige toetsingskaders in verhuiszaken.
Greta Albertari - External Member States as European Union’s laboratories: an empirical legal inquiry in the EU process of codification of measures eroding Asylum Law
Externe lidstaten zoals Italië, Griekenland, Polen, Letland en Litouwen, die te maken hebben met asielcrisissen, schrappen de asielwetgeving niet volledig, maar nemen steeds restrictievere maatregelen en procedures voor aanvragers van internationale bescherming. Dergelijke maatregelen lijken op hun beurt te inspireren tot codificatie van de EU-asielwetgeving via een proces van wederzijdse communicatie tussen de Europese Commissie en de lidstaten. Door gebruik te maken van empirische juridische methoden in de casestudies van Griekenland en Italië, biedt dit onderzoek een model voor de vorming van EU-asielwetgeving en onderzoekt het daaruit voortvloeiende proces van uitholling van de asielwetgeving.
Marijana Matosevic - The Figure of the Tourist. Regulation of the mobility of the paradigmatic figure of mobility
The figure of the tourist represents the largest proportion of the cross-border travel. In 2019, there was 1,5 billion international tourists globally, with Europe as the main travel destination. However, as a principal figure of the mobility, the tourist is absent from the European law regulating the cross-border mobility. In contrast, the EU legislation regulating the movement of asylum seekers is extensive. While the tourist and the asylum seeker move through the same border infrastructure, they are treated as conceptually distinct figures in the law and political discourse. The differentiated movement of the tourist and the asylum seeker leads to what many scholars call ‘the stratification of global mobility’. This research aims at fulfilling the gap on the legal analysis of tourist mobility through a three-pronged approach: 1) legal analysis of the rules of tourist mobility in Europe, 2) the critical discourse analysis of those legal instruments, and 3) the philosophical investigation of the figure of the tourist.
Georgiana Mirza - The concept of digital ecosystems in competition law and market regulation
Our modern, complex economy relies heavily on digital ecosystems, which are multi-sided, in constant disequilibrium, combine many users and providers, and offer diverse, interconnected functionalities. Policymakers have shown a strong interest in regulating at the ecosystem level, as opposed to regulating the products, services and technologies that comprise a digital ecosystem. Academic work is required to provide a clear, workable framework for capturing digital ecosystems within competition law and market regulation. Building on past studies, this PhD project combines insights from law, economics, and technology to understand the complex interactions within and between digital ecosystems. The goal of this project is to provide policymakers with a well-founded, interdisciplinary framework that can be used to more effectively regulate digital ecosystems, ensuring that competition remains fair, and markets operate efficiently.
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