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Office of the Graduate School FRT VU

Meet our staff members of the office of the Graduate School FRT VU

The office of the Graduate School is there for you when you are experiencing problems or when you have questions. For general questions, please email to grad.school.frt@vu.nl

Director of the Graduate School

Prof. dr. August den Hollander

Contact August den Hollander when you have questions regarding partner institutions, policy, and complaints

Graduate School Officer

Marieke van der Linden, MSc, MA

Marieke van der Linden is the main contact person for questions regarding the Graduate School. You can contact her if you have questions regarding applications, registration, fees, Hora Finita, following courses, PhD newsletter, proof of enrollment, VUnet-ID, visa, portfolio and uploading your manuscript.


Mirjam de Leeuw

Mirjam de Leeuw is the main contact person for questions concerning the last phase of the PhD trajectory (everyting after uploading the manuscript). Contact Mirjam when you have questions regarding the assessment committee, opponents, dissertation defense, costs related to printing/defending the manuscript etc.

Dean of Research

Prof. dr. Katja Tolstaja

Contact Katja Tolstaja for questions regarding the course Research Design and the Faculty of Religion and Theology.

PhD confidential advisors

The PhD confidential advisors from our faculty can be contacted for matters concerning well-being, research integrity, disputes, etc. All matters discussed with the PhD counsellor are treated confidentially.

Prof. dr. Hans Alma

Prof. dr. George Harinck

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