The Graduate School provides you with first-class personal supervision by leading experts in an exciting and stimulating research environment. We offer a challenging PhD training and supervision programme and organize expert meetings and seminars in which you can present your work in progress, interact with fellow students and scholars from all over the world, and build your own network for an academic career and profession.
Our supervisors represent a wide range of academic disciplines, from research in Christian theology and study of religion in its wide variety (Biblical studies, history of Christianity, systematic theology, ecumenics, practical theology), to Islamic studies, Buddhist, Hindu and Jewish studies, ethics, philosophy of religion, comparative religion, interreligious dialogue, social-scientific study of religion, religion and trauma, religion in the public domain, religious heritage, and so on. Our research projects aim to serve the academic community, society and faith communities all over the world. We invite you to follow your passion and explore the next steps in your academic career.
This website will help you find information on admission procedures, education programmes, fees, and much more. If you need more information, please make sure to also check the VU PhD website. You can contact us by sending an email to our office ( We are happy to answer your questions.
Warm regards,
Prof. dr. August den Hollander
Director of the Graduate School, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam