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Be at the forefront of social change


The Department of Sociology consists of an enthusiastic team of researchers and teachers.

They have expertise in contemporary societal developments like globalization, modernization, individualization, and the multicultural society, and the effects these developments on cohesion, inequality and identity in society. The Department is responsible for the Bachelor's Degree ProgrammesMaster's Degree Programmes and Pre-master Sociology (in Dutch). The Department of Sociology also teaches several courses for other programmes within the faculty of Social Sciences, predominantly courses on methodology. The research of the department focuses on five themes that involve social participation, united under the research program Participation in Society (PARIS). The research is embedded in the (Faculty) Institute for Societal Resilience (ISR). To increase societal impact, both research and education program are executed in collaboration with several societal partners.


Research in the VU Department of Sociology is organized in the PARIS - PARticipation In Society - Research Program.

Read more about our research.

Meet the Sociology Department

Professor Marjolein Broese van Groenou, associate professor Ismintha Waldring and PhD student Timo Korstenbroek talk about what it's like to work in the Sociology Department. It is a large department with people from various backgrounds. In their research, they value collaboration with external parties and they also pass this on to the students.

Management Team & Contact

Management Team & Contact

The Management Team 

Halleh Ghorashi: Head of Department

Elif Keskiner: Research director

Ineke Nagel: Education Director


Els Tettelaar (Mon-Fri)

Anja Robertus (Mon-Wed)

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