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Code of Conduct VU Amsterdam

VU Amsterdam aims to create a more meaningful society through teaching, research and knowledge transfer. This aim can only be achieved by creating a safe setting for work and study, where staff, students and guests treat each other with respect. The VU Code of Conduct and all of the regulations associated with this document offer guidance in this area.

The VU Code of Conduct covers every aspect of personal interaction that takes place at VU Amsterdam in the context of work or study – on campus, off campus and online.

Rules cannot capture every eventuality. With this in mind, we ask you to adopt an open, inquisitive attitude, and assess your own behaviour in relation to your environment. Maintain an ongoing dialogue with each other and check your own moral compass. Doing so enables us to create a safe, respectful and inspiring setting.

This code of conduct was adopted by the Executive Board on 31 January 2023 after coordination with the Joint Assembly.

Our core values

Every member of the VU community subscribes to our core values.
VU Amsterdam’s basic philosophy is expressed in its core values – responsible, open and personal – which act as a guideline for the work and conduct of our staff and students.

We express the core values of VU Amsterdam in our conduct as follows:

Our conduct

  • 1. Respect

    We express ourselves respectfully towards others in our speech, actions and online behaviour, and foster a sense of understanding, empathy and solidarity.

    In a positive climate for students and staff, our conduct is characterised by respect, cooperative interaction and consideration for others, even when we do not share the same point of view. We make a sincere effort to understand each other and do not act on presuppositions or assumptions.

  • 2. Equal treatment

    We treat every individual as our equal and offer no opportunity for physical or verbal exclusion or harm on the basis of background, gender, sexual orientation, disability or chronic illness, political affiliation, working hours, employment contract, marital status, nationality, religion or beliefs.

    Diversity is woven into the very identity of VU Amsterdam. We are convinced that diversity contributes to the quality of teaching and research, while also benefitting cooperative ventures.

  • 3. Addressing and being approachable

    We call attention to the behaviour of others and hold ourselves accountable for our actions and how we express ourselves.

    A positive setting for work and study requires an active contribution from staff and students at VU Amsterdam, not only with regard to our own individual behaviour, but also any form of inappropriate conduct we encounter in relation to our work or our studies. We respond to inappropriate conduct by addressing those involved directly or by involving third parties.

  • 4. Influence and conflicts of interest

    We only use our powers and influence in the public interest or the interests of the organisation and we avoid conflicts of interest.

    At VU Amsterdam, we expect our employees to behave professionally, with integrity, and with due care and attention. Our employees refrain from any behaviour that may compromise the integrity of the organisation. We are aware that the academic world is often highly competitive and that people can feel pressured to achieve results. For this very reason, we are mindful of our role and influence and the personal boundaries of colleagues and students.

  • 5. Academic freedom

    We cherish and safeguard academic freedom and the opportunity to freely express themes and views in the academic debate.

    VU Amsterdam is a committed, open and inclusive educational environment where teaching staff, academics, PhD candidates and students meet to collectively formulate and reflect on all kinds of issues. We provide a place for an open and constructive dialogue in which ideas and groundbreaking concepts can be freely exchanged. With this in mind, we engage in open discussions and offer constructive criticism.

  • 6. Care and integrity

    We handle information and VU Amsterdam’s property with care and integrity.

    We not only treat each other with respect, but are also respectful of the information, facilities and resources that VU Amsterdam provides. We share responsibility for the VU campus and everything that happens here.

  • The descriptions of the conduct to which we aspire should be seen in relation to one another.

    For example, calling attention to the behaviour of others (point 3) should be done respectfully (point 1) and the pursuit of academic freedom (point 5) should involve treating everyone equally (point 2).

Information and regulations related to the VU Code of Conduct

  • For employees

    • Inappropriate Conduct Regulation
      The Inappropriate Conduct Regulation applies to all employees, students and visitors of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The regulation describes the procedure for reporting or filing a complaint in cases of inappropriate conduct. It also describes the authority and duties of the Confidential Counsellors.
    • Whistleblowers' Regulation
      VU Amsterdam considers it important that any misconduct or wrongdoings within the organization can be reported safely. This is why the Whistleblowers’ Regulations have been drawn up. Whistleblowing can be defined as disclosing suspicions of serious illegal or immoral practices taking place under the responsibility of VU Amsterdam and in which a major general public interest, or institutional interest, is at stake.
    • Integrity code for conflicts of interests involving personal relationships at work
      A personal relationship at work can lead to (the appearance of) a conflict of interest in certain situations. This code provides more clarity on what can and cannot be done, when to report a personal relationship and what the follow-up steps may be.
    • VU House rules
      The VU house rules describe the rules for employees, students and visitors to ensure order and safety on the VU campus.
    • Ombudsman students and personnel
      The ombudsman helps (PhD)students and employees with problems or complaints. The ombudsman has an independent position, is neutral and handles complaints in strict confidence: there is a duty of confidentiality. The ombudsman aims to resolve problems informally.
    • Confidential counsellors
      The confidential counsellors can be there for you, offer a listening ear and provide support if you experience undesirable behaviour. They stand beside you and can help you find an (informal) solution. The confidential counsellors treat what you tell them confidentially: they do nothing without your permission and knowledge.
    • Ancillary activities
      Part of the CAO NU is a sectoral (national) regulation on ancillary activities. Ancillary activities are paid or unpaid tasks carried out for third parties. These tasks are unrelated to your university affiliation and cannot be construed to be part of your university affiliation. You must secure the consent of your supervisor before engaging in ancillary activities.
    • Academic integrity
      Scientific research has to be reliable and honest. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC Location VUmc are responsible for the protection of academic integrity in education, research and social services.  Amongst others the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity is used as a normative framework.
    • Dealing with alcohol at VU Amsterdam
      In the document 'Dealing with alcohol at VU Amsterdam', you can find the vision and suggestions with regards to dealing with alcohol. VU Amsterdam's focus lies on prevention and advocacy and has various helpdesks where you can go for support or advice.
    • ICT facilities Regulations for Staff of VU Amsterdam
      VU Amsterdam gives its staff access to its ICT facilities including computers, the internet, e-mail and other applications. These regulations describe which rules of conduct apply for the safe use of these ICT facilities.
    • Purchacing and Procurement Policy
      Universities are expected to procure works, supplies and services with integrity and efficiency. This policy document contains the ground rules to be observed in procurement and tendering by VU Amsterdam.
    • Reporting code for domestic violence, child abuse and honour-related violence among students
      This Reporting Code helps student counsellors, student psychologists and study advisors to deal responsibly with suspicions of domestic or honour-related violence.
    • VU core values
      The basic philosophy of VU Amsterdam is expressed in our three core values - responsible, open and personally engaged - which serve as guidelines for the work and behaviour of our employees and students. These values are inextricably linked to the way in which we give shape to our excellent research and education. Those who are part of the VU community endorse these values.
    • Art of Engagement
      The four principles of Art of Engagement indicate how you yourself can contribute to an engaged and open organisation. These principles are foundational to the way we work together, make decisions, communicate and take responsibility. 
  • For students

    • Inappropriate Conduct Regulation
      The Inappropriate Conduct Regulation applies to all employees, students and visitors of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The regulation describes the procedure for reporting or filing a complaint in cases of inappropriate conduct. It also describes the authority and duties of the Confidential Counsellors.
    • Whistleblowers' regulation
      VU Amsterdam considers it important that any misconduct or wrongdoings within the organization can be reported safely. This is why the Whistleblowers’ Regulations have been drawn up. Whistleblowing can be defined as disclosing suspicions of serious illegal or immoral practices taking place under the responsibility of VU Amsterdam and in which a major general public interest, or institutional interest, is at stake.
    • House rules VU
      The VU house rules describe the rules for employees, students and visitors to ensure order and safety on the VU campus.
    • Student Charter
      All higher education institutions have a Student Charter. The Student Charter sets out the rights and obligations of students and those of VU Amsterdam, in accordance with statutory and university regulations.
    • Ombudsman students and personnel
      The ombudsman helps (PhD)students and employees with problems or complaints. The ombudsman has an independent position, is neutral and handles complaints in strict confidence: there is a duty of confidentiality. The ombudsman aims to resolve problems informally.
    • Confidential counsellors
      The confidential counsellors can be there for you, offer a listening ear and provide support if you experience undesirable behaviour. They stand beside you and can help you find an (informal) solution. The confidential counsellors treat what you tell them confidentially: they do nothing without your permission and knowledge.
    • Academic integrity
      Scientific research has to be reliable and honest. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC Location VUmc are responsible for the protection of academic integrity in education, research and social services.  Amongst others the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity is used as a normative framework.
    • Dealing with alcohol at VU Amsterdam
      In the document 'Dealing with alcohol at VU Amsterdam', you can find the vision and suggestions with regards to dealing with alcohol. VU Amsterdam's focus lies on prevention and advocacy and has various helpdesks where you can go for support or advice.
    • Code of Conduct for Computer and Network use (in Dutch)
      The 'Reglement ICT-voorzieningen voor studenten Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam’ describes the rules of conduct that apply to the use of ICT facilities by students. With this VU Amsterdam wants to make clear what it means by safe and responsible use and what behavior is expected of students.
    • Code of Conduct for the Promotion and Introduction Period of Student Associations in Amsterdam (in Dutch)
      This document is a code of conduct agreed between the Executive Board of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the Executive Board of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA), the Executive Board of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), the Amsterdam Chamber of Associations (AKvV) and its affiliated Amsterdam student associations. Membership of a student association can contribute to the development and education of the student. A safe and contemporary way of an introduction time (KMT) is important here. In this code of conduct, agreements are laid down about the state of affairs of the introduction time of student associations and the promotion opportunities for the student associations.
    • Reporting code for domestic violence, child abuse and honour-related violence among students
      This Reporting Code helps student counsellors, student psychologists and study advisors to deal responsibly with suspicions of domestic or honour-related violence.
    • VU core values
      The basic philosophy of VU Amsterdam is expressed in our three core values - responsible, open and personally engaged - which serve as guidelines for the work and behaviour of our employees and students. These values are inextricably linked to the way in which we give shape to our excellent research and education. Those who are part of the VU community endorse these values.
  • Have you experienced inappropriate conduct?

    At VU Amsterdam, we attach great importance to providing a safe setting for work and study in which there is no place for any kind of inappropriate conduct. Have you been exposed to inappropriate conduct or do you feel unsafe on campus, off campus or online? Let us know.

    More information on what you can do if you feel unsafe in a social setting can be found at Safe social setting on campus.

Our cooperation

  • Art of Engagement

    The four principles of Art of Engagement indicate how you yourself can contribute to an engaged and open organisation. These principles are foundational to the way we work together, make decisions, communicate and take responsibility. 

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