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3D, the VU dialogue stage and ‘Life is Better in 3D’


3D, the VU dialogue stage and ‘Life is Better in 3D’

During the day, 3D is the dialogue stage of the VU where talks take place on topics like diversity, inclusion and social issues that affect our academic community.

3D is also the place where NEWConnective, VUfamily, FAM, the Diversity Office, Wo&men@VU and VUpride offer many of their programs. And where students and employees can also raise a subject themselves in collaboration with the 3D coordinator.

In the evenings 3D turns into the Vu community center with 'Life is Better in 3D'. Gatherings for and by students such as board games, yoga, Open Mic nights, the film club or creative evenings of painting or ceramics. 

For more information about Life is Better in 3D, you can visit our Insta or our Life is Better in 3D WhatsApp community!

3D can be found in the plinth of the W&N building, adjacent to the campus square, to the right of the Spar supermarket and opposite the basketball court.

At 3D, you never stop getting to know new people.

At 3D, you never stop getting to know new people.

"For every event, new people will show up as well as people you already know. The group always feels very safe and open, everyone is different but that's what makes it so fun. Some of the people you may never talk to again, but with some of them it just clicks and you will go on lots of adventures with them."

- VU student

A smiling student at a plant workshop in 3D


More about 3D

Contact 3D

The debate centre of VU Amsterdam

See our calendar 3D events

Visit our website

3D on campus
You'll find the entrance of 3D on campus square, in the W&N / Science building, across from the glass container. On the ground floor you will find our staircase that leads to the sliding door. Click for Google maps.
De Boelelaan 1085
1081 HV Amsterdam

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