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Where people and tech meet

Artificial Intelligence is about both technology and people: programming, mathematics and computer science, as well as human interaction, recognition and behaviour.

In 2015, AlphaGo became the first computer programme to beat a professional player at a game of Go. This is just one of a series of high-profile cases in which a machine has learnt to play a game better than any human player, through a combination of systematic search, learning strategies, neural networks, pattern recognition, and so on. But of course, AI can have much more important applications too: it is revolutionising the healthcare industry, has the power to transform the car industry, and is even being used to detect people at suicide risk via their social media profiles. All these opportunities also come with risks – whether safety risks, ethical risks or privacy risks.

VU Amsterdam’s Artificial Intelligence programme is unique, because we offer two separate tracks that specialise in the two different sides of Artificial Intelligence. Whether you choose the Intelligent Systems track or the Socially Aware Computing track, you’ll get a thorough understanding of the possible applications of AI. That means not just delving into the code that powers machine learning, but also looking at the psychology behind the ways we use AI and the social impact of technological solutions.

VU Amsterdam’s research specialises in “Humane AI” or “Hybrid AI”: the premise being that the combination of human and machine intelligence is greater than the sum of its part. You’ll start with the social context in which a technological system needs to function, and then develop algorithms that work within that context. This is a truly interdisciplinary programme: information science meets social science.

The start date of this programme is September 1st.

Facts and Figures

Professional Advisory Board

Choose a specialisation

Socially Aware Computing

You’re more interested in using AI to make a difference to people’s lives? Then delve deeper by taking the Socially Aware Computing track.

Intelligent Systems

Are you more interested in programming the code to make AI work? Then delve deeper by following the Intelligent Systems track.

Change your future with the Artificial Intelligence programme

Change your future with the Artificial Intelligence programme

After the bachelor’s programme, you can specialise by following a master’s programme.

When you graduate as a specialist in Artificial Intelligence, you could work as a data scientist, computer scientist, consultant or analyst in industries from healthcare to software.

Discover your future prospects
Student at the window, in the background office buildings of the Zuidas

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