With a Master’s degree in Communication and Information Studies: Dialogue, Health and Society, you will have advanced knowledge of how the interactional engine of health communication works and be uniquely equipped to facilitate dialogue between a great variety of stakeholders.
You will possess in-depth theoretical knowledge of how language works in a range of health and societal settings. You will also be able to apply a set of cutting-edge methods for studying real-life communication in these settings in order to identify facilitators for and barriers against dialogue, understanding, and cooperation.
Furthermore, you will also possess the knowledge of and skills for translating these insights to the health domain and design, monitor, and evaluate dialogue practices in this area. Additionally, you will be able to critically reflect on dialogue theory and practice and put them in a broader societal perspective.
Unique knowledge
Upon graduation, you will have unique knowledge of how and to what purposes professionals and clients, patients and citizens act in the context of real-life conversations about health and societal issues, and how to facilitate and support these interactions.
Want to know where former students ended up? Then read the stories of Lisah van Dam, Andrei Mara and Lieve van Hengel.