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Counselling, mentoring and supervision: promoting student well-being and (academic) development

Are you an educational coach, mentor or teacher who wants to guide students and ensure their well-being? The Centre for Teaching & Learning can help you develop your counselling expertise with methods, principles, and practical know-how. Developing this competency contributes towards a nurturing learning climate in which students’ learning is addressed in a holistic manner.

Contribute to well-being

Being a teacher or a coach or a mentor at the university, implies that you are involved with students at several educational levels, often with an eye for their professional and personal growth. This engagement requires considerate commitment. Whether it is designing intuitive curricula based on involvement, training in coaching skills, or learning how to identify and tackle problems: at the Centre for Teaching & Learning we can help you.

You can contact us for:

For PhD supervisors:

For student advisors:

Meeting place for student mentoring
For coordinators of mentoring lines and experienced mentors, we meet eight times a year to share best practices and dilemmas in student mentoring. Would you like to participate? You can sign up for these sessions by sending an email to Allard Gerritsen:

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Frequently visited courses: UTQSTQEducational Leadership
Courses per target group: Teachers • Junior teachersPhD'sEducational leadersCommittees & teams

Do you want to ask a question? Please contact Carin Weitering, Higher Education Student Affairs, at
You can also call us on +31 (0)20 598 4263.


Carin Weitering

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