Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore / Diploma e Maturës Shteteröre Profesionale
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 8,0 | Followed up until and including final year or as electives | Yes |
Reifeprüfung/Matura awarded by an Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule/Realgymnasium
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 2,0 or “Ausgezeichnetem Erfolg" | Profile with Mathematik | Exempt in case of English as Lebende Fremdsprache as part of the final examination (Reifeprüfung) with a minimum grade of 2,0 or ‘Gut’ |
- Algemeen Secondair Onderwijs (ASO)
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 71/100 or 15/20 | 4-uursvariant wiskunde | Exempt in case of a minimum final grade 70/100 for English |
- Certificat d’enseignement Sécondaire Supérieur
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 71/100 or 15/20 | stream mathematics and/or science | Yes |
Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie, Academic stream from a gimnasia or a sredna obchschoobrazovatelna uchilishte
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 5,0 | Profile Mathematics/Informatics, Natural Sciences or Foreign Languages with Mathematics Intermediate level or Advanced level taken up until the final year (grade 12) | Yes |
Czech Republic
Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce obtained at a Gymnázium
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 2 (Chvalitebný) | Followed up until and including final year with a final min. grade of 2 (or chvalitebný); OR followed up until and including final year incl. Maturita in Mathematics with a grade of 3 (or dobry) | Yes |
Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Overall grade 4 and at least 70% in a min. of the 3 Riigieksamitunnistus (State examinations) | Broad or Extensive up until and including final year | Yes |
Baccalauréat Général
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 13,5 | Mathématiques complémentaires or specialité in the final year | Yes
N.B. Students in the OIB or BFI (British/American) are exempt if a passing grade for English is obtained. |
Zeugnis der allgemeinen of fachgebundenen Hochschulreife
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 2,0 | Mathematics Grundkurs as Prüfungsfach or Mathematics erhöhtem Anforderungsniveau (eA)/Leistungsfach | Exempt in case of a minimum grade 11/gut for either English Grundkurs as Prüfungsfach in the Abitur, or English at advanced level (erhöhtem Anforderungsniveau (eA)/Leistungsfach). |
Gimnaziumi Erettsegi Bizonyitvany
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 4,0 over final two years including at least 5 matura exams | Followed up until and including final year | Yes |
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
B3/H3 + min. 380 CAO points | Higher Level | Exempt if the diploma was obtained in Ireland |
Diploma di Superamento dell’Esame di Stato Conclusivo, awarded by a Liceo classico/Scientifico/Linguistico/Scienze Umane
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 84 | Mathematics in the Liceo Scientifico or Liceo Classico stream | Yes |
Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Overall GPA of 7 (Labi) in final year + average of 70% for all State Exams | State exam with min. grade 50% | Yes |
Brandos Atestatas from a Gimnazija or Licejus including 3 State Matura Exams in extended A (isplestinis) level subjects with a minimum of 36% in each subject
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 8.0 (school grades) + an overall average score of at least 80% for 3 state exams on A-level (and min. 36% per exam) | Mathematics extended A (isplestinis) level + State Matura Exam in Mathematics with a minimal score of 50% | Yes |
Świadectwo Ukończenia Liceum Ogólnokształcącego + Świadectwo Dojrzałości (maturity certificate)
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 4 (dobry) + at least 67% overall on the Matura exams | Advanced/Extended level Matura exam in Mathematics with minimum grade 40% | Yes |
Diploma or Certificado Nivel Secundário Educação - Cursos Científico-Humanísticos (CCH)
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Profile Ciências e tecnologías OR Ciências socioeconómicas with média final of min. 16/20 | Matemática A with a min. grade of 12/20 in year 12 | Yes |
Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej skúške awarded by a Gymnázium
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Maturita exams with overall GPA of at least 2 (Chválitebný) or 65% | Maturita in Mathematics with a min. grade of 50% | Yes |
Spričevalo o Splosni Maturi from a Gimnazia
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Overall GPA of 4 in final year + overall grade of 22 for the Matura exams | Matura exam in Mathematics with a passing grade | Yes |
Bachillerato (Titulo de Bachiller) and the PAU/EBAU/EvAU exams
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Overall minimum GPA of 7.2 for Bachillerato + overall min. 7.2 for the PAU/EBAU/EvAU exams in the fase obligatoria | Matemáticas aplicadas a las ciencias sociales or Matemáticas II exam in the PAU/EBAU/EvAU with minimum grade 5 | Yes |
Högskoleförberedande Examen från Gymnasieskolan with one of the programmes mentioned on this website
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 17,1/C | Mathematics 3 | To be confirmed |
Maturity Certificate / Maturitätszeugnis / Maturitätsausweis / Certificat de Maturité
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 5,1 | Mathematics as Grundlagenfach in final year | Yes |
Diplomă de Bacalaureat - academic stream
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
Minimum GPA of 9.0 | Sciences Profile: Mathematics/Informatics or Natural Sciences | Yes |
United Kingdom
For VWO level: At least 3 GCE A-levels (A2) in general, academic subjects with an A*, A, B or C grade + 3 GCSE’s with grade A*, A, B or C/grade 4-9 in six different subjects, incl. English and Mathematics.
Examples of accepted A-level subjects: All Languages*, Ancient History, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Classical Studies, Economics, Environmental Science / Technology, Further Mathematics, Geography, Government and Politics, History, History of Art, Islamic Studies, Latin, Law, Literature, Marine Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Statistics
*A maximum of 1 GCE A-level in languages is accepted.
GPA | Mathematics | English language test needed? |
B (with BBB as the lowest possible combination) |
- 3 A-levels in academic subjects grades BBB incl. A-level Mathematics
- 3 A-levels in relevant academic subjects excl. maths grades BBB + A-level Mathematics grade C
- 3 A-levels in relevant academic subjects excl. mathematics grades BBB + Online Mathematics Placement Test - OMPT-A - minimum score 70%
| Exempt if the diploma was obtained in the UK. Otherwise see: International A-levels |