Before we start teaching the ‘mechanics’ of Value Stream Design (the procedure, calculations, etc.), we will begin with a brief refresher on Lean as a business strategy to achieve Operational Excellence to remind participants of the basic principles behind this strategy. This will help explain the ‘why’ behind the methodology and its key steps.
We will teach you how to effectively design value streams in practice using two case studies. You will learn the steps, standard icons and definitions, design guidelines, and how to create the roadmap for improvement via a basic exercise.
The second part will deal with more complex and realistic situations: value streams that produce a mix of products and variants, and how to improve flow when resources are not dedicated to one value stream but shared.
Developing the supporting computational model (for pacemaker and shared resources EPEIs, connection sizing, logic charts to check whether the value stream design can support variability and changes in customer demand, etc.) is a considerable task. But if the model is designed to allow flexibility in product family definition, demand, and so forth, it will be able to support all value stream decisions/target settings every year for a very long period.
The case studies will be organized as group exercises to stimulate effective and practical learning.
Finally, participants will be asked to apply and implement this methodology in their own organization on a selected pilot value stream. A certificate will be awarded upon presentation of their findings and conclusions.
The course instructor is Dr. Ir. Dirk Van Goubergen, Associate Professor at the Department of Operations Analytics and owner of the Goubergen P&M Lean Academy in Belgium. He has more than 30 years of international teaching and coaching experience with Lean/TPS in Europe, Asia and the Americas in large and small organizations in all sectors (including Toyota itself). He has coached many Value Stream Design workshops and implementations in manufacturing environments around the world.
Discover more about the 6-day course below.