For whom?
Teachers/lecturers in higher education who want to present their lectures and working groups more engagingly.
This course is open to participants inside and outside of VU Amsterdam.
Objective and result
Upon completion, you will know why an audience's attention span in lectures is relatively low and how to avoid this problem. You will learn to adapt your behavior to the situation, making your presentation more authentic and lively. The audience will feel more engaged as a result. In addition, you will learn to match your behavior to the content and thus capture the attention of the audience. For example, by captivating the content from the very first sentence, reinforcing the explanation with theatrical gestures and effectively using digital tools. The course has a high return on investment and helps you minimize non-effective behavior.
Experience of Wessel van Wieringen, associate professor of Biostatistics at AUMC and VU Amsterdam, about the course:
"Personally, I see education as something meaningful and am always looking for improvement. This course alternates short theoretical explanations with practicing and doing it yourself. The latter is most valuable (after all, you learn by doing). The critiques and tips for improvement on your own presentation provide the most practical tools for doing things differently in your own lectures. Education is primarily focused on the transfer of knowledge. To this end, you will be given didactic skills in the BKO course. The course `Theatre Skills' complements this by providing resources that make lecturing itself more attractive. This also increases students' enthusiasm for your profession. And that, in turn, benefits the transfer of knowledge."
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Present with techniques from stage artists!
Want to get a better grasp on your students' attention? In the Theatre Skills course, you'll learn what techniques stage artists use to captivate their audiences. Then you'll practice applying these techniques in your own teaching practice.
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