Applicants holding a non-Dutch pre-university diploma apply via the International Office. We check if your previous education meets a number of requirements*. If you do not yet meet the requirements but expect to do so in the future (such as obtaining your diploma), you can already apply. We will evaluate your application and inform you of our admission decision.
Requirements that apply:
1. A diploma equivalent to the Dutch pre-university VWO-diploma
See the Diploma Requirement List for examples of accepted diplomas per country.
Please note: this list is meant to give you an indication of admissibility; no rights can be derived from it.
2. Proof of sufficient proficiency in English
You can find all accepted tests and scores on our Language Requirements webpage. Although complete applications are preferred, you can begin your application before you have completed the test and then submit your passing score once you have been conditionally admitted.
3. Proof of sufficient proficiency in Mathematics
After you've applied for the programme and uploaded the required documents in your VU Dashboard, the International Office will determine whether your diploma is equivalent to the Dutch VWO-diploma and whether your mathematics level (VWO Mathematics B) is sufficient.
These examples of diplomas demonstrate sufficient proficiency in the subject Mathematics:
- International Baccalaureate: Mathematics HL, Analysis & Approaches HL
- British GCE A-Levels: A-level in Mathematics. At least grade A, B or C
- Germany: Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife, including Mathematics on erhöhtem Anforderungsniveau (eA) or as Leistungsfach
- European Baccalaureate: Mathematics; written or oral examination, at least 5 hours during the Orientation Cycle.
*Not directly eligible for admission?
If your diploma is not considered to be at the right level and/or if your proficiency in mathematics is considered to be insufficient, you will be informed if it is possible to meet the requirements with an additional certificate.
You can obtain your certificate to resolve these deficiencies at various institutions.
When advised to sit an entry exam, the following certificate is deemed equivalent to Dutch VWO Mathematics B:
Mathematics Exams in the Netherlands
- Boswell-Bèta (English). Boswell-Bèta in Utrecht (the Netherlands) provides VWO Mathematics B with exams in December, May and July.
- CCVX (Dutch and English). CCVX offers VWO Mathematics B for Dutch-speaking and English-speaking applicants.
A positive result for the mathematics examination (minimum of 5,5/10 in the mathematics B exam) is compulsory for admission to the programme.
To ensure that your application is processed in time in order to study and register for the exams we ask applicants to apply for their bachelor's programme of choice before:
Note that in addition to these tests all applicants will need to submit proof of sufficient proficiency in English. You can find all accepted tests and scores on our Language Requirements webpage.