You will be qualified to work in any institution that demands inter-religious competencies: schools, hospitals, governmental and non-governmental institutions as well as corporate environments. Religious professionals and leaders will also benefit from this programme.
Roles that will be open to you when you graduate include:
- editor in the field of religious publishing. You could, for example, do an internship in this field and go on to pursue a career in religious publishing;
- a specialist in the field of religion and law, a role that is in demand whenever religious and secular law collide;
- advisor or manager of educational programmes in the field of religion and society. This is a function that is in increasing demand, given today’s widespread ‘religious illiteracy’;
- policy advisor on religion in governmental and NGO contexts, such as when a police force has to come to terms with religious radicalism.
If you finish your first four courses with an 8 or higher on average, you may switch from this Master’s programme to the Research Master; this must be approved by the Examination Board before February 1st for a smooth transition.
When you leave, you will have the skills for crossing interfaith borders and building bridges between religions; skills that many employers are looking for today.
If you want to become a secondary school teacher in the Netherlands, you will be directly eligible for admittance to the (Dutch) Masters, Leraar VHO Mens- en Maatschappijwetenschappen: Godsdienst/Levensbeschouwing.