Working method
Course members are grouped according to their level of Dutch and together you will work on your reading, listening, speaking and writing skills. In the classes at the VU Amsterdam, we will use a multimedia room and a digital language lab. You will receive explanations and instructions and you will practice your speaking skills. Outside the classes, you will train your learning and listening skills, vocabulary and grammar. Accomplished NT2 lecturers teach our classes and will personally coach you.
Module level 5
The Level 5 module gives you the tools you need to successfully complete Programme II of the NT2 State Exam. The course includes state exam training, conversation classes and excursions. Participation in the Level 5 module is limited and only possible if you have successfully finished Level 4. VU-NT2 will advise you whether you need Level 5 to reach B2 Level, depending on your progress and results in Level 4.
More information about this course
Dates and contact