Names of councillors in photo, from left to right. Top row: Sanne Valkink, Tom Korporaal, Annas Ardiansyah, Morgan Deneubourg and Jesse Jansen. Bottom row: Marise Visser, Yusuf Yokuş, Rabia Alarslan, Laura Oorschot, Marko Daraboš and Simon Westhoff.
Participation can be divided into two systems: a shared and an undivided system. In a shared system, there are two councils: a staff council and a student council. In an undivided system, there is one council with representatives of both employees and students together. The system used by a university is both decentralised and centralised. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has a shared system that includes the Staff Council (OR) and the University Student Council (USR).
The USR regularly consults with the Executive Board (CvB). The council has important consenting and advisory powers in the fields of strategic policy, organisation, governance, financial support for students and the Student Charter. These rights ensure that students' voices are always heard within the organisation when important decisions are taken. Members of the council also try to influence university's policy in various ways by consulting with employees and giving their independent advice.