Did you know that 6% of the students in Amsterdam has a task as informal caregiver? You might know somebody, or be somebody, who combines their study with taking care of another. Many of these students don’t see their care taking task as being an informal caregiver. Even if they would see themselves as caregivers, there is a large chance they don't share this with their fellow students. Read below what VU Amsterdam can mean to you if you recognise yourself as an informal caretaker, or if you want to learn more information about this topic.
Offering help to a person close to you, like a family member, partner, friend or acquaintance with a physical or psychological disease or impairment can all be described as informal caregiving. Often offering such help is seen as medical. However, help in the form of doing finances, housekeeping, or carrying responsibility for another are all informal care tasks. A lot of students with a caretaking task see it as self-evident to offer such help and do not see themselves as an informal caregiver.
Unfortunately, offering help to others is paired with a higher risk of negative health and study outcomes for the student. Therefore, you should not carry this burden alone. For instance, sharing your experiences with your environment can create understanding and ease your burden somewhat. At VU Amsterdam you can reach out to the student counsellor, the academic advisor, or student psychological counsellor, whom can offer advice and help. Below you can find more information about this topic. You can always contact the student counsellors to talk about your situation.