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Join the PhD Teaching Community

Our ambition is lifelong learning. The main purpose of this programme is to provide you with an open, safe and supportive group of peers. A place where you can achieve personal and shared learning objectives, reflect on and learn from your own and each other's experiences.

What can you take away as a participant in this programme?
This programme encourages you to take ownership and responsibility for your own development as a teacher. This includes your self-image (e.g. who am I as a teacher?), your ability to think critically (e.g. in which educational areas can I still learn), as well as your ability to act with confidence and empathy towards yourself, your students, and the educational and global community. 

This programme invites you to…

  • Identify your personal interests and vision in the educational field;
  • Shape your perspective as a person and as a teacher;
  • Develop or further strengthen your vision for education, teaching, and learning;
  • (Further) develop competencies and educational wisdom that are necessary to realize effective and impactful education;
  • Feel confident in executing your tasks within your educational role;
  • Contribute to a community of learners by acting with compassion, reflection, and teamwork;
  • Conduct research to optimize your teaching practices based on scientific evidence and feedback;
  • Adapt your education to the student and the context in which your teaching takes place. 

More about this programme
Dates and registration

PhD Teaching Community

PhD Teaching Community

LEARN! Academy teachers Jaro Pichel and Susan Voogd and two participants tell you more about the PhD Teaching Community. 

Watch the video
Preview video teaching community

Contact and further information

Content-related questions

Als je vragen hebt over de inhoud van dit programma, neem dan gerust contact op met Wouter Buursma, w.buursma@vu.nl.

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